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beltran to the mets?


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That would help out the lineup and pitchers.

now if matsui could learn to hit off speed pitches like big matsui and reyes stays healthy that lineup could be good.

but as always the fuckin bullpen is the heel.

I would love to see beltran go there.

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The Yankees don't seem to be serious on Beltran. It'd be nice, but I don't think were getting him. Too much money. Quick Q, though: How come the Mets weren't willing to shell out 75 mil for Guererro(who is much better than beltran) but are willing to give Beltran 9 figures? Didn't he hit something like .250 last year? 100 RBI?

I don't know what we'll do with CF. Bernie isn't exactly a bad choice. I can deal with it. Just look at our rotation and lineup. Crazy.

Giambi's at first next year. Tino on the bench. Awesome.

Boston fans: did you get better this year, or worse? Serious question.

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The Yankees don't seem to be serious on Beltran. It'd be nice, but I don't think were getting him. Too much money. Quick Q, though: How come the Mets weren't willing to shell out 75 mil for Guererro(who is much better than beltran) but are willing to give Beltran 9 figures? Didn't he hit something like .250 last year? 100 RBI?

i think the Mets realize they made a huge mistake by not signing Vlad and are trying to not harp on the past by going out and making a push to sign the top free agent this year

by the way, they are reportedly getting ready to give beltran a starting bid of 6 years at $105 million which is much more than what the Astros are talking so far....and not to mention they told him that even if they signed him they still might make a run at Delgado or Sosa....

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The Yankees don't seem to be serious on Beltran. It'd be nice, but I don't think were getting him. Too much money. Quick Q, though: How come the Mets weren't willing to shell out 75 mil for Guererro(who is much better than beltran) but are willing to give Beltran 9 figures? Didn't he hit something like .250 last year? 100 RBI?

I don't know what we'll do with CF. Bernie isn't exactly a bad choice. I can deal with it. Just look at our rotation and lineup. Crazy.

Giambi's at first next year. Tino on the bench. Awesome.

Boston fans: did you get better this year, or worse? Serious question.

I would say better with renteria in the lineup. Losing pedro hurts but we are better not having him for 4 years because then we would get stuck with bad contracts like the yanks. 4 guys making 90 million next year ?? Also we would not be able to get sheets or hudson next year because of his contract.

Can clement wells or miller equal pedros and lowes 30 wins probably close enough to get us in to the playoffs.

Bernie is the worst center fielder in the AL, giambi if he is healthy would be a huge bonus for the yanks huge. Tino is a great pick up as a bench player and club house guy. But to give up on vasquez was a mistake and while johnson is not a huge injury guy he is 6-7 with a bad back and a violent motion. If he makes it the whole season i would be surprised but if i were the yanks i would worry about the post season and not the regular season. That line up is good for 98 wins or so.

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i think the Mets realize they made a huge mistake by not signing Vlad and are trying to not harp on the past by going out and making a push to sign the top free agent this year

by the way, they are reportedly getting ready to give beltran a starting bid of 6 years at $105 million which is much more than what the Astros are talking so far....and not to mention they told him that even if they signed him they still might make a run at Delgado or Sosa....

I think if they sign Beltran, and can still get Delgado....They'll win their division. Assuming of course Zambrano is healthy and Pedro and Benson have good years.

Wait, who's their closer? I seriouslyforgot. Looper? Whatever happenedto Royce Ring? The guy they got for Alomar

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I would say better with renteria in the lineup. Losing pedro hurts but we are better not having him for 4 years because then we would get stuck with bad contracts like the yanks. 4 guys making 90 million next year ?? Also we would not be able to get sheets or hudson next year because of his contract.

Can clement wells or miller equal pedros and lowes 30 wins probably close enough to get us in to the playoffs.

Bernie is the worst center fielder in the AL, giambi if he is healthy would be a huge bonus for the yanks huge. Tino is a great pick up as a bench player and club house guy. But to give up on vasquez was a mistake and while johnson is not a huge injury guy he is 6-7 with a bad back and a violent motion. If he makes it the whole season i would be surprised but if i were the yanks i would worry about the post season and not the regular season. That line up is good for 98 wins or so.

Well, if you're gonna talk about bad backs you should probably mention Wells too. But Johnsons back isnt nearly as bad as Wells' RJ was fine last year. Put up ridiculous numbers for a very bad team. He was pitching lights out just a few months ago....What makes you think he can't continue that this year? Also, I always thought RJ was 6' 10''?

Giving up Vaz IMO wasnt a mistake. Were getting the best pitcher in the game today. I dont care about his age. The Yanks live for today. Not tomorrow. And today, we have the best pitcher on our team.

I don't know if Bernie is the worst center fielder in the AL. Could be. I dont know what the Yanks are going to do with him or CF. But the rest of the lineup is just insane. Couple that with the best rotation in baseball and we can win 110 next year.

About your rotation: You seem to be content. Thats fine. But Id be alot more nervous if I were you. Losing Pedro was terrible. Very stupid. Fuck ups the makeup of the team and not to mention the chemistry. I know Manny and the immigrant arent happy. Well, actually their both immigrants. Anyway, Sometimes you have to overpay your stars to keep them. A few more million and youd still have Pedro and a much better rotation.

I dont want to start another war here but your opening day starter is a guy who called the Yanks asking of any interest. Cashman basically said 'nah no interest' We wouldnt even consider him for the #5.

And about the 4 guys making 90 mil....dude, we can afford it. As long as there isnt any salary cap the Yanks will always spend spend spend. The Yankee organization has so much fucking money flowing through it. A conglomerate.

Oh, and you wanna talk about overpaying? Look at Variteks contract. Nobody, and I mean nobody even came close to offering that kind of money. I think St Louis was ready to make an offer alot lower than that. My question is if they can overpay Tek, why not Pedro?

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Wow.. a comment that's not spewing with negativity.. :eek: :eek:

Ragga, are you feeling ok?

Don't worry...cause if they don't sign Delgado and fix the bullpen if they get Beltran...I'll spew more venom than a family of Cobras.

I wanna see how this all plays out...and "simmer" for a little bit.

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Well, if you're gonna talk about bad backs you should probably mention Wells too. But Johnsons back isnt nearly as bad as Wells' RJ was fine last year. Put up ridiculous numbers for a very bad team. He was pitching lights out just a few months ago....What makes you think he can't continue that this year? Also, I always thought RJ was 6' 10''?

Giving up Vaz IMO wasnt a mistake. Were getting the best pitcher in the game today. I dont care about his age. The Yanks live for today. Not tomorrow. And today, we have the best pitcher on our team.

I don't know if Bernie is the worst center fielder in the AL. Could be. I dont know what the Yanks are going to do with him or CF. But the rest of the lineup is just insane. Couple that with the best rotation in baseball and we can win 110 next year.

About your rotation: You seem to be content. Thats fine. But Id be alot more nervous if I were you. Losing Pedro was terrible. Very stupid. Fuck ups the makeup of the team and not to mention the chemistry. I know Manny and the immigrant arent happy. Well, actually their both immigrants. Anyway, Sometimes you have to overpay your stars to keep them. A few more million and youd still have Pedro and a much better rotation.

I dont want to start another war here but your opening day starter is a guy who called the Yanks asking of any interest. Cashman basically said 'nah no interest' We wouldnt even consider him for the #5.

And about the 4 guys making 90 mil....dude, we can afford it. As long as there isnt any salary cap the Yanks will always spend spend spend. The Yankee organization has so much fucking money flowing through it. A conglomerate.

Oh, and you wanna talk about overpaying? Look at Variteks contract. Nobody, and I mean nobody even came close to offering that kind of money. I think St Louis was ready to make an offer alot lower than that. My question is if they can overpay Tek, why not Pedro?

#1 wells is only singed for 2 years at low money not really a risk but johnson at 44 making 16 mill might be.

#2 losing pedro sucks but he was not the glue holding the clubhouse together that was tek and that is why we payed him.

#3 If the yankees were not worried about money they would of already signed beltran(they still might now that the mets are invovled).

#4 100 million just for your pitching staff is an act of desperation.

#5 The yanks have a shit load of back loaded contracts and no farm system(jeter 21 million at age 36) something has got to give. Next year the money the yanks have to give out goes up to 50%, so you are looking at giving 120 million to all the other teams. The yankees are like rome and georgie is caligula.

# I am not worried because the yankees had the world series wrapped up last year and look what happened. It should be another good year can't wait.

Oh and santana is the best pitcher in baseball the yanks will have him sooner or later.lol

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also i think our pitching staff as a whole will be better (atleast on paper) then last year. If you go by baseball prospectus(who were dead on last year) they say we are about 50 vorp(Value Over Replacement Level points) higher then last year. That has to do with how bad lowe sucked ass last year, but that is if clement is not a complete mental case which we will see.

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#1 wells is only singed for 2 years at low money not really a risk but johnson at 44 making 16 mill might be.

#2 losing pedro sucks but he was not the glue holding the clubhouse together that was tek and that is why we payed him.

#3 If the yankees were not worried about money they would of already signed beltran(they still might now that the mets are invovled).

#4 100 million just for your pitching staff is an act of desperation.

#5 The yanks have a shit load of back loaded contracts and no farm system(jeter 21 million at age 36) something has got to give. Next year the money the yanks have to give out goes up to 50%, so you are looking at giving 120 million to all the other teams. The yankees are like rome and georgie is caligula.

# I am not worried because the yankees had the world series wrapped up last year and look what happened. It should be another good year can't wait.

Oh and santana is the best pitcher in baseball the yanks will have him sooner or later.lol

Well I'd rather risk more money on the best pitcher in baseball (debatable, of course) than a fatty like Wellls.

So, you admit the Sox overpayed Varitek, right?

Not having signed Beltran doesnt mean that we cant afford him. It just means even the Yankees have limits. Apparently we've reached it.

Desperation? Maybe. I see it as a 'we wont make the same mistake twice' type of situation. Actually, I think getting low level starters like Wade Miller and Wells is moe an act of desperation.

The contracts I know nothing about. I don't care. We have huge contracts and a huge payroll and it remains to be seen what will happen in a few years. I don't care about 2007. I care about 2005. I don't care about Jeter when he's 40. They'll figure something out, they always do.

The Yankees didn't have the WS wapped up last year. At least I dont think so. We had a shaky rotation all year, there was the whole Giambi mess, Minnesota was tough, and Boston was favored in the ALCS.

Anyway, I still think losing Pedro was disastrous.

I can'twait until pitchers & catchers. How many more days?

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i know can't wait.

Oh and on the clubouse, i wish i could be a fly on the wall brown, johnson, scheff, a sulking giambi, slappy, should be great. Good thing tino is there for jeter and no chin posada.

If you are tight on a budget now what happens next year or the year after when you are paying a shit load of revenue sharing and have these contracts that you can not trade away. You need players coming up making no money. Signing miller is smart, not an act of desperation. It is a no lose situation if he pitches good then good, if not see you later.

hey if we can compete with a team that spends 100 million on just their pitching staff then shit i am happy. Hey doesn't moose make 19 mill next year.What the hell were these gms thinking giving out those contracts(manny arod i think jose awefullman was making 8 a year lol) I am glad thing are somewhat back to normal.

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yeah that clubhouse is going to be a freak show. Who knows what the fuck is gonna be going on.

we obviously spend a ton of fucking money, right? but we also make a ton of money. we have the richest cable deal in sportstoday. We have contracts with big companies i.e Adidas for 10 years at 94 million. I think we have the highest attendance (or is it Anaheim?) Anyway the point is we have alot of revenue...more than any team in baseball. Were like the Manchester U. of baseball....we buy buy buy. We have the best players because we pay for them. Of course I always like this approach. I like young guys coming up through the system. its exciting watching a guy like Kazmir make his first start in the majors. but, oh well, thats not us. Many teams have this small maket approach and theyve had minimal success with it. Oakland and Minnesota being the two most notable. But they havent made it past the ALDS. (Im talking over the last 10 years or so)

Oakland had the best starting three I have ever seen and they couldnt win. Now, they gave up two and its almost like theyre starting over again because they dont want or, rather, they CANT pay these guys. That sucks. Its like a vicious cycle. Now theyll develop Harden and Blanton and then let them go in a few years when theyre fully developed.

Anyway, its clear Georgie boy has a different vision than the rest of baseball. I think he wants to blow everyone out of the water for the next couple of years and then retire.

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I tell you if the sox did not win last year i would be screaming bloody murder about the yanks payroll and shit but we won so i can sit back and watch georgie run that team into the ground.

That's the problem with Georgie. Every 15 years or so we need him to get suspended from the game for a couplre of years so we can restock the farm system...

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