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real world challenge...


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having a lil discussion with someone and wanted a third party opinion on this so, which is considered more valuable... real world experience vs. schooling~!? (practical knowledge vs. theoretical knowledge) which would be a greater selling point on a resume~!?

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my sister is a genie-ass.....always was..smart as hell... but her common sense is shot to shit....and she struggles thru shit i breeze through...therefore im gona have to say common sense/real world knowledge is more valuable

tis why we're alike.. :tongue: but to land a job, i'd say both have factors.. also depends on the job itself....

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personally.. i think "street smarts" is more important then "book smarts"

i did not go to college right after high school. i was able to see the "real world" in different eyes... damm people are dumb. some think just because they have a paper in their hand it constitutes them to common sense...uh no.

nevertheless the world seems to think that you do need that paper...so i went back to school. i think school is important to become a little more cultured, but i don't think it should be a requirement nor take so many years to obtain.

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