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advice/suggestions please


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i want to lose about 20 lbs, i know diet is vital which is gonna be odd since i have acid reflux which means no citrus, no spice, no fried foods, etc. but my real question is if i do treadmill with ankle and wrist weights will that be enough or what other activities should i do as well? thx in advance...

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Couple of comments.

First, let us talk about diet. You mentioned: "since i have acid reflux which means no citrus, no spice, no fried foods, etc". I am not exactly sure, which diet plans you have been reading about, but I am not aware of spices or fried foods being included in any of them.

You probably would not be a canditate for a high protein, low carb diet. But, there are plenty of diets that can be followed. Eat a wide variety of foods, make good food choices, and cut the calories. It is as simple as that. As far as spices, most spices includes loads of salt. See if you can handle fresh herbs while cooking. If not, then you should get plenty of flavor from fresh veggies and fruits.

Next, lets move on to your training. NO NO NO NO NO NO. Okay, thats cleared up. The body was not ment to have weights strapped on it while walking or jogging. You walk on the treadmill, you lift weights on a weight bench. If you have never lifted wieghts before, I would suggest a few weeks of ciruit training, until you get used to lifting and then you can move up from their.

Start by doing 20 minutes or so of circuit training and then move strait to the treadmill and put in about 20 minutes or so. You can increase intensity and time as you go.

Good luck


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ok so whats circuit training? lol also i'm sure i'm not the only female that has this concern....since the breasts are mostly fat we girls lose a lot of breast size when we lose weight...any way to avoid this or at least reduce it? thx for the help so far :)

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since the breasts are mostly fat we girls lose a lot of breast size when we lose weight...any way to avoid this or at least reduce it? thx for the help so far :)

since you loose weight from top to bottom (gain weight from bottom to top) its inevitable. you're boobs arent going to shrink drastically - well, but then again all bodies are different. :)

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since you loose weight from top to bottom (gain weight from bottom to top) its inevitable. you're boobs arent going to shrink drastically - well, but then again all bodies are different. :)

That is not neccessarily true.

Females (and males but a bit different) have what is called female fat pattern distribution. Fat in certain areas have alpha vs. beta receptors which are more resistant to lipolysis. This type of fat (in females) is generally located in the hips, the breast (along with breast tissue), the back of the neck and the back of the arms. Notice I said generally, every individual females is different. For example, some females have more in the hips; therefore, if this type of females goes through several cycles of loosing and gaining weight - they will loose fat a a slower rate in this area, but when they put weight back on, they will gain fat universally. Over a period of time this female would most likely have an unproportionately large hip area.

The top down or bottom up may be noticed in some individuals but it is by no means a generality. It only depends on genetics and location of this "stubborn" fat, which I mentioned above.

And as far as boobs shrinking drastically, once again this is due togenetics and i have seen many many cases, where they do.


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