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Yo, Me and MysticRain Hooked Up Last Night!


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Holy shit that babe smokes. So yo, last night we finally got to stop flirting and meet in person at the ShoreLine on the beach. We talked, we drank, we flirted, we danced, we snuggled, we kissed. And when the big hand was on the 1 and the 8 it was time to move the night forward.

Okay…so she was drunk, and I was too, and I suggested we head to my apartment for some all night wild sliding the slick in and out. She was into it right away, practically jumped me right there in the bar when she put her arms around me as we headed out the door. Then we’re driving to my place and I’m on the highway heading for my town, and she was kissing me and rubbing her hands along my arm and leg. It was incredible. You won’t believe what she did next.

She looked me in the eye, she did, and unbuttoned her shirt, pulled it open, she was wearing no bra by the way, and slid it off behind her. Then she tossed it out the window. She was drunk, and frisky. And her tits were awesome! Then she pulled off her pants and tossed that too, right out the window. And no, she was not wearing panties.

So there she was, fucking gorgeous enough to take your breath away, completely naked beside me, and she wasn’t even done yet. She opened my pants and…I was doing sixty miles per hour and she was going down, going to town, pleasing my slick little clown! Damn she knew what she was doing! That gal knows she has skills in that area of servicing.

She finished me off right quick. I was in sin city and feeling no pity. But she kept on going, really going at it hard, and you can’t do that, not after I’m done. I’m way too sensitive after I cum but she wouldn’t let up, and it was so overwhelming that I lost control and ran off the road, slammed into a tree. It was a good thing she didn’t bite my pecker off right there in the impact. And this was where the events took a strange turn, as if it wasn’t strange enough already.

I was trapped between the seat and the steering wheel, and I couldn’t move. She was free, she had moved out just in time, and she wasn’t even hurt. But I was still stuck, so I told her to run and get help, to get someone to help me get out of the car. But the problem was, she was naked, cause she’d thrown all her shit out the window miles back. She was completely naked. So she says to me, “I’m naked, what am I supposed to do like this?†I’m pretty angry at that point, because I was the one stuck in a crumpled up car, and she’s having a vanity attack. So I stuck out my leg and told her to pull off my shoe, and put it over her box and tie the laces around her waist, so at least her vaginny was covered with the shoe.

So she does, and covers her tits with her hands, and ran down the street to a gas station yelling for help. So there she was, naked, tits covered, and my shoe over her snatch, and she yells “Help, help, a man is stuck and I can’t get him out!†…and the guy looks at her with the shoe, and says right back, “Lady, if he’s stuck up that far, I’m not even gonna try to pull him out!â€

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