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George W. Bush wins re-election


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tres-b: your comments are laughable and arrogant. and since you bring up the $$ thing, our household income will exceed 150k this year, not quite the 300k your office clowns make but plenty for most people. we both voted kerry. it's not all about the tax cuts and what's in it for me.

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It's a known fact that Bush is a christian. It's a known fact that Bush supports anti-abortion. It's a known fact that churches all over the country told their people: " if you are a democrat & you believe in abortion rights, you are not a Christian nor a republican."

Bush put the fear of GOD in to people's votes. In doing that, he got more christians to vote for him, and got fundamentalists who never or rarely voted to vote for him. In certain christain organizations, they prey on weak-minded confused,people to "convert" them and basically help support the church. These are 'yes' people who will do whatever their paster, the prez, or god tells them to do because they have no backbone of their own. And THAT is how the Presidency was won.

People who live in cites generally don't let their religious beliefs control their life to that extent, and a majority aren't practicing a religon at all. They have seen it all, and have more liberal views because of it. They read & research truth because they are used to getting lied to, cheated, and swindled. life in the city. it's highly enlightening! Not to say this is evident everywhere, because my parents live in the countryside/small town. They are intelligent, moneyed, and question everything, esp. politics. They both made an educated decision to vote for Kerry. Even my great Aunt who was a staunch Bush, Sr. supporter, a repbulican who lives in Cleveland as a retired psychiatrist. She choose Kerry! to bad it was ohio... :(

I can't say I'm totally displeased with our new prez... From a business standpoint, I stand to do very well in a certain sector I'm planning on going into sometime next year or so, due to his fubar'ing our economy... Survival of the Fittest!!

when I do ask my friends why they voted for bush, they just say:

"he's handling our terrorism problem, and anything against him is specualtion." if I had a nickel for everytime I heard that, I'd be able to buy some new boobs!

1. where there's smoke there's fire

2. if you don't question anything he does, you are a SHEEP. and

3: if his right hand woman, Condoleeza & him were heeding the blatent warnings, instead of playing skeet ball or whatever it is rednecks do, WE WOULDN"T HAVE BEEN ATTCKED IN THE FIRST PLACE. DUH! so take that away and tell me again WHY you voted for bush...?????

and yes, we all go to Starbucks :hat: nonfat Spiced Pumpkin Latte anyone?

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Yes, Bush used his christian appeal to movilize that block of voters, but in the political game, the key is energizing voters...

It is a dirty game, and unfortunately, as we have said on here before, the ignorant folk or rather uneducated crowd, is easy to sway simply with the political ads and the blown-out or baseless facts thrown around during a campaign.

Now, some of you have said that the people making lots of money or those sitting rather up on the corporate ladders, have also voted for Bush, BUT that doesnt mean they are ignorant or uneducated. They just have other priorities when making a desicion... mostly THEMSELVES and their $ first. I dont have a problem with that either, as the majority of my clients fall in that category, and again, in the culture of greed and the land of capitalism, if they are happy and prosperous, then so will I. :D --Keep in mind I am not a Republican, or a Democrat. I am in the middle and agree with certain things from both sides. Granted, i am a few inches left of center, but I definitely beleive in fiscally sound and environmentally concious policy. (sounds like utopia, but there are places in the world that have actually acheived this.)

All in all, we shall not cry over spilled milk any more.

America has spoken, and eventhough it was just a 2% that made the difference, we must move on and 'pray'/hope for the best.

The senate and the house are now Republican controlled, so expect to see many of Bush's initiatives and conservative-driven policies to pass rather easy.

These next 4 years will be very 'interesting' to say the least.

Now, who's ready to PARTY!?!!?!!!



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"What many didn't count on, though, is that for the record 55 million on one side there were 59 million people who seem to live in the same country but on a different planet. Beyond the few wealthy ones who really did have self-interests in Bush winning (and the yuppie wannabes trying to get into that elite club) a huge wave of white, working class Christian family people came to the polls and voted for Bush. And the exit pollsters now tell us that it wasn't "terrorism" or the economy that moved their votes: it was "moral issues."

Moral. Oh, sure. Your grandma has no decent health care, your kid's school sucks, your teenage son might have to go die in Iraq, your job prospects are shrinking, you've got 100 cable channels trying to part you with your money, and your own expensive higher education, if you got one, didn't prepare you for real life… but you go to the polls and cast a vote guided by the fact that you don't want other people, different than you, from having abortions… and for those who don't cause abortions because they're not doing those nasty heterosexual things that cause pregnancy, you're not giving them medals either... you think you gotta keep them from having wedding rings.

What happens to a people to bring them so distracted by other people's sex lives that they've become divorced from their own true self-interests? Here's a hint: It's not religion, per se. After all, plenty of folks who read and believe in the exact same bible - Protestants, Catholics, Jews, other kinds of Baptists - voted the other way. In much of Latin America, evangelicals vote with the poor and participate in revolutions. So, it's not really the religion, is it?

No, something else has led us astray, and made it impossible for us, as citizens, to have any clue at all as to what is happening all around us.

It's the media, stupid.

The Commercial Media has exploited our deepest fears, sexual confusions, and that constant feeling of want under capitalism to turn us into, essentially, permanent consumers of shit we don't need, and debtors in order to pay for it. I'm not simply talking about SUVs or Happy Meals here: I'm also speaking of the elitist products, so worshipped by "educated" people… university diplomas, health care plans that make us even sicker, movies and pop songs that, as Woody Guthrie said, kick us when we're down... and the rest of those "respectable" products that we've been convinced that we somehow need. One way or another, they get us onto that hamster wheel and harness all the time and energy we put into it for their benefit more than ours.

Who can keep track of the real human events and the substance of politics, government, economy, war and peace when each day these mutant fuckers-in-mass-communication barrage us with very powerful, market-researched, psychological manipulation techniques to turn our fears and sexual frustrations into ratings points? They keep us empty and infantile and then they sell us a million ways to try to fill that undying well of need: usually it involves buying shit and going into debt for it, which traps us into working at jobs we hate, studying at schools that bore us and fill us with crap, and hating entire groups of people we'll probably never get the chance to meet because they have us all divided into market niches already. And all that frenetic alienated time spent in so much dissatisfaction just weakens us more for the next pill or product they'll have to sell us on the promise that it will make us happier.

It's the commercial imperative of the mass media that has so many millions twisted up into knots, deformed, fearful, frustrated, and unable to feel and see the human misery all around us. The media, if its reason for being is to make money, has to appeal to the worst in all of us in order to get and keep our attention and assure that the consumer serves the medium, instead of the medium serving us."

Al Giordano


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lets try to be optimistic and hope that things get better....i dont like him but i think bush had a solid win last night and now after 4 years hes a legitimate president ,i just want the country to get back on track so we can have a strong economy and we can try to control terrorism.

also i want all the bitches to eat box :)

thank you,have a good day


You had to throw the "eat box" in huh ????? Love it !!!!!!!

You have a great attitude Cianci. Allot of individuals have excepted this historical election results and have put their hate aside and have now decided to work with the majority in both winning this war and strengthening our economy. Kerry is one of them. I had little respect for the man just like allot of you had little respect for Bush but after reading the transcripts of his phone call to Bush, I got the feeling that he, like many have decided to work in uniting the divided. When it comes down to it....it is in our hands to work together. To prove to the world that although we have our differences we will not let terrorist nor our difference in opinions divide us. We have had many differences in the past and history has proven that in the long run.....we worked them out.

The elections are over. Lets get back to the underground and spreading the sounds that allot of us here have incredible knowledge of.

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All of the soldiers that died for W and Haliburton . . .

Is that the same Haliburton that President Clinton awarded a no bid contract to during his eight years in the White House? Just wondering....

I think Moore's effort to undermine the process of healing that this country needs is further evidence that he is nothing more than a hater of our country and our values. Thankfully, men far better than him are laying it on the line to keep his right to hate safe.

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