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Were you adopted?


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I was before I was born. My parents adopted me while my birthmother was still pregnant. I have a million and one questions to ask my birthmother but never had any leads other than a name. She could have remarried and even if I did find her she may not want anything to do with me. I have the most wonderful Father in the world and my Mother (she passed away) was just beyond words. I was very lucky to have them but there are so many questions.

Any way, to my point...I'm registered all over online for adoption sites, I have been for years and I never heard anything. Once I posted on a family tree website under her maiden name and forgot about it. That was October 2nd. Yesterday I came home to an email saying this lady had the same name but she needed more details. She said she knew there was another woman with the same name somewhere. I wrote back that she would be in her late 40's and would have lived in the NY/NJ area in 1971. A few hours later I get a message back saying that it probably is her. She did live in this area and is in her late 40's. I still wasn't expecting much until I read the next line...She said "By any chance is your birthday October 10th?" I SCREAMED!! Literally! I just found my birth mother after 29 years of wondering and questions.

I'm so excited I can hardly think. I may have siblings, I'll finally know what I am for sure (I think I'm German) My parents said I look like her so maybe if we meet I will finally be able to look at someone and see myself!!!!

On the other hand...what if she doesn't want to meet me?? I would think she never would have said anything about my birthday if she didn't. I sent an email back to her but it was late last night and I'm hoping there will be something from her tonight when I go home.

Whatever happens it is exciting. Only adopted kids could understand how much!!!!!!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Congrats and good luck - I hope it all works out for the best for you.

I have three adopted cousins who unfortunately could be the anti-poster children for adoption. You were very lucky to have parents who cared for you - my cousins weren't as fortunate (my aunt and uncle are selfish shitheads that got divorced and played the kids against each other)

I hope this all has a happy ending for you.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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My husband is also adopted. We've been through a few things to try and find his parents. Would you mind telling me the outlets you took?? We'd both really appreciate it. My email is sdunn1@mail.corp.idt.net or sdeedlez@aol.com.


Sue aka deedz cwm9.gifcwm7.gif

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Yeh good luck, sound as if your exited... hope it all turns out well.

hopefully you bought tickets, i heard exit is going to be packed tonight



you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Hey that's great! I am adopted myself, but I never gave much thought to looking for my birth parents. However, I have to admit the possibility of having siblings is definately something that sticks in the back of mind. I wish you the best of luck!

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I just wanted to thank all of you for your well wishes and let you know that I did hear back from her!

She sent a picture but it was a little fuzzy so hopefully I'll get a new one soon. She is also very excited and told me that she has thought of me often especially on my birthday. She has wanted to get in touch with me for a long time. She also told me that my birthfather had inquired about me through her mother about 7 or 8 years ago. Looks like he would like to hear from me too! She is trying to get an address for me.

Needless to say she was surprised to find out she was a grandmother at the age of 36 but she was also very excited about that. I know of a grandfather, 2 uncles and 2 cousins now. It doesn't seem that she had any more children after me. She told me that I am German and Danish on her fathers side and Cornish (what the heck is that? smile.gif ) on her mother's. My birthfather's last name sounds Danish but I'll be able to confirm that with him if I get in touch!

This is really overwhelming and I think I'm in shock in some way. Imagine 29 years of questions answered overnight...sensory overload!!

Thank you again to all of you!




A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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i can't even imagine what u must be feeling like...hey, congrats, looks like she really wants (been wanting) to meet you. Let her get to know you and what you're all about, bring her to twilo next month... cwm7.gif


"fall in love with music, fall in love with dance"

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I am so happy for you Cathy. This was got to be a really overwhelming experience for you. To find more family after this time is a very great feeling.

I will continue to hope for you and that things will work out for the best. Expect some disappointment along the way, but remember that you have made contact and are lucky that your birth mother has made contact with you. That puts you miles ahead of others that are searching for themselves.





"Jesus Tap Dancing Christ,

I've never seen anything so

juvenile in my life."

- Mr. Garrison

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