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3 possible endings to the election, which one would you pick?

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Tragically after Chechny's GHB related, fatal heart attack, Bush (his long time friend) goes on a Coke and hooker binge. 2 8 balls later, while showing the hookers his Mafia boss impression Bush's nose impacts and sadly he bleeds to death. Gore saddened at his election defeat ends up boring himself to death in a drunken Vodka Redbull stupor. Shocked and unsure what to do the American people allow, Clinton to stay on for another term.

Or the Scooby Do ending...

Meanwhile over at Bush's Presidential acceptance speech....

"Blah, blah blah United States of America, Blah Blah Blah Blah good of the people blah blah blah", suddenly from no where Gore runs up to the newly elected president, and rips of what appears to be a mask.

"IMPOSTER!", shout the crowd.

"No it's just Sadam Hussein the evil Iraq dictator", shouts Gore.

"So what appeared to be Bush's stupidity in his debates, was actually just Sadam's poor understanding of the English language.", says Scooby.

"Exactly", says Gore.

Gore is sworn in, and the country returns to normal.

Or the CNYC version...

After Bush wins the election he heads of to the Sound Factory for a celebratory party. After swapping JP a big bag of coke for a go on the 1's & 2's, Bush rocks the house playing version after version that Zombie nation track, mixing Dave Clark's 90 minute extended radio edit into the extended dub version. Bush so impresses the SF crowd, Juiceboy invites him back to an after party at his mums house.

Back at the party Bush, in a K-Hole and messy on GHB insults Juiceboys mums cooking. Now juiceboy had been juicing for a while and had a big night on the G & K, in a sudden fit of rage Juiceboy pummels Bush into a pulp.

Shocked, the nation must again look for a leader. The search is long and fraught with legal rhetoric. In the end the country turns to a man who's new wave, Democratic principles are widely respected. A man whose, drive to keep freedom of speech a human right is know ALL over the country, and indeed..... the world.

DaVe immediately cuts short his 'research' trip to Asia and rushes back to be sworn in. DaVe knows changes must be made to keep the democratic system alive. Firstly he renames Florida to the DRAMA state, then in a swift move renames New York the personal/dating state. The country is left to regulate it's self, to argue amongst themselves until and issue is fixed. This new form of Democracy is taken up by the rest of the world and EVERYBODY lives happily ever after

[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 11-22-2000).]

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cwm27.gif And how much time did you have on your hands this morning Dave?? cwm27.gif

Can all the Club Gods and Goddesses be the new house of congress??



“If the headache would only precede the intoxication, alcoholism would be a virtue.” - Samuel Butler angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 11-22-2000).]

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LOL! Nice.... I vote for outcome number 3...

Although another brief ending. The legal battles go on for so long that both Gore and Bush are lynched and hanged for being such asses, then they elect Jesse Ventura as President. All court cases are from here on out done in the WWF style....


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