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coat check disasters


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So I decided to be a good son and take my parents out to dinner tonight. I've been to this particular restaurant pretty regularly over the past 8 years. We get seated... waiter takes moms fur coat and forks over a coat check ticket... Its 1AM and dinner is over (After 5 hours of horrible service). Give the waiter the coat check ticket ... after about 20 minutes... still no coat... I ask the bus boy to call the waiter... "they're still looking for your coat" ... 2 hours later everyone is gone and so is the coat... Cops come and take a statement...$3,500 coat gone.... What the fuck kind of lowlife steals a coat on New Years Eve?? Bottom line: as much as I love the veal chops I'll never step foot in Il Cortile again.. A little known fact that some of you might want to know... New York law limits a proprietors liability for checked coats to $200 if the have an attendant and issue tickets. You might wanna think twice before checking your coat next time you're out.

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So I decided to be a good son and take my parents out to dinner tonight. I've been to this particular restaurant pretty regularly over the past 8 years. We get seated... waiter takes moms fur coat and forks over a coat check ticket... Its 1AM and dinner is over (After 5 hours of horrible service). Give the waiter the coat check ticket ... after about 20 minutes... still no coat... I ask the bus boy to call the waiter... "they're still looking for your coat" ... 2 hours later everyone is gone and so is the coat... Cops come and take a statement...$3,500 coat gone.... What the fuck kind of lowlife steals a coat on New Years Eve?? Bottom line: as much as I love the veal chops I'll never step foot in Il Cortile again.. A little known fact that some of you might want to know... New York law limits a proprietors liability for checked coats to $200 if the have an attendant and issue tickets. You might wanna think twice before checking your coat next time you're out.

damn... thats fuckin low... any other day thats acceptable but not on a holiday...

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