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DANNY@IKON reviews

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Got there early around 11ish and was online with a bunch fo people till about 1145 or so. MANNY FREYTES was playing some good music and i couldnt help but dance right away. Everything was fine seeing so many faces i ahevtn seen in a while from 6 hubert street from here and from other parties. But around 130am Some dude step on my foot and cause my right ankle to make a crackin noise 2 times and down on the floor i went. Basically my whole ngiht was ruined cause i coudltn get down how i wanted to for the rest of the night adn i was pissed. Cause musically it was a great night danny playing for everyone and thats no easy task. Luckily it wasnt as bad as when i hurt my left ankle a few months ago cause i could walk and dance a bit but the pain was to much and i finally left around 730. Good hanging out with everyone ALL OVER THE PLACE upstairs ,downstairs, outside,inside, bathrooms, bar coatcheck, it was a lot of fun. To many faces to name but im sure someone will lol. Guess im taking about a week or 2 off from partying hard. Someone please provide a better review, im at work now and cant process my thoughts well right now.

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brain no workie early morning yet today..

wow... i left at 4 bc i had work at 9 and i wanted to get a solid 4 hours of sleep 430-830 but no.. i get stuck in traffic for a good 25 minutes on the brooklyn bridge exit because some dude must've slipped in the rain or something... but yeah... here i am going on 2 hours of sleep.. :cry::boohoo:

but about the place... got there around 1ish... too bad cp didnt have a list and we had to pay 30 bucks to get in... that kinda put a damper on things as well as the 30 dollar parking garage across the street.. def not cool..

i cant believe how much they renovated that place... the main room is amazing... i like how they turned that balcony up top that was part of the white room into the dj booth (although it was a nice place to sit and people watch).. the booth is so easy to see now.. plus there's that much more dancing space on the floor so that is a big plus.. i was impressed with how the white room is now pink and how the red room is now green... the only change i didnt like was the hiphop room... i liked that room a lot and the bar up there is now gone... but i guess you have to take the good with the bad..

musically... i wasn't into it.. i was never really a dt fan, but i figured i'd give it another shot, it's not really my cup of tea, but to each his own.. i tried forcing myself to get into the music but just couldnt... and i was also dissapointed that there was no jungle room like i heard..

the club as a whole is great.. you have every walk of club life in that place.. thugs, europeans, asians, guido's, peeps that go to clubs once a year, peeps that go clubbing daily, business/suit types... definitely a true nyc club.. i cant wait to go back for pvd and hopefully some other dj's i like will spin there ie: johan gielen, scot project, antoine clamaran.. ohh that'd be hot..

also it was nice meeting a bunch of cp heads... arg, mscrew, nybeauty , majin buu and pm emjay.. im sure there's more but i cant remember.. everythign was happening too quick, it was sensory overload.. also nice to see the bull and kimee again.. kimee the costume was awesome!!

ps... daniela i tried everythign humanly possible to get in touch with you but it didnt work out... i guess we'll finally meet at the next event which we both attend.. probably some time in like 2007, i predict..

pps i was really hoping to meet lutzie but i guess she wasnt there.. :boohoo:

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hey oldtimer danny at beyourself fridays is totally different then these roxy,ikon parties. The danny you wouldve loved was at cielo last week. Personally im not a fan when he plays these rooms, but because i know what hes capeable of and what he sometimes does play around 9am it makes it all worth it. Hell at least you got sleep me im poking my eyes to stay awake. Man you left at 4 thats not enought time danny didnt even come on till about 230 i think.

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I wish i could have gone!! :splat: im @ work right now ... ahh the cripping circumstance of having a real job...

I miss the old Vinyl arc days so much. mad troof on danny gettin down @ 9am back in the day .. I remember driving from a shitty party in jersey just to get to danny @ 5am and not be able to stop gettin down till 11am ... man i miss them days!!

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Exit and Danny will never go together period, that space is def not meant for someone like him, sound system will always be bad, club is too big and felt like a crackhouse by 6am, i dont think id go again even if Danny was spinnin there.

I agree. I love DT. He is my favorite but the venue was horrendous. The main room reminded me of my high school gym with all those exits on the side.

Plus, Danny loves to interact with his fans so he has to spin lower near eye level but he couldn't do that yesterday because the booth was so high up. At least at Roxy, it is set up so that he spins near ground level with all of us.

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I had an awesome time last night!! and damn, i'm trying to still sleep now, but i can't, so i might as well write a review..

I got there around 11:30 ish-- for some reason i thought danny was getting on mad early but i didn't find out til later that he ended up spinning at 2..lol but i made the best of it. Actually the dj wasn't bad, i was actually liking his style

I agree with Eddie though, Danny wasn't all that last night. It was def monotonous, and a little slow, but whatever, it was still dancable and i had fun. :D

Eddie, Sabina, Rosa, Tony, Gabe, Ronin, emjay, and majinbu, is awesome seeing and meeting you all!!

Eric, thanks for making the trek out! i had fun in the pink room.. damn that place is seriously a maze!! by the time you guys arrived i was already a lil :pint: ..hehe, but i hope u guys had fun!!

Dan, i'm not even saying anything :splat: .. i'm so pissed i missed you yet again, and from reading your above post we were with the same CP people and in the same space.. you were probably right next to me and i didn't even know! until 2007 i guess...

mask and kimee, i was hoping i would spot you but didn't exactly know what i was looking for..lol

all in all, it was an awesome night and a great way to get my birthday started! :pint:

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His set at Cielo was infinitely better.

Thats cause he was BEING HIMSELF which he cant be at these big rooms. Musically for my taste cielo was a perfect 10. Earlier today was like a 4, but that doesnt mean that it was a terrible musical night, its just that last sunday danny was well DANNY. I had fun cause of everyone that i new and even with a fucekd up foot i was still able to dance around here and there. For the people who heard danny for the first time dont think thats how he plays or thats his style only. Hopefully next yr things will get back to normal with dt every week or every 2 weeks. Eddie you gotta move back here, you have to much energy for those people over there share that shit over here. Next time its a females bday i say she gets a lap dance from all us gents hehe.

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I had a good time last night despite my foot hurting like hell as well. Im having surgery on it on Tuesday, so I was trooping it out there. Thought Danny kept it a little darker not his usual self, but not bad none the less. I do like what renovations the club went through. There are way too many bottle service reserved areas though :eyeroll: The new system sounds pretty good, 100% improvement from what it sounded like when it was Exit. I hadn't been to Black or Ikon before so it was a change for me. It was great seeing everyone whom I haven't seen in well over a year. Quoth and his lovely girlfriend and fellow birthday haver, Karisma, pleasure meeting you. :beer: Mike its been too long my friend great seeing you as always. Jon outta nowhere walks by, another person i havent seen in too long. Eddie spotting me walking in. All the way outta London making his cameo. This man loves his Danny. Then blast from the past sabina :) Pleasure as always. All in all good times, but I can't even make it past 5 oclock anymore. Im past my prime for clubland.

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Hmm Good times...I wish Arc was still opened..def not the best venue for a dj like danny, oh well..the music was awesome..(couldnt dance as much as I want to, but it's ok..next time)

Didn't see a lot of people..but it was great seeing Rosa and Tony, and also, Eddie, def didn't expect to see you, but glad that I did :)

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man, for 30 bucks i was def expecting much more than i got last night. no matter how many times they change the name they still can't manage to get it right it seems, it's like the exit curse or some shit.

musically the night was pretty good, danny def is not one of my favs he spun some pretty good shit i can't argue with that. he got a little slower when we were leaving but i guess that's his style. the side room on the second floor had a pretty good dj spinning, no clue who it was though, plenty of seating in there too so we hung out in there for a little bit.

anyway, things i didn't like: the system, IT STILL SUCKS, i mean cmon get with it. it was like avalon all over again. take a hint from crobar, they have a wide open main room and the sound in there is always good. and there was no vibe in that place, walking around it seemed like everyone was kinda just standing around killing time waiting to go home. i think the thing is that the place is just too fucking big, it just seemed like you would run into pockets of people here and there, but it just felt like it was a third full. and the crowd was pretty weak as well for the most part, anyway, for the money they charged i was disappointed. did bump into a cp head on the roof, nice meeting ya kimee, hot costume.

anyway, i got my rest, can't wait to hit up spirit tonight for the halloween party, haha, yea make fun all you want, aeyyyy yoooooo.

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to slow(it was just right)? danny keeps it under 128 and rarely reahes 130bpm, ideally hes about 126 which i love.Since you mentioned spirit it take it you like that harder faster sound, so have fun tonite. It was more darker than usual i thought at ikon last night. I prefer his sets when its more deep house and tribal with dance classics, like last week at cielo and like his parties at 6 hubert street. RONIN nice meeting you as well always wonder what you were like in person, till the next.

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Walked in at 3, had to pay $40!!!! :gang: which was redic.

I went to Ikon once and I like the renovations a lot, the system on the main is good but w/ cielings so high there will always be a delay on the bass... I thought the crowd was a great mix. It reminded me a lot of the crowd at Tunnel with so many different types of peeps hanging out which I really like...Some gorgeous girls ala SF attire....

Danny was really good when I was on the main around 530-7, real dark and twisted, when i left he was getting maybe a little too hard, but good stuff.

Saw so many headz...

Daniele happy birthday, of course I was coming!! Quoth great seeing you too, you guys have fun tonite... Eddie, great seeing you too, thanks again! Gabe, I caught you at a sour moment b/c you just had your ankle squished but good to see you (check your pm's) NYBeauty nice to see meet you and Kimmee always a pleasure-next time I will find Alan! And many more... good times = hard mornings and no money.

Anyone going to the village for the parade Sun? Peace_Eric

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Twas great seein alotta vinyl heads out last night, along with some ol skewl CP headz.. Had a pretty good time, not amazing, but good. it was a shadier party out of the last 20 times ive been @ dannys parties, but still had a good time till bout 9 or so... great seein all u guyz again, but DONT MISS ROXY 11/24...I PROMISE IT WILL BE MUCH BETTA ;-)

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it was my first time seeing danny.. last time i went to see him on my birthday at roxy he came on as i was leaving.. soo i wanted to make up for it yesterday night. i guess i didnt have anything else to compare it to but i thought he was pretty awesome esp. around 330-4ish i liked it.. id def go see him again but not at exit.. the people there are still assholes and the lines are ridiculous not to mention $40?? it was supposed to be 30 at the door. anyway i cant wait to see him at roxy with steve lawler :)

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had a great time last night, I'm still recovering...definitely enjoyed Danny's set, he came on a little later than expected. Loved that mix of Sandcastles that he dropped early in the night. Wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected, but that was a good thing. Tons of room to dance wherever you went. Spent most of the night on the 2nd level by the bar & balcony...silverbull it was cool to meet you in person - take care of that ankle. left around 7, and luckily no ringing in my ears like I usually do from that venue. that was my first time seeing danny in a club that big, and he definitely had a different type of set - big-room banging house. Overall great night. :pint:

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I had a lot of fun. It was nice being in a big club where you could go to the pink room and hear the DJ drop Oblivia Newton Bomb!! Danny was good, I felt Roxy was better but it was great seeing everyone is costume. Nice meeting Silverbull and Drewminati (sp?) good people right there. Crowd was really into it and I loved the vibe. So what was everyone dressed in? I was in a yellow gangster suit walking around with a sexy pussy cat which was my lovely girlfriend. Post your costumes!! The dude in the scobby doo outfit had some good moves.

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I found DT's set dull. Baselines were monotonous. I know some people enjoyed the set, but I wasn't feeling it and wasn't feeling the crowd--not much of a vibe there. His set at Cielo was infinitely better. Still had a great time though.


His baselines were making me sleepy, and his buildups were torturous. They took forever.

There was no vibe because there couldn't be. Danny was ALL over the place, and no one knew where he'd go next.

I love Ikon as a venue...always have. There was little to be desired with the mess that was the "guestlist". Cellar Bar had an agreement for an afterhours list for 20 bucks. Once we all got there, we were told it was 30. After some fight, they knocked it down to 25. BS like that just sets the tone for the night...but shit happens. I stepped up to Ikon around 4, and after lines at the guestlist, and lines at the coat check...we were finally ready to get our groove on @ 5am. Needless to say, I was out of there by 7.

Not too much positive for the night...but it's no reflection of Ikon or Godskitchen. There's always bound to be list messes once in a while...I just wish Danny would've stepped up.


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the worst thig was staying in a line till 12:30 so that enough people would come in to create some vibe. After checking out pink room, and hip-hop room I even stopped thinking of DT, just coze the atmosphere in those rooms was much livelier and less sweaty juices. At around 7am most people started having hangovers or just couldn't dance anymore..my leg still killin me. But the best thing was having all that diversity in one club, and the worst having all the sober/drunk people just laying on couches throughout all nite.

Anyone noticed nobody had glowsticks on strings....

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The darker tracks were nice in light of halloween. I heard an oldie I believe it was white horse which kept me poppin my boobies. I don't believe danny needs to be traditional with buildups and stuff to a certain degree. He just likes to drop good records and the people vibe off of that. True I have heard many styles of danny from arc to his other events so he does have variety.

It was fun meeting oldtimer and moistening his left cheek region. He said he is dumping rachael for me now. But I told him I don't want him cause he hurt my feelings this week. It's all good though. :)

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