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HELP neeed advice!!


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Post your stats, training experience/knowlege, diet, age, ect..... The more info you can give us, the more we can help. and a picture is worth a 1000 words.

Also, what are your goals? Have you set goals? Are you willing to sacrifice to meet these goals? Do you have a specific time and/or event that you are wanting to look good for or are looking to improve your overall health???


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im 18yrs bout to be 19, recently graduated USMC bootcamp...i lost 15 pounds while i was out there and gained 10 pounds(i weigh 155lbs now) since i been back its been over a month and half....after bootcamp i havent really been working out that much maybe going 2-3 times a week jus workin mostly upper body)

i want to follow a good routine in eating healthy(high protein-low carb) food and follow a workout routine that is fit for me...in order to gain healthy muscle(bulk up)...My goals would jus to start now and hopefully have some results in 6 months...by working out everyday and following a good diet and have a low bf%...i want to know the steps in order that i can achieve these goals.... I weigh 155lbs 5,9....18yrs bout to be 19

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How experienced are you at weight training. Do you understand the basic lifts, such as bench press, squats, shoulder presses, tricep extensions and bicep curls???

Also, if you are wanting to add muscle - you do not want a high protein low carb diet. Low carb diets will cause muscle atrophy.

Are you a hard gainer? Do you put on muscle easy or is it difficult for you to put on mass? Do you put on fat easily? A picture would be very helpful here.

As far as your training routine, I need to know more about your experience with weights. But, either way, you will need to stick with a veru basic routine with high intensity.

Would you prefer a routine that is 3 or 4 days on and 1 day off. Or would you rather work out 5 days during the week and take off both days during the weekend.

Also, how much do you know about nutrition???


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How experienced are you at weight training. Do you understand the basic lifts, such as bench press, squats, shoulder presses, tricep extensions and bicep curls???

Also, if you are wanting to add muscle - you do not want a high protein low carb diet. Low carb diets will cause muscle atrophy.

Are you a hard gainer? Do you put on muscle easy or is it difficult for you to put on mass? Do you put on fat easily? A picture would be very helpful here.

As far as your training routine, I need to know more about your experience with weights. But, either way, you will need to stick with a veru basic routine with high intensity.

Would you prefer a routine that is 3 or 4 days on and 1 day off. Or would you rather work out 5 days during the week and take off both days during the weekend.

Also, how much do you know about nutrition???


im really not exprienced when it comes to weight training..only highskool knowledge from using the highschool weights. I understand the basic lifts but i dont know how many sets and how many reps i should be doing that in order to build muscle.

I have a good metabolism and never been over 160lbs...from what happend to me in bootcamp i got down to 145 pounds and i know that i didnt have that much body fat on me...just for that fact that my body was toned and the weight that i lost.

i would prefer a routine that is 3-4 days on and 1 one day off to begin with..and i would do more days as i advance with training .

Far as nuitriton i have no clue on what i should be eating in order to put on healthy mass or any supplements or shakes that would me out.

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Okay, let's start with your training

Spend no more than 90 minutes in the gym. 60 minutes is even better. Socialize elsewhere. If you want to pick up chicks, dont do it at the gym, it waste your gym time and you are not fine enough for the girls to want you to waste theirs.

High intensity. Each workout you should push for the next level wether it be one more rep or more weight on a particular lift.

Our goal here is to shoot for 10-12 reps of each set. That does not mean count to 10 and stop. What that means is do as much weight as possible, given that ranges of reps. If this week you get 12 easily, then you need to add weight next week. If this week you only get 8 or 9 reps, then next week go for 10 or 12. I think you get the picture.

As far as actual sets, you need to keep it simple. Stick to the basics in order to build a good foundation. I know that the old fucker in the gym has a fancy bicep routine, which is the sole reason that Arnold had his 21 inch arms, but you don't need that one just yet.



4 x12 flat bench dumbell presses

4 x 12 flat bench barbell presses

4 x 12 Incline dumbell presses

4 x 12 Cable Cross Overs



4 x 12 Wide Grip Pull ups to the chest

4 x 12 Row machine

4 x 12 Lat pulls

4 x 12 Back extensions



4 x 12 dumbell military presses

4 x 12 smith machine militar presses

4 x 12 Side raises

4 x 12 Shrugs



4 x 12 squats

4 x 12 leg presses

4 x 12 leg curls

4 x 12 leg extensions


Biceps and triceps

I would do supersets with these

Dumbell curls

Dumbell extensions

Bent Barbell curls

Cable press downs

Cable curls

Supanated cable extensions

Just keep it simple and get you a good burn out.

You need to work in abs and calves somewhere in this routine.

If anybody has something to add or I missed something, feel free to add. If it appears I screwed something up, your comments are welcome. If you just want to be an ass, I can take that too. Rest sat and sun.

youngnove, do you have any questions or comments?


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  • 2 weeks later...

elitesnautica - so what would you say for me:

I am 150lbs but fluctuate down to 145. I lift every other day but on the days off i do 20 push ups into 25 situps then back down to pushups. I do a total of 3 sets. At the jym I do 21's, bench, I do a lot of upper body. Now with me I can have a good day and have a bad day. It seems my body wont pass the 150lb weight at all. I am thinking i should start to take a protein shake to help rebuild the muscle faster becuase sometimes i can be sore for awhile, not in a bad way, just in a good workout. Will that help me increase weight, stabalize my weight as well as help me reach a goal of 170lbs i hope ???? Those 3 are my main goals, which sound eay since muscle weighs more then fat. But give me some suggestions

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try working on your legs for starters, sounds like youre focused on upper body only. Second, if you're not passing the 150 weight its because you're not eating enough. Thats how you'll gain muscle weight, not just by lifting alone. A protein shake might help but only if you're getting enough calories in your diet. Doesnt sound like youre paying much attention to your diet and thats key in gaining weight. Work on that and then you'll start seein results.

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try working on your legs for starters, sounds like youre focused on upper body only. Second, if you're not passing the 150 weight its because you're not eating enough. Thats how you'll gain muscle weight, not just by lifting alone. A protein shake might help but only if you're getting enough calories in your diet. Doesnt sound like youre paying much attention to your diet and thats key in gaining weight. Work on that and then you'll start seein results.

Yea, I did do a calorie count for a week and it was A LOT. Problem is i dont want fat, or that much fat in my diet. Is there any food you know of high in calories, and low in fat and sugar? Unless the only other option is a weight gainer?

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