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Rocker lets F word slip on tonight show

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Rocker Lets F-Word Slip on 'Tonight Show'

Jan 4, 12:31 PM EST

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES -- When Motley Crue's Vince Neil wished bandmate Tommy Lee a happy New Year live on NBC, he couldn't resist inserting a profanity — and now the FCC is involved.

The Federal Communications Commission has received complaints about the New Year's Eve "Tonight" show and is beginning a preliminary probe, a spokeswoman said Tuesday. But it's likely little will come of it.

Motley Crue was performing shortly after midnight when Neil turned to Lee and said, "Happy ----ing New Year, Tommy!"

It was an off-the-cuff remark and not done intentionally to test broadcast rules, said a spokeswoman for the band who asked not to be identified.

Neither Motley Crue nor NBC had any other comment Tuesday.

Jay Leno normally tapes the "Tonight" show, but did a live version for the East Coast on New Year's Eve. Neil's remark was excised when the show was seen in other time slots.

U2 lead singer Bono used the same expletive at last year's Golden Globe Awards, which were also broadcast live by NBC. The network has said it will put this year's broadcast on a 10-second delay.

The FCC, in a March ruling issued after receiving hundreds of complaints about Bono, said the word should not be used on over-the-air radio or television programs when it's likely children will be listening. But the Bono ruling did not apply to the hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., generally considered a "safe harbor" for rougher language. The commission said in its ruling that it would take complaints about language in those hours on a case by case basis.

Networks have been more cautious about material they air after singer Janet Jackson's Super Bowl performance last year.

Jackson was near the end of a Feb. 1 halftime duet with Justin Timberlake when Timberlake snatched off part of her bustier on stage, revealing one of her breasts, which was covered with only a sun-shaped "nipple shield." Those involved blamed the exposure on a "wardrobe malfunction."

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its fuckin ridiculous, this word is uttered every fucking day of our lives, its just a damn word

it's never about the word itself, but what impact the word has...to play devil's advocate, curse words have very strong emphases and are only for certain uses...since curse words are usually said out of frustration, theyre usually considered not nice to say...so a parent probably wouldnt want to expose their kids to words like shit, fuck, cunt, bitch, etc. since, fundementally, theyre not really nice to say...

obviously as we get older we become desensitized to it all, and using curse words becomes more of a selective process depending on the situation, but of course we wouldnt understand that if we're younger...

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it's never about the word itself, but what impact the word has...to play devil's advocate, curse words have very strong emphases and are only for certain uses...since curse words are usually said out of frustration, theyre usually considered not nice to say...so a parent probably wouldnt want to expose their kids to words like shit, fuck, cunt, bitch, etc. since, fundementally, theyre not really nice to say...

obviously as we get older we become desensitized to it all, and using curse words becomes more of a selective process depending on the situation, but of course we wouldnt understand that if we're younger...

agreed, however the clout, or umph one word carries varies with time... if i were to say "this is balderdash" on television these days it wouldnt be anything except for an obscure word thats not in circulation any longer.. .however if this was lets say the 1800's this would be considered a swear/curse word and i would be shunned for saying it or expressing my feelings in a such a careless manner... what some groups may find offensive others might not, and vice versa and after time and being exposed to it neither party finds anything with it... am i saying cursing is acceptable and children should feel free to express themselves in gutter talk~!? absolutely not but if the word is part of our daily language and the characters on tv portray everyday living and everyday ppl then it would seem quite foolish to alter their speach and behaviour... it should be the parents job to censor what the child is watching not the governments job to sensor what they broadcast... IMO... but this is the endless nameless debate that goes back since the begining of entertainment... "whats appropriate" "whats not" "whats suitable" etc... it should be the vewiers choice whats what not the government or its regulatory bodies imo... oh well whatever nevermind...

in any event check this out if you have a moment:


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good read...and obviously i was talking about the times of today...it always depends on the individual who uses those words, but it's in the general sense of the words used that determine their impact...interesting how the author feels that the language of racism will become the curse words of tomorrow...the words actually dont mean anything in and of themselves...as george carlin puts it: "it's the racist asshole whose using them that you gotta watch out for"...

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yah but he said Happy Fucking New Year, in a tender way :love: lol, no but seriously it wasn't meant offensively, same thing as that time Bono said it. Sometimes ppl just get excited and say FUCK DAMN that was amazing, like that.

The FCC is just getting ridiculous, these laws and others are just out for blood now it seems, money money money, it's fucking crazy.

What they should really tackle are all those shitty reality shows and the crap mtv keeps pumpin out :gang:

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whats funny is that there's hardly any censoring of european television...other than hard core sex, i really didnt see anything that was blatently censored...the channel 4 in london played True Lies uncut while i was over there...

exactly my point, its rather odd how everything here is censored and taboo yet we have the highest violent crime rates and poverty levels yet everything over there is free to hear and see and smoke in some places and they have lower violent crime rates, and manage to sustain an adequate lifestyle with less money... they say morales morales morales wtf, what kind of morales do you have funding companies like enron that bilk ppl out of billions, or the charlatans in the stockmarket, or the medical companies/HMO's charging outlandish prices, its always the ppl that are the guiltiest seem to always argue about something else just so the spotlight isnt on them... whatever im blabbering now and typing quickly while eating lunch so this prolly doesnt even make sense...

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whats funny is that there's hardly any censoring of european television...other than hard core sex, i really didnt see anything that was blatently censored...the channel 4 in london played True Lies uncut while i was over there...

I was just about to mention this

i just got back from Belgium, and it was a delight to watch news that actually SHOWED you what's going on in the world uncensored.

The news services out there don't hold back, and are so much more reliable than here.

I just think the government and FCC hold the reigns WAY TOO tight here and thereby makes television and media rated G and banal.

Big deal Vince Neil said the "F" word! Big deal we saw Janet Jackson's taataa for a microsecond! The earth doesn't stop because of that! It stops when the leader of our country reduces funding to financial aid and increases funding to abstinence programs :laugh::doh:

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