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People Of Cp - Please Put A Name Next To....


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CP's Biggest Dork - funky

CP's Most Congenial - solbeam, funky

Cp's Biggest Post Whore - deepsmell

Cp's Most Likely To Become First Millionaire - njstacked2 of course :laugh:

Cp's Class Clown - stymie/kaydup/smokesum/411/NMN

Cp's Biggest Pain In The Ass - ahahahah...hmmmmmmm

Cp's Most Horny Male - smokesum

Cp's Most Horny Female - linabina, naughtybabe, marci

Cp's Sexiest Male - :ghey:

Cp's Sexiest Female - linabina, naughtybabe, ladyshady, misky, mssabina

Cp's Cutest Male - :ghey:

Cp's Cutest Female - linabina

Cp's Biggest Flirt - image.php?u=86747&dateline=1062901392:D

Cp's Smartest Poster - ?

Cp's Best Thread Starter - DG/Barstarina

Cp's Worst Thread Starter - apples

Cp's Cutest Couple - Darrell & Sugar

Cp's Best Body Male - :ghey:

Cp's Best Body Female - linabina

Cp's Lamest Poster - njstacked2, tubby, monique

CP'S Posters who Should Be Coupled Up - me and linabina. i would say misky as well but i dont think i have a choice :D

CP'S BIGGEST HATER - njstacked2

CP'S Biggest Fued/Hatred Between 2 Posters - actingitup and South American phone lines

CP's Cheapest Member - fkornre!

CP's Most Generous Member - fkornre!

CP's Night Out Most Drunken Mess - no idea

CP's Night Out Meanest Drunk - no idea

CP's Night Out Happiest Drunk - no idea

CP's Night Out Grumpiest Drunk - no idea

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CP's Most Congenial - Mystify

Cp's Biggest Post Whore - Deepspell. He might even catch DG. ;)

Cp's Most Likely To Become First Millionaire - dgmodel

Cp's Class Clown - Smokesum, Xlr8ted, 411, NMN, Kaydup, Stymie.

Cp's Biggest Pain In The Ass - See above :D

Cp's Most Horny Male - Gabo

Cp's Most Horny Female - Linabina

Cp's Sexiest Female - SugarNSpice69 :makeout:

Cp's Cutest Female - SugarNSpice69 :love:

Cp's Biggest Flirt - image.php?u=86747&dateline=1100997059

Cp's Smartest Poster - You're all stupid bastids!!!

Cp's Best Thread Starter - dgmodel

Cp's Worst Thread Starter - atomicapples

Cp's Cutest Couple - Me N My Baby :love:

Cp's Best Body Female - SugarNSpice69 ;)

Cp's Lamest Poster - atomicapples

CP'S Posters who Should Be Coupled Up - apples and xbellex so he can mack his white pinstripe suit and hat again.


CP'S Biggest Fued/Hatred Between 2 Posters - Me and LorenzoBlowsLLamas

CP's Cheapest Member - fkornre

CP's Most Generous Member fkornre

CP's Night Out Most Drunken Mess - NMN

CP's Night Out Meanest Drunk - ?

CP's Night Out Happiest Drunk - dgmodel

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CP's Most Congenial - Deepspell

Cp's Biggest Post Whore -

Cp's Most Likely To Become First Millionaire - lol...why is this question here?

Cp's Class Clown - Phatman

Cp's Biggest Pain In The Ass - Smokesum

Cp's Most Horny Male - Gabo. He never lets us forget it.

Cp's Most Horny Female - ...

Cp's Sexiest Male - highmay

Cp's Sexiest Female - Lina,somebitch, S&S

Cp's Cutest Male - N/A

Cp's Cutest Female - NyBeauty

Cp's Biggest Flirt - eh...you're all full of shit.

Cp's Smartest Poster - Phunk / Phats

Cp's Best Thread Starter - ?

Cp's Worst Thread Starter - stymie, kaydup...etc

Cp's Cutest Couple - Darrell & Sugar

Cp's Best Body Male - N/A

Cp's Best Body Female - Lina

Cp's Lamest Poster - Smokesum

CP'S Posters who Should Be Coupled Up - Misk & iamme


CP'S Biggest Fued/Hatred Between 2 Posters - Dunno

CP's Cheapest Member - Atomicapples

CP's Most Generous Member -Phatman

CP's Night Out Most Drunken Mess - Fiery Desire.

CP's Night Out Meanest Drunk - Dont know any

CP's Night Out Happiest Drunk - Myself...

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CP's Most Congenial - Dgmodel

Cp's Biggest Post Whore - Dg, sorry man the numbers dont lie

Cp's Most Likely To Become First Millionaire -Dee

Cp's Class Clown -Smokesum

Cp's Biggest Pain In The Ass - we all have our moments here

Cp's Most Horny Male - I gotta give it to Gabo

Cp's Most Horny Female - horniest/most sexual: Naughtybabe :heart:

Cp's Sexiest Male - since he reminds me of me so much, Smokesum :peeleft:

Cp's Sexiest Female - to many choices, some more than others, others more than some

Cp's Cutest Male - Flip, any guy that can get tonie is ok in my book

Cp's Cutest Female - to many to pick just one, but i have a personal favorite :heart:

Cp's Biggest Flirt - his style leaves much to be desired, but i'll give it to Nomembername

Cp's Smartest Poster - :laugh:

Cp's Best Thread Starter - Dg makes the most effort

Cp's Worst Thread Starter - only Lalate could beat atomicapples

Cp's Cutest Couple - Themrs and flip

Cp's Best Body Male - I admire a man that doesnt care about physical looks, Deepspell

Cp's Best Body Female -Themrs :drool:

Cp's Lamest Poster - Lalate :bowdown:

CP'S Posters who Should Be Coupled Up - we all deserve each other


CP'S Biggest Fued/Hatred Between 2 Posters - Deepspell and myself had our moments this year, all i could think of

CP's Cheapest Member - Fkorne, random choice

CP's Most Generous Member -Naughtybabe and her posts

CP's Night Out Most Drunken Mess - cp has night's out??

CP's Night Out Meanest Drunk - ibid

CP's Night Out Happiest Drunk - ibid


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CP's Most Congenial - Dgmodel

Cp's Biggest Post Whore - Dg, sorry man the numbers dont lie

Cp's Most Likely To Become First Millionaire -Dee

Cp's Class Clown -Smokesum

Cp's Biggest Pain In The Ass - we all have our moments here

Cp's Most Horny Male - I gotta give it to Gabo

Cp's Most Horny Female - horniest/most sexual: Naughtybabe :heart:

Cp's Sexiest Male - since he reminds me of me so much, Smokesum :peeleft:

Cp's Sexiest Female - to many choices, some more than others, others more than some

Cp's Cutest Male - Flip, any guy that can get tonie is ok in my book

Cp's Cutest Female - to many to pick just one, but i have a personal favorite :heart:

Cp's Biggest Flirt - his style leaves much to be desired, but i'll give it to Nomembername

Cp's Smartest Poster - :laugh:

Cp's Best Thread Starter - Dg makes the most effort

Cp's Worst Thread Starter - only Lalate could beat atomicapples

Cp's Cutest Couple - Themrs and flip

Cp's Best Body Male - I admire a man that doesnt care about physical looks, Deepspell

Cp's Best Body Female -Themrs :drool:

Cp's Lamest Poster - Lalate :bowdown:

CP'S Posters who Should Be Coupled Up - we all deserve each other


CP'S Biggest Fued/Hatred Between 2 Posters - Deepspell and myself had our moments this year, all i could think of

CP's Cheapest Member - Fkorne, random choice

CP's Most Generous Member -Naughtybabe and her posts

CP's Night Out Most Drunken Mess - cp has night's out??

CP's Night Out Meanest Drunk - ibid

CP's Night Out Happiest Drunk - ibid


im honored
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