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It's About The Tragedy - Not More Bush-bashing


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December 31, 2004 --

THE political and ideological exploitation of perhaps the worst natural disaster in all our lifetimes is almost beyond belief — were it not for the fact that nothing these days is beyond belief.

Even as tears spring into the most hard-hearted person's eyes at both the unimaginable scope of the tragedy and at the wrenching individual stories of loss, opinion leaders just can't help themselves.

They are using this cataclysm as little more than cheap debate fodder about the nature and character of the United States, its president and its citizens.

Don't misunderstand.

It is fine and proper to have a debate and discussion about the degree of generosity the United States could, should and must show in the wake of this literally earth-shaking event.

But at this moment, the United States is not the issue.

The foreign-aid budget of the United States is not the issue.

Our government should not be the focal point of the discussion right now.

Don't we owe the dead, dying and injured the minimal grace not to convert their suffering into a chat-show segment — the latest left-right clash over the Bush presidency?

And couldn't the editorialists at The New York Times have forborne — even just for a week — making use of the tsunami to complain about U.S. government spending on "development aid"?

Development aid is the blanket term for American grant money handed out to other countries, supposedly to help their economies grow. Development aid has nothing — nothing — to do with what has happened.

The aid at issue now is disaster relief.

Secretary of State Colin Powell found himself in the position of having to remind the world that over the past four years the United States has provided more such aid than all other nations on the planet combined.

It is appalling that he had to mention this, and that President Bush was compelled to cite the same information on Wednesday, because you're not supposed to brag about how charitable you are. But once a United Nations official decried the American aid pledge as "stingy," the administration had little choice.

Any rational person would have understood without having to be told what the president told the world on Wednesday morning, which is that the $35 million pledge "is only the beginning of our help."

But maybe people are looking for a sideshow to distract them from the sickening pictures and the keening cries of the untold numbers of mothers whose babies were swept away

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I agree that it was very petty to call the U.S. stingy. But I have to kind of laugh at Colin's remaks that the U.S. has given more in aid over the last 4 years than all nations combined. That may be true, but when comparing aid given to GDP, the US ranks near the bottom. I think the U.S. has contributed about 0.17% of their GDP. That is among the lowest in the world.

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Colin Powell on Meet the Press this morning:

I might add two other points, if I may, Tim. One: Our Defense Department is spending a great deal of money, which doesn't count as part of the $350 million, to put our assets in the region and to fly our helicopters and other aircraft and ships to assist with this. And the other thing that's so exciting is the response from the private sector of America. I mean, companies are matching the contributions of employees. I know that you're doing things right here at your network, so many other networks. Amazon.com is allowing you to one-click a contribution to the American Red Cross. So tens and tens of millions of dollars are being raised within the private community, which suggests the nature of our society, the compassion that we have for people in need.

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and what would have been the talk on all the Rushlimbaugh/Sean Hannity shows ifit was a Democrat in office with a paltry 15 million offered up as first amount pledged????

Gee the war in Iraq is running over 100 million a day

and your going to spend 40 million onyour re-election/inauguration party!?!?

yes the deaths and devastation is the main story here ,

but Georgie boy needs to take the hit for not saying a peep for 4 days while he was on his ranch in texas on vacation yet again ,

And only upping the ante after hearing about the bad press it caused

Please george if you wanted to avoid bad press and earn nothing but praise and actually attempt to change the worlds view of us

You could have come right out the next day after the scope of the devastation was apparent and Pledged big bucks and support to some of the largest muslim countries in the world ...and also where al qaeda sets up shop(malaysia)

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Well the story is not only the dead but the thousands of people who are going to die if we do not help. SO if you look at it that way then this is a story.

I find it kinda silly to complain about aid, but whoever approved that 35 million or approved it to be said should be fired.

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but Georgie boy needs to take the hit for not saying a peep for 4 days while he was on his ranch in texas on vacation yet again ,

And only upping the ante after hearing about the bad press it caused

Are you fucking kidding me? Do us all a favor: In the future, before going off on silly tangents with your silly prattle; do alittle research. First of all, on Sunday when this whole stoy first broke, it was reported that there were about 4 or 5 thousand dead. The enormity of it all had not yet hit. Nobody knew just how big this would get. Americas initial aid offer was small, but upped after more deaths were reported. As the situation escalated the aid was upped. This is how most nations around the world did it too.

In the meantime, ships and planes filled with food and supplies were being being sent over. What did you want? For Bush to come out the first day and pledge a jabillion dollars?

Japan is now giving 500 million. But their offer started out alot smaller. Obviously, after we saw the impact of the situation, our efforts were scaled up. I predict they'll go even higher.

Your suggestion that Bush upped the U.S. offer because of the 'bad press' is so fucking stupid. This parallegism that you've created is even more so.

'Georgie boy,' as you call him, doesn't have to answer shit. America's response has been nothing less than appropriate.

Oh, btw, I really do think its funny how, no matter what the situation might be, people like you will find ways to bring up the war in Iraq. We're engaged in what might be the largest relief effort in the history of the world, and all you can do is criticize your president every chance you get. You make me sick.

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What should of been said is that "the US will send as much money as needed, or something like that. Never say specifics until you know the damage. You would think somone in his cabinet would be smart enough to know that.

I wonder how much money is osama donating to one of his major recruiting areas? lol

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j, the amount that will be needed will be exceedingly into the billions. America cannot make that type of commitment. Also, there wasn't one single person who decided to announce a precise figure....But rather, this is how situations like this have been handled in the past. All contributing nations initially announced precise aid amounts. No country offered a blank check. C'mon, that's just unrealistic.

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Let me digress here for a minute...

I think it's equally funny how there's an outcry when America steps in to mediate in certain conflicts, only to be told to 'butt out,' or 'mind your own business, and stop trying to police the world.' But when there's a crisis, it's: 'C'MON USA STEP IN AND GIVE US MONEY! 35 MILLION?!?!?!? CMON YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!'

In other words: 'Hey, we'll gladly take your money, but otherwise, stay out of our fucking business!'

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Please george if you wanted to avoid bad press and earn nothing but praise and actually attempt to change the worlds view of us

You could have come right out the next day after the scope of the devastation was apparent and Pledged big bucks and support to some of the largest muslim countries in the world ...and also where al qaeda sets up shop(malaysia)

Another thing, the 'scope of devastation' was obviously not fucking apparent, you choade chomping, cum canoodling cylinder. Considering that when the news first broke the reports were of 4 thousand deaths. What is it up to now?? 150,000?

Anyway, enough of this, I'm out like your fat ass in dodgeball.

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wow, the more I read that response the more I want to fucking kill you.

What the fuck does al Qaeda have to do with this? They 'set up shop in Malaysia?' ok, and? Should we send forces to drive them out? What does our aid have to do with al Qaeda? wow

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Let me digress here for a minute...

I think it's equally funny how there's an outcry when America steps in to mediate in certain conflicts, only to be told to 'butt out,' or 'mind your own business, and stop trying to police the world.' But when there's a crisis, it's: 'C'MON USA STEP IN AND GIVE US MONEY! 35 MILLION?!?!?!? CMON YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!'

In other words: 'Hey, we'll gladly take your money, but otherwise, stay out of our fucking business!'

outstanding post.......

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Are you fucking kidding me? Do us all a favor: In the future, before going off on silly tangents with your silly prattle; do alittle research. First of all, on Sunday when this whole stoy first broke, it was reported that there were about 4 or 5 thousand dead. The enormity of it all had not yet hit. Nobody knew just how big this would get. Americas initial aid offer was small, but upped after more deaths were reported. As the situation escalated the aid was upped. This is how most nations around the world did it too.

In the meantime, ships and planes filled with food and supplies were being being sent over. What did you want? For Bush to come out the first day and pledge a jabillion dollars?

Japan is now giving 500 million. But their offer started out alot smaller. Obviously, after we saw the impact of the situation, our efforts were scaled up. I predict they'll go even higher.

Your suggestion that Bush upped the U.S. offer because of the 'bad press' is so fucking stupid. This parallegism that you've created is even more so.

'Georgie boy,' as you call him, doesn't have to answer shit. America's response has been nothing less than appropriate.

Oh, btw, I really do think its funny how, no matter what the situation might be, people like you will find ways to bring up the war in Iraq. We're engaged in what might be the largest relief effort in the history of the world, and all you can do is criticize your president every chance you get. You make me sick.

ok CALEB stick to bashing the redsox ....your actually onto something there.

the first reports of deaths were 11 thousand and it doubled every 12 hours or so. THe US first pledge was 15 mill, prompting the "Stingy " remark we then upped it to 35 mill.

then 4 yes 4 days later BUsh takes time out from his vacation to address the world. 4 days caleb 4 days you think the magnitude of the situation would have took hold after lets say 2 or 3 days

this is not going off on a tangent junior its a direct response to the thread

about we shouldnt bash bush

People LIke Me??? son you have no fuckin clue what im about ....obviously we know about you and your type the same fuckstains that are driving a stake through the heart of this country,,,,dividing everything by red/blue states Having to make every fucking decision based on who you listen to RUsh or AL franken

go yankees

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Another thing: These aid packages still have to go through our Congresses for approval. Some of you may think Bush has a blank check or someshit. Not true.

not arguing this point . my problem was the BUshs delay in addressing this situation that he could have turned around into a major positive spin for the US in an area that is predominantly muslim

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Another thing, the 'scope of devastation' was obviously not fucking apparent, you choade chomping, cum canoodling cylinder. Considering that when the news first broke the reports were of 4 thousand deaths. What is it up to now?? 150,000?

4 days

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Let me digress here for a minute...

I think it's equally funny how there's an outcry when America steps in to mediate in certain conflicts, only to be told to 'butt out,' or 'mind your own business, and stop trying to police the world.' But when there's a crisis, it's: 'C'MON USA STEP IN AND GIVE US MONEY! 35 MILLION?!?!?!? CMON YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!'

In other words: 'Hey, we'll gladly take your money, but otherwise, stay out of our fucking business!'


I've said it from the get go and that is why myself and many Americans can care less what others Countries think about us because when it comes down to it we are and have always been the biggest provider of aid throughout the world and that does not just consist of $$$$$. Who care what #2, #3, #4 say about you when you are #1?

I'm glad the US is AGAIN going around the UN and creating our own coalition consisting of other super powers such as Japan, Australia, Great Brittan ect ect. (Just like we did with Iraq). After all we now know were the money can end up if left in their hands (Oil For Food). Maybe next time they will think twice before regurgitate their "The West Is Stingy" crap.

Lets all be honest with each other. Many Countries will be donating goods and $$$$$$ towards this disaster but who do you think will be the ones to get all that aid to the disaster areas? Who has the best ability to deliver it? We will be leading in the aid aspect and to think that people will hate us for that is amusing. Very laughable....To even think that they will even try and debate that BUSH took to long to respond is even more laughable.

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not arguing this point . my problem was the BUshs delay in addressing this situation that he could have turned around into a major positive spin for the US in an area that is predominantly muslim


Right..........like past efforts, aid, support, etc by the U.S. to Muslim countries has been appreciated or generated goodwill, or thanks, or even as you say, "positive spin".....

Those who are absurdly bashing Bush over this are simply using this tragedy as a chance to launch yet another ridiculous attack on the President, using the moronic spin " Bush is blowing a chance to gain goodwill in Muslim countries"".........


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so waiting 4 days is better than coming right out and saying how he feels for these countries and whatever it took the US would be right there?

no shit the muslim extremists disdain our existence , it doesnt take away from the fact that it could have a positive spin on our intentions

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so waiting 4 days is better than coming right out and saying how he feels for these countries and whatever it took the US would be right there?

no shit the muslim extremists disdain our existence , it doesnt take away from the fact that it could have a positive spin on our intentions if it was handled correctly

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so waiting 4 days is better than coming right out and saying how he feels for these countries and whatever it took the US would be right there?

no shit the muslim extremists disdain our existence , it doesnt take away from the fact that it could have a positive spin on our intentions if it was handled correctly

The only thing that these "4 days" provided was an opportunity of people like yourself to over-reach for something to launch an absurd attack on the President in the name of "hallucinogenic positive spin" that its very nature is selective and hypocritical..........

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all i am saying is you should never give a specific number until you know all the details because wen you do you set yourself up like we did. I also wish the us would start a "hooray for US" campain down there or a "where is your terrorist funding now" eo show that we are not the big bad US.

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