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Some things you are deathly affraid of...


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#1-- sharks... i remember the 1st time i went to the beach this summer i dove into a wave so i can just get into the water cuz im a pussy sometimes and it takes me a while... and i remember being scared and when i dove, i visioned a shark swallowing me as i dove and i started choking on the water and came up gasping for air... im VERY fuckin afraid of whats in that ocean... and the helplessness of being attacked by a shark scares the piss outta me

im scared of serious bugs... spiders, huge bees, mosquitos... I RUN for my life when i see any of these things lol... my brother had these carpenter bees on the dock of his building and i was going upstairs one day and i had to run through a swarm of them.. i almost had a heart attack

im also chlostrophobic... seriously... the thought of having nothing but wall surrounding me to where i cant even stretch my arms out, freaks me the fuck out

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im also chlostrophobic... seriously... the thought of having nothing but wall surrounding me to where i cant even stretch my arms out, freaks me the fuck out

Tru....I freak the fuck when I am sleeping and the blanket gets wrapped around my ankles. Since my parents got divorced I've had this huge fear of my lil sister becoming a fuck-up. I am not afraid of heights but I do get dizzy when I look over a high balcony. I am also extremely afraid of failing.

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Waking up one day when I am old and grey and I cant get it up anymore.

yeah me too. i am scared of getting old.

i am also scared of bugs.

i am scared of the people i love dying.

i am scared of airplanes.

i am scared of the dentist but i go frequently anyway.

i am scared of Bush being in office another 4 years.

i am scared that the US is overpowered by a majority of idiots.

i am scared of being alone at my house sometimes..

well DEATHLY AFRAID, not much. the things above to bother me though.

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I'm deathly afraid of old, potentially unsound buildings. My dad owns an old Victorian, and while his was mostly fine, his neighbors' entire homes fell to the ground in 1989, when San Fran was hit by the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake. They had not rectified some structural damage, and lost everything becuz of it...

....which leads to another fear. I'm scared of natural disasters. I've lived in a town where almost half the town burned down, and recently got my first real taste of dealing with hurricanes. Not too crazy about cockroaches, but I've never really had to deal with them. Orkin works wonders I suppose..

morons driving cars

hammerhead sharks. I prefer the benthic bottom feeders that don't bother anyone...why can't they all be like that?!?

Having a baby. I've already decided to go surrogate or adopt. The physical act of pregnancy, pain, and birth TERRIFIES me. I think if I had grown up around that it would be less intimdating. I certainly understand loving someone wonderful for you and wanting to make a child together. That's not so scary at all :)

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Ok people. Name some things that scare the shit out of your. Or freak you out. Or things you just have a phobia over...

For myself...

Spiders give me the fuckin willies...

I am not affraid of water. But I am petrified of drowning to death.

ever since that student from fordham died by vomiting into the ocean and then fell in circa '97 ive had a tremendous fear of water at night... also i have a phobia of sitting passenger in a car for long trips... i dont know why but i get very nervous that i dont have control, and my stomach starts to rumble... its fuckin weird...

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