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Arrr, Evan. Yu don't need that sort of grief in your life. Y'said yer was 9 months in a sober house, but with her ya went back to using. The stress from her can't be helpful to your desire to stay clean, if you be desiring that. I be worried that with her around you'd be more inclined to go out and drink again, and sabotague the 9 months you accomplished in Sober House. Run lad, run far away. I'd be pleased to steal her away and have her walk the plank out at sea. If she enjoys being in the closet such a long time, she will adapt to Davy Jone's locker easier than it takes for her to come out of the closet. Holla if ya need me services. Arrr.
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oh yea and I know why she's crazy and got no friends

you say her family is from Upstate right ?

well up there ...I bet there aren't that may Chinese peeps ...so she probably didn't have anyone to be friends with and got made fun of by all the white honkies ...so she's alone .. she probably doesn't get along with her family either ...so she only has YOU !

So she probably ran away from hicksville to Chinatown ...and got into stripping + drugs ..

ANyways ..that's one messed up ho !

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Dude...this is sooo not made up.. If I was gonna mek up a story..I'd say that my girlfriend was Jessica Alba and that yesterday she admitted she was an alien from outer space and was there to conquer the planet.

I know she is late because Aunt Flo hasn't come to town. She has also had the nautious feelings, as well as the breasts (yes..they are fake) being sensitive.

She is not a K head. She is a tina head. I cannot date a K head or I'd become a full blown addict. I have never touched tina and I never will.

I'm avoiding telling my friends of her threats at all costs. I can't tell u all the reasons why (this should make it obvious).

I asked her about her life gorwing up and she told me she had other Asian friends so it isn't that.

I appreciate everyone's comments. I AM leaving her. I looked at 3 different apartments today.

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Evan ..just by looking at your pic ..sorry to say

you look like the nice caring sucker with deep pockets and she looks like a psycho ho ....

becareful next time ..you need to be more selective about women ..

most hot girls are pshycho bitches becuz nice men like you take care of them ...

Anyways ..if you haven't noticed ..being ASian can really suck sometimes ..

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Evan ..just by looking at your pic ..sorry to say

you look like the nice caring sucker with deep pockets and she looks like a psycho ho ....

becareful next time ..you need to be more selective about women ..

most hot girls are pshycho bitches becuz nice men like you take care of them ...

Anyways ..if you haven't noticed ..being ASian can really suck sometimes ..


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Guest gabo
Im free to change my mind. Im King of the ......

.. oh wait, ur the King. Hows that going with ur kingdom?

Everything is going swell in my kingdom. Drop by if you want... I have more than enough trollops.

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Guest gabo
i changed the subject lol cuz i was trying to get that vision of you wearing kermitthefrog on ur underwear out of my mind.
I also have a thong with kermit on the font... Ill show u a pic cause I know ur just dying to see it.


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oh yea and I know why she's crazy and got no friends

you say her family is from Upstate right ?

well up there ...I bet there aren't that may Chinese peeps ...so she probably didn't have anyone to be friends with and got made fun of by all the white honkies ...so she's alone .. she probably doesn't get along with her family either ...so she only has YOU !

So she probably ran away from hicksville to Chinatown ...and got into stripping + drugs ..

ANyways ..that's one messed up ho !

like your family makes fun of you for "attracting black men"? i can see how you relate.

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