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I hope Bush


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Bush said it best the other night on TV....

"Kerry is the wrong man for the wrong job at the wrong time."

That's it in a nutshell IMO

Let Kerry run again and win 5 - 10 years from now. Right now we need a leader like Bush. Regardless of all the other shit that most people do not support in terms of Bush, he is the only one to get us through this war.

Im sorry ( i mean nothing on here as personal), but how can you think that a man that fought a war with a country that had nothing to do with terrorists a success?

There is no tie btw. Iraq and Osama, and that alone is proof that we went the wrong direction.

So , in other words, how can Bush get us through this war when he already made enemies all over the world and his credibility is going \|/ ?

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i meant Bush "instigated" a war, as in he started it unilaterally

Kerry was just a soldier who observed what he saw and didn't like it

Either way, I'll wait n see how Bush does. Besides the War and Terrorism, i hope he gets this economy back on it's feet again, cuz it sure ain't looking too good

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y are u jumpin down my throat for??? no need to get so defensive geeeze :aaah:

i wrote i wasnt trying to be a dick, didnt mean to come off that way...

vat remark merrrk?

"their team won... " i was saying that shit the whole today lol...

i love how all these ppl are talking about bouncing or talking shit about how the us sucks now... it's like shut the fuck up already ... if you wanna bounce, then bounce, don't talk your shit about how the states sucks now and you gotta leave....


theres plenty of ppl that would switch with these guys wherever it is they think is better and are pretending theyre going to move to... ill bet dollars to doughnuts the same ppl saying theyre going to move are the same ppl four years from now bitching about the same shit...

I know that gay marraige ban is really pithing you off Thweetheart.



Fuck them both... (I'm hating right now) :mad::mad::mad:

2008 better be all about Hillary - that bitch needs to run this country.

if kerry wouldve won she wouldnt be able to run...

Bush said it best the other night on TV....

"Kerry is the wrong man for the wrong job at the wrong time."

That's it in a nutshell IMO

Let Kerry run again and win 5 - 10 years from now. Right now we need a leader like Bush. Regardless of all the other shit that most people do not support in terms of Bush, he is the only one to get us through this war.

exactly kerry isnt a leader, and if werent in the middle of a situation in the middle east (that yes i know we created) then maybe id say lets hear out kerry because bush is the only president since ford to have a down market... but an object in motion stays in motion, so let this mofo finish what he started... whatever im just jibber jabbering at this point...

...Howard Dean will be the next democratic candidate and he'll win....the republicans have no one amongst their ranks that will be able to challenge him in four.......

i felt dean had a better take to it attitude and more of a leader than kerry... and i think wouldve had a better chance of winning imo...

..as is Bush a puppet. America just seems to have gone to shit

- might as well have a mascot that can fend for herself & knows when to bark!!

all americans in general are puppets, and advertising, politicians, doctors, musicians, actors, athletes all of them are the puppet masters... having us buy shit we dont need or trying to keep up with the jones', politicians into fearing us into terrorist shit, or buying our votes with empty promises... doctors by hyping us into a hypochondriatic state by making us fear everything from the common cold to aids, musicians to buying their albums dressing like them, buying their shit liquors or clothing lines or cars and products they endorse... or actors making ppl believe if you buy the clothing they wear or eat the same shit they eat you can be half as cool as the characters they pretend they are in movies... dieting so you can fit this mold that the media has forced us to believe is attractive or has sex appeal, and dont even get me started on these fuckin athletes...or half assed nutrionists... so dont say bush is puppet, because this puppet has accomplished more in his life than anyone on here... how many ppl here have ran companies, baseball teams, or the US~!?

simmer down there susan b. anthony.....i know ud love it if a woman was the president...but it just aint happening

wed see a jewish president before we see an african american or female president... imo...

face it, if your poor and cant afford drugs made in the US vote for kerry....

if you got a job, and get free health from work. and want good medication, and isnt ghetto. vote for bush.

if you suck and want to kill yourself? go out there a get AIDS

my 2cents

your entire reply is "ghetto..."

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i wrote i wasnt trying to be a dick, didnt mean to come off that way...

"their team won... " i was saying that shit the whole today lol...


theres plenty of ppl that would switch with these guys wherever it is they think is better and are pretending theyre going to move to... ill bet dollars to doughnuts the same ppl saying theyre going to move are the same ppl four years from now bitching about the same shit...


if kerry wouldve won she wouldnt be able to run...

exactly kerry isnt a leader, and if werent in the middle of a situation in the middle east (that yes i know we created) then maybe id say lets hear out kerry because bush is the only president since ford to have a down market... but an object in motion stays in motion, so let this mofo finish what he started... whatever im just jibber jabbering at this point...

i felt dean had a better take to it attitude and more of a leader than kerry... and i think wouldve had a better chance of winning imo...

all americans in general are puppets, and advertising, politicians, doctors, musicians, actors, athletes all of them are the puppet masters... having us buy shit we dont need or trying to keep up with the jones', politicians into fearing us into terrorist shit, or buying our votes with empty promises... doctors by hyping us into a hypochondriatic state by making us fear everything from the common cold to aids, musicians to buying their albums dressing like them, buying their shit liquors or clothing lines or cars and products they endorse... or actors making ppl believe if you buy the clothing they wear or eat the same shit they eat you can be half as cool as the characters they pretend they are in movies... dieting so you can fit this mold that the media has forced us to believe is attractive or has sex appeal, and dont even get me started on these fuckin athletes...or half assed nutrionists... so dont say bush is puppet, because this puppet has accomplished more in his life than anyone on here... how many ppl here have ran companies, baseball teams, or the US~!?

wed see a jewish president before we see an african american or female president... imo...

your entire reply is "ghetto..."

Barstar for presi-dant :laugh:

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waged a war in which his argument was Saddam is tied to terrorism and WPD (which never was proved) is the President :rolleyes:

So this was never disputed. I guess b.c it's true.

And as far as Bush being a great president, he pails in comparison to some of the greats of our history.

Doesn't what other nations think of our policies and decisions matter? I swear, Bush followers are so isolationist they have no clue of what the rest of the world thinks. And if you say "who cares?", well im sorry but you got problems.

Or maybe we as American citizens are ignorant of the outside world, and just listen blindly to Pres. Bush and let him set the agenda. One question: Why attack Iraq when Iraq didn't have any WPD, didn't invade Kuwait, and Saddam made no advance towards us or any of our allies?

Answer: OIL, Halliburton, and money going right back into the Republican machine.

Both Kerry and Bush are parts of the establishment. Bush was born with a silver spoon up his ass as big as Kerry's. So don't try to separate the 2. They're one and the same :blank:

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So this was never disputed. I guess b.c it's true.

And as far as Bush being a great president, he pails in comparison to some of the greats of our history.

Doesn't what other nations think of our policies and decisions matter? I swear, Bush followers are so isolationist they have no clue of what the rest of the world thinks. And if you say "who cares?", well im sorry but you got problems.

Both Kerry and Bush are parts of the establishment. Bush was born with a silver spoon up his ass as big as Kerry's. So don't try to separate the 2. They're one and the same :blank:

im sure JFK, Abraham Lincoln, or any other so-called "greats of our history" werent considered that great during their respective terms..

wait 20 years from now and we'll see how Bush goes down in history

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So this was never disputed. I guess b.c it's true.

And as far as Bush being a great president, he pails in comparison to some of the greats of our history.

Doesn't what other nations think of our policies and decisions matter? I swear, Bush followers are so isolationist they have no clue of what the rest of the world thinks. And if you say "who cares?", well im sorry but you got problems.

Or maybe we as American citizens are ignorant of the outside world, and just listen blindly to Pres. Bush and let him set the agenda. One question: Why attack Iraq when Iraq didn't have any WPD, didn't invade Kuwait, and Saddam made no advance towards us or any of our allies?

Answer: OIL, Halliburton, and money going right back into the Republican machine.

Both Kerry and Bush are parts of the establishment. Bush was born with a silver spoon up his ass as big as Kerry's. So don't try to separate the 2. They're one and the same :blank:

wasnt disputed because wtf is a wpd~!?

does it matter what others think of your policies and your decisions~!? you personally~!? do you think about what others feel or think about you everytime you do something~!? why is it that the whole world is against us, but yet when it comes to our mighty greenback they still want something from us or are the first ones to ask for help...

in all seriousness lets not even bring up oil or anything because before this election you had no idea who or what halliburton was/is... okay and im tired of ppl saying this was for oil... do you own a car~!? do you live in a home with heat~!? do your children go school~!? do your children take a bus~!? do you use plastic~!? then guess what dipshit you need and use oil~! and listen iraq isnt the only place oil is located... nigeria has 10% of the worlds oil and we havent even begun to do shit there, russia/asia has about 10%, central and south america about 8%, north america 20%, east and west europe weigh in around 20%, and the middle east at 30%... so dont act like fuckin iraq is the oil capital of the world and we must get it from them...

nobody in politics or in power came from a poor background... name one president that came from a lower middle class or modest background~!? can you do it~!? can you~!? please...

go rent farenherb 9/11 and find something else to protest about... i hear u2 has some new shit on their website...

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wasnt disputed because wtf is a wpd~!?...

I meant WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), which are proliferating under our eyes thru Russia, N. Korea, and other places, yet we go to a place where Pres. Bush says there are some and turns out there aren't any!

does it matter what others think of your policies and your decisions~!? you personally~!? do you think about what others feel or think about you everytime you do something~!? why is it that the whole world is against us, but yet when it comes to our mighty greenback they still want something from us or are the first ones to ask for help... ...

We are the largest nation in the world monetarily (bordering hegemony), so naturally they will come to us.

It matters b/c you can't push your weight around and ignore others. Acting unilaterally as we did will earn us disrespect and distrust around the world. I accept the 1st Gulf war b/c we had the backing of most of the world. This one, we had sparse support

That's why it matters what others think. We don't live in a bubble.

in all seriousness lets not even bring up oil or anything because before this election you had no idea who or what halliburton was/is... okay and im tired of ppl saying this was for oil... do you own a car~!? do you live in a home with heat~!? do your children go school~!? do your children take a bus~!? do you use plastic~!? then guess what dipshit you need and use oil~! and listen iraq isnt the only place oil is located... nigeria has 10% of the worlds oil and we havent even begun to do shit there, russia/asia has about 10%, central and south america about 8%, north america 20%, east and west europe weigh in around 20%, and the middle east at 30%... so dont act like fuckin iraq is the oil capital of the world and we must get it from them... ...

Why did we go to Iraq? Because it's easier and cheaper. And the cabinet saw the opportunity to connect terrorism to saddam (even though there was no connection) and they seized it.

Why not, instead of attacking Iraq, we focused on Al Qaida and Osama and other terrorist sects around the world, hmmmmmmmmmm?

nobody in politics or in power came from a poor background... name one president that came from a lower middle class or modest background~!? can you do it~!? can you~!? please...

If im not mistaken, didn't Theodore Roosevelt, the ol teddy bear, come from modest background?

go rent farenherb 9/11 and find something else to protest about... i hear u2 has some new shit on their website...


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"Bill Clinton, whose father died a few months before he was born, wanted to be President from a very early age. Born in 1946, he attended public schools in Hot Springs, Arkansas, after moving there from Hope."

he didnt go to boarding/private schools....his pops died when he was a kid...his mom raised him...just cause hes a lawyer..went to harvard/yale/oxford doesnt mean he came from a rich background. he was a Rhodes scholar my friend...u cant be George W. Bush and be a Rhodes scholar..u gota b pretty smart.

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