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The official "I don't give a shit if you won't be at JP's pool party party" thread

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People who post these threads are fucking gay. Seriously - who cares what parties you won't be attending - there were hundreds of parties last year. Do you see me making a post for every fucking one I decided not to go to. Its sad that some of you people hate so much on a certain type of party or crowd that you need to post you won't be going to that party. Do you seriously think anyone who is planning on going to JP's party this year gives a shit you won't be going?

Find a party you like - get excited about it - post about it - do whatever. But to start a thread about not going to a certain party is fucking childish. Some of you people need to get a hobby or girlfriend if you have that much time on your hands.

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ehh fuck it, let me wipe out my msg. there is enough negativity in the clubworld these days, i dont need to add to it. It doesnt help by bitching. BUTT i really think alot of the newschoolers need to be taught what its about. That way they dont jump on the juicehead..skank...crackhead bandwagon. Perfect example = NJ/STATEN ISLAND & HAMPTONS "clubbers".

My thing is centro-fly...i miss that place. That place emodied alot of the positive aspects of clubworld.

A) you can b yourself

B) Freindly people& Staff

C) No specific type of crowd. just people having fun

D) trendy, but yet us hippies in our sweatpants could still go to dance

E) Everyone was of age, and the ones that werent were mature enough that u wouldnt notice..everyone seemed 23+. (i once remember seeing a bunch of asian kids who were about 18+ talking by the coat check arond 1am. ..they were saying " fuck this place..its so gay..where is the hard music..what with this trance..funk shit..whatever it is../lol) and they walked out.

Centro had so many good things going for it. Crobar seems to have most of the centro "crowd"...and artists..>BUT ehh its not the same..crobar has no life. Many disagree..but the dance floor barely moved at roger sanchez..peple just bopped up and down..sipping drinks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
You just about covered it. I'm a JP fan but the pool party last year discussed me beyond belief.

the music was insaneeeeeeeeeee .. seeing 13 ppl G out hell no

especially when 1/2 of them were girls.

iether way ill be at NV friday the 25th for his party.

and to the person who created this thread as a Jp fan and supporter for a while now, thanks for the thread...u hate the guy so much u made a thread about it.

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the music was insaneeeeeeeeeee .. seeing 13 ppl G out hell no

especially when 1/2 of them were girls.

iether way ill be at NV friday the 25th for his party.

and to the person who created this thread as a Jp fan and supporter for a while now, thanks for the thread...u hate the guy so much u made a thread about it.

I'm with you on that one you can count me in 100% at Envy. Maybe people will be able able to control themselves this year??... Highly doubtful though!

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