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big request - please read


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hey everyone...

as some of you may or may not know the past few months have been a trying few for me healthwise. I have been diagnosed with some serious stomach ailments which i have been trying to treat for the past few months conventionally. Anyways, the decision has finally been made that I will be in need of some pretty major surgery within the next few weeks that will keep me hospitalized for 5-7 days and then almost two months recovery time assuming all goes well... anyways, reason for me telling you all this is that this friday we have had a little event schedualed at Karma in ft lauderdale.

schedualed dj's are the famed uk dj/producer Tarrantella aka chris bourne & Myself, Jon Cowan. We are also expecting support apearances from Chris Duque and Jimmy T amongst many others...

I would love to go out this friday and have an amazing night to take my mind off of what the future has in store... it would mean the world to me to have the support of all the local music fans and friends.... the cover is free and the drinks are cheap so no excuses!

karma is on the corner of andrews and las olas in ft lauderdale... for more info and the flyer check out www.karmafl.com

all the best and see you friday!

Jon :yuck:

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stay POSITIVE bro...having the right attitude about anything life deals you can make all the difference in the world. good luck

thanks mate... staying positive is all we can do... everything always turns out for the best anyways as I am sure this will... hope to see all of you tonight

best regards

Jon :pint:

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