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Let's Have a Look At Our Current President's Resume Shall We????


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(im not sure if all these are completely factual, im just passing it on!!!)


>> George W. Bush


>> The White House, USA




>> LAW ENFORCEMENT: I was arrested in Kennebunkport,

>> Maine in 1976 for driving under the influence of

>> alcohol. I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my

>> driver's license suspended for 30 days. My Texas

>> driving record has been "lost" and is not available.


>> MILITARY: I joined the Texas Air National Guard and

>> went AWOL. I refused to take a drug test or answer any

>> questions about my drug use. By joining the Texas Air

>> National Guard, I was able to avoid combat duty in

>> Vietnam.


>> COLLEGE: I graduated from Yale University. I was a

>> cheerleader.




>> I ran for U.S. Congress and lost.


>> I began my career in the oil business in Midland,

>> Texas in 1975. I bought an oil company, but couldn't

>> find any oil in Texas. The company went bankrupt

>> shortly after I sold all my stock.


>> I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a

>> sweetheart deal that took land using taxpayer money.


>> With the help of my father and our right-wing friends

>> in the oil industry (including Enron CEO Ken Lay), I

>> was elected Governor of Texas.




>> I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil

>> companies, making Texas the most polluted state in the

>> Union.


>> During my tenure, Houston replaced Los Angeles as the

>> most smog-ridden city in America.


>> I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the

>> tune of billions in borrowed money.


>> I set the record for the most executions by any

>> Governor in American history.


>> With the help of my brother, the Governor of Florida,

>> and my father's appointments to the Supreme Court, I

>> became President after losing by over 500,000 votes.




>> I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing

>> cost of over one billion dollars per week.


>> I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted

>> the U.S. Treasury.


>> I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit

>> in U.S. history.


>> I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies

>> filed in any 12-month period.


>> I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in t

>> history of the U.S. stock market.


>> I am the first president in U.S. history to enter

>> office with a criminal record.


>> I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in

>> any one year period.


>> After taking-off the entire month of August, I

>> presided over the worst security failure in

>> U.S.history.


>> I am supporting development of a nuclear "Tactical

>> Bunker Buster," a Weapon of Mass Destruction.


>> In my State Of The Union Address, I lied about our

>> reasons for attacking Iraq, then blamed the lies on

>> our British friends.


>> I set the record for most campaign fundraising trips

>> by a U.S. president.


>> In my first year in office over 2-million Americans

>> lost their jobs and that trend continues every month.


>> I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a

>> 12-month period.


>> I appointed more convicted criminals to administration

>> than any president in U.S. history.


>> I set the record for least amount of press conferences

>> than any president since the advent of television.


>> I presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S.

>> history and refused to intervene when corruption

>> involving the oil industry was revealed.


>> I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S.

>> history.


>> I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and

>> support a cut in duty benefits for active duty troops

>> and their families-in war time.


>> I have set the all-time record for most people

>> worldwide to simultaneously protest me in public

>> venues (15 million people) shattering the record for

>> protest against any person in the history of mankind.


>> I've broken more international treaties than any

>> president in U.S. history.


>> I'm proud that the members of my cabinet are the

>> richest of any administration in U.S. history. My

>> "poorest millionaire," Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron

>> oil tanker named after her.


>> I am the first president in U.S. history to order an

>> unprovoked, preemptive attack and the military

>> occupation of a sovereign nation. I did so against the

>> will of the United Nations, the majority of U.S.

>> citizens, and the world community.


>> I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the

>> largest bureaucracy in the history of the United

>> States government .


>> I am the first president in U.S. history to have the

>> United Nations remove the U.S. from the Human Rights

>> Commission.


>> I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law.


>> I refused to allow inspectors access to U.S.

>> "prisoners of war" (detainees) and thereby have

>> refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.


>> I am the first president in history to refuse United

>> Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 U.S.

>> election).


>> I am the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for

>> receiving the most corporate campaign donations.


>> My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of

>> my best friends, Kenneth Lay, presided over the

>> largest corporate bankruptcy fraud in U.S. history. My

>> political party used the Enron private jets and

>> corporate attorneys to assure my success with the U.S.

>> Supreme Court during my election decision. I have

>> protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against

>> investigation or prosecution. More time and money was

>> spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than

>> has been spent investigating one of the biggest

>> corporate rip-offs in history.


>> I garnered the most sympathy for the U.S. after the

>> World Trade Center attacks and less than a year later

>> made the U.S. the most hated country in the world, the

>> largest failure of diplomacy in world history.


>> I am first president in history to have a majority of

>> Europeans (71%) view my presidency as the biggest

>> threat to world peace and security.


>> I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals

>> to be awarded government contracts.


>> I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring

>> Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to justice.




>> All records of my tenure as Governor of Texas are now

>> in my father's library, sealed, and unavailable for

>> public view.


>> All records of SEC investigations into my insider

>> trading and my bankrupt companies are sealed in

>> secrecy and unavailable for public view.


>> All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my

>> Vice-president, attended regarding public energy

>> policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for

>> public review.



>> Please consider my experience when voting in 2004 -

ps. this was an email i got and not sure if all of these 'facts' are true...but i know that most of them are :)

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tres-b : you're right...NONE of THOSE issues seem important. bush is actually the best president in US history. now go to sleep

By no means is President Bush the "best" ever. Having said that, are you voting for Kerry or against President Bush?

I can understand voting for Clinton. He had a way of selling himself that was tough to see past. Kerry on the other hand has no business being president. He is a fringe guy who has done next to nothing in Washington for 20yrs. President Bush has led us through one of the most difficult periods in our history. Unfortunately, those of you with pre-9/11 attitudes are going to support Kerry. Why dont we appoint Chirac as Secretary of Defense. He can take every decision to the UN and make sure no one will be angry if we need to defend ourselves from Muslim terrorists who are attacking us b/c no one killed them while they were planning their attack.

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there are NUMEROUS reasons why me and my wife already cast our votes for kerry. the war in iraq is just one of those reasons. we never found the WMD we "knew" were there. iraq and saddam were the scapegoats of 9-11. saddam should have been ousted by bush, sr. bin laden, the person that should be held accountable still hasn't been found. but hey, who gives a shit about the 1000+ soldiers (and their families) that lost their lives. we are "winning" the war on terrorism. and while we are at it, fuck the middle class, let's take care of the rich and massive corporations. and who really needs cheaper drugs from canada? as long as the big drug companies continue to make massive donations to the republican party, it doesn't matter. and who gives a shit about the environment? we'll be six feet under by the time it's fucked. and we'll let our kids worry about paying off the national debt, that's not our problem. and who really cares about what the rest of the world thinks about our country. we are the super power and this is OUR world,

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there are NUMEROUS reasons why me and my wife already cast our votes for kerry. the war in iraq is just one of those reasons. we never found the WMD we "knew" were there. iraq and saddam were the scapegoats of 9-11. saddam should have been ousted by bush, sr. bin laden, the person that should be held accountable still hasn't been found. but hey, who gives a shit about the 1000+ soldiers (and their families) that lost their lives. we are "winning" the war on terrorism. and while we are at it, fuck the middle class, let's take care of the rich and massive corporations. and who really needs cheaper drugs from canada? as long as the big drug companies continue to make massive donations to the republican party, it doesn't matter. and who gives a shit about the environment? we'll be six feet under by the time it's fucked. and we'll let our kids worry about paying off the national debt, that's not our problem. and who really cares about what the rest of the world thinks about our country. we are the super power and this is OUR world,

So, as I said before, you are voting against President Bush and not for Kerry who has demonstrated through his voting record and statements made that he is a borderline socialist when it comes to economics. From your statement, it appears you have bought into the Democratic platform hook, line and sinker. France, England, Russia and US intel believed that WMDs existed. Your candidate of choice believed Iraq had WMDs. Are you letting him off the hook for coming to the same conclusion as President Bush.

And if the intel is all f--ed up as Kerry has stated, why didnt he take it upon himself, a member of the Intel. Comm., to try and make changes? Ill tell you why--He never attended the meetings of the committee.

Our nation is in the balance today. God help us is that Kerry wins. It shows how far we have fallen. At least you can say you cast your lot w/ Cher, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, PDiddy, every terrorist supporter here in America, the French, etc...

You must be so proud.

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So, as I said before, you are voting against President Bush and not for Kerry who has demonstrated through his voting record and statements made that he is a borderline socialist when it comes to economics. From your statement, it appears you have bought into the Democratic platform hook, line and sinker. France, England, Russia and US intel believed that WMDs existed. Your candidate of choice believed Iraq had WMDs. Are you letting him off the hook for coming to the same conclusion as President Bush.

And if the intel is all f--ed up as Kerry has stated, why didnt he take it upon himself, a member of the Intel. Comm., to try and make changes? Ill tell you why--He never attended the meetings of the committee.

Our nation is in the balance today. God help us is that Kerry wins. It shows how far we have fallen. At least you can say you cast your lot w/ Cher, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, PDiddy, every terrorist supporter here in America, the French, etc...

You must be so proud.


wow...tres-b...I don't care if you discover the cure for cancer tomorrow morning, I would still consider you an ignorant son of a bitch.


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Im not an ignorant SOB. However, I am tired of people letting Kerry off the hook for things that they hold President Bush over the fire about.

Do I think we screwed up on WMD? Yes.

Do I think both Kerry and President Bush had the same intel and came to the same conclusion? Yes.

Do I think President Bush is the best ever? No.

Do I think John Kerry is spineless and weak? Yes.

Look, I dont agree w/ W on abortion, stem cell research, many social issues, etc. However, national security is #1 right now and I dont trust Kerry to take care of our nation. He is weak and doesnt have the resolve to go after these Muslim terrorists and kill them, regardless of what France and the UN want.

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Im not an ignorant SOB. However, I am tired of people letting Kerry off the hook for things that they hold President Bush over the fire about.

Do I think we screwed up on WMD? Yes.

Do I think both Kerry and President Bush had the same intel and came to the same conclusion? Yes.

Do I think President Bush is the best ever? No.

Do I think John Kerry is spineless and weak? Yes.

Look, I dont agree w/ W on abortion, stem cell research, many social issues, etc. However, national security is #1 right now and I dont trust Kerry to take care of our nation. He is weak and doesnt have the resolve to go after these Muslim terrorists and kill them, regardless of what France and the UN want.

ok...maybe not ignorant, a bit naive though...you are basicly believing that National Security is #1 at this moment because you've never seen soldiers with assault weapons guarding your airports before 9/11...that is not "security" that is paranoia and propaganda and it's not effective as far as security goes...do you know you can still get on a plane today carrying a samurai sword if the guard that searches you is a bit distracted?...you should see the experiments some european news channels have made on american airports...you'd flip backwards on your Bush loving ass.

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I wouldnt trust the TSA to take out my garbage. Hell, you should have seen what we carried down to Miami from Atlanta last time we flew :bump::bump:

In all seriousness, I think we need to improve the airports, ports, and focus more energy on Homeland security.

Having said that, I am talking about taking the fight to the terrorists as part of that plan. We cant sit back and wait til the next threat materializes. The US has to be proactive. We have to go after them where they live/train/etc. I dont trust Kerry to do this. Based on his past record, Kerry is way far to the left. Way far to the left folks arent known for their hard nosed dealings w/ enemies(see the 80's, thank goodness President Reagan was in the White House). I thought that either Bush or Gore would have been OK(at the time). Once 9.11 happened I was thankful that President Bush was the man in charge. I just dont think you can trust the country to Kerry. You may think you can. It doesnt make you ignorant(wrong, but not ignorant ;) ) Anyway, we will all be Americans tomorrow but I am worried about where we could be headed as a nation w/ Kerry in the White House.

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I wouldnt trust the TSA to take out my garbage. Hell, you should have seen what we carried down to Miami from Atlanta last time we flew :bump::bump:

In all seriousness, I think we need to improve the airports, ports, and focus more energy on Homeland security.

Having said that, I am talking about taking the fight to the terrorists as part of that plan. We cant sit back and wait til the next threat materializes. The US has to be proactive. We have to go after them where they live/train/etc. I dont trust Kerry to do this. Based on his past record, Kerry is way far to the left. Way far to the left folks arent known for their hard nosed dealings w/ enemies(see the 80's, thank goodness President Reagan was in the White House). I thought that either Bush or Gore would have been OK(at the time). Once 9.11 happened I was thankful that President Bush was the man in charge. I just dont think you can trust the country to Kerry. You may think you can. It doesnt make you ignorant(wrong, but not ignorant ;) ) Anyway, we will all be Americans tomorrow but I am worried about where we could be headed as a nation w/ Kerry in the White House.

refresh your memory man, Bush was considered a goof before 9.11...the desperate need for a leader and the genius work of image-consultants made Georgie be the man for the moment...but I seriously doubt a man with his intellectual coeficiency has the reasoning capability (or lack-there-off) to decide which country to bomb or which dictator to derrocate...sorry, I just don't see it...8 years and we are in the worst debt we've seen in generations...seriously, is not only about what this government has done to harm the United States alone...in fact, iut has affected the whole planet in a negative way...in one way or another.

Listen to me goddamit, who do you trust more...me or yourself? :frust:

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Like South Park Says, we have a choice between a douche and turd... :mad:

I already voted. :biggrin:

It saddens me that people are voting without completly educating themselves about both elects. If they did, this race would be won by a landslide... some people just DON'T belong in office...

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It saddens me that people are voting without completly educating themselves about both elects. If they did, this race would be won by a landslide... some people just DON'T belong in office...

AGREED!!! People with intimate ties to known terrorist supporters just don't belong in the White House. It's insane to think he got in there in the first place.

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AGREED!!! People with intimate ties to known terrorist supporters just don't belong in the White House. It's insane to think he got in there in the first place.

Way to quote F9/11. Moore made a real solid propaganda piece. Obviously you bought into the lies.

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