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Fight Government/state Wirelss Taxes In Your Bill

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if u did not know .. we all pay redicilious amount of money in cellular phone taxes to the government and state ..

if u dont believe me .. read with me the following exceprt (that relates to NY state taxes) from a web site that is dedicated to fight taxes hikes ..

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New York holds the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of taxes and fees of any state in the country with a staggering 21.71%. New York imposes a costly variety of state and local taxes, fees and costs of government mandates on its residents, including as many as two E911 taxes.

In 2002, an internal audit by the state of New York found that more than $160 million had been taken out of the E911 fund and carelessly spent by state employees for such things as lawn care and dry cleaning. The misuse didn't stop there. In 2003, according to the New York Times, New York took another $40 million from its E911 fund and put it into the state general fund. That's more than $200 million New York wireless customers have paid into the E911 fund but has been spent elsewhere. New Yorkers are paying for important upgrades to a critical service, but are not receiving them.

Now, instead of fixing the problem the right way and making sure the money wireless customers are paying twice into the fund is spent correctly, the state legislature passed a law that allows local municipalities establish their own E911 tax. This one would be in addition to the state tax and that means you could be taxed twice for the same thing!

The wireless industry supports our emergency care providers and their important work, and recognizes the invaluable service E911 provides those in need. More than 200,000 emergency calls are made everyday from wireless phones. Still, now the state legislature is letting local jurisdictions enforce a second E911 tax. You shouldn't have to pay twice for the same service under any circumstance. But, when you are forced to pay more because your money has been misused, that's just intolerable!

Voice Your Concern! Contact your local elected official and tell them you're against a second E911 tax. Tell them how tired you are of paying an excessive amount of wireless taxes and fees and you want reform! The typical consumer faces a 14.32% total tax on wireless service: a 5.48 % federal tax and 8.84 % state/local tax.

State and local taxes and regulations have a disproportional impact on rural markets because the costs of investment and compliance are recovered over a smaller customer base and larger territory, thereby delaying the build-out of networks to underserved territories and timely introduction of new services and technologies.

Despite the impact wireless communications has on consumers, businesses and public safety, many states are threatening the ability of the wireless industry to continue the extraordinary growth, innovation and investment of the last two decades by imposing excessive and discriminatory taxes. The effective rate of taxation on wireless service increased nine times faster than the rate on other taxable goods and services between January 2003 and April 2004.

A recently released study by former NCSL Chief Economist Scott Mackey revealed the depth of the state activity by citing 19 states that now tax wireless services in the double-digits.

Demand for wireless services, the need to attract new investment in wireless and the ability to compete for customers are all inhibited by the profound impact these taxes have on the wireless industry.

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Now go to this web site http://www.stopaddingtomybill.com/index.aspx select your state and do something about it ..


the MASK

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Thats absolutely nuts. How can they justify that? They misuse our money and to fix it decide to double tax us? Im sick of all these added charges every month. My plan is supposed to be 49.99 and somehow it gets to almost 80 bucks every month and now they want to add to it? I agree we need to start speaking up. Cool Article. Thanks for the info!

Hey Mr Tax MAn! Take This :gang:

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Thats absolutely nuts. How can they justify that? They misuse our money and to fix it decide to double tax us? Im sick of all these added charges every month. My plan is supposed to be 49.99 and somehow it gets to almost 80 bucks every month and now they want to add to it? I agree we need to start speaking up. Cool Article. Thanks for the info!

Hey Mr Tax MAn! Take This :gang:

no problem .. go to the web site .. post your response and do something about it

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  • 3 weeks later...
why just wireless?

the taxes on landline phones are nutty too.

that is true too .. but the wireless phone usage has surged for years now .. and many ppl have replaced their land lines with cel phones ..

also .. ppl use cel phones much more than land lines now .. and that is from industry reports .. so their taxes will be increased based on their usage ..

so ... ppl should be going and doing someting about it ..

when many ppl complain .. gov might listen ...


the MASK

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