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Girls: Guys in clubs with shirts on/off? Guys: Why do you take off shirt?

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Last time I checked, this was a public forum, and everyone's opinion was asked for. You seem to be getting pretty angry over a rather trivial thing. Seems someone has some issues with which to deal. Oh, and I notice that you are quick to jump bad with me, and I only made a simple not-trying-to-cause-drama-statement that you should get over it. But you say nothing to the guy who dissed you. Hmmm...

As for me being ugly, puh-leeze. Ask anyone on this board who has met me, and you will find that you are terribly wrong. But hey, I'm not mad at you, you just don't know any better!

What are you talking about? Dissed me....?? What? You are a pig....puh-lease your damn self. You THINK you are good looking when in fact you are not.

After viewing the pic thread, I said to myself, "Shit, she has some nerve calling herself divalicious" Honest to God thats what I said. And that was over a month ago.

So get your dance on in Exit or where ever you go...look at all the meat heads and sweat them, cause I promise that no one will be looking at you. Pig.



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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I really don't give a shit.. If you're hot I don't want your stupid ass passing out of me so take the fucking thing off..I was at Exit once and I took my shirt off, I wouldn't usually do that but I was dying and you know what it wasan't much different than what some of the girls were wearing there anyway...It was a bra; covered more than my bathing suit would.....What's the big deal.. you're there to have fun and dance..... As far as hair is concerned I don't care either.... I mean don't look like a chia pet!!!! But it doesn't bother me.. I prefer either way...


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by egotrip94:

What are you talking about? Dissed me....?? What? You are a pig....puh-lease your damn self. You THINK you are good looking when in fact you are not.

After viewing the pic thread, I said to myself, "Shit, she has some nerve calling herself divalicious" Honest to God thats what I said. And that was over a month ago.

So get your dance on in Exit or where ever you go...look at all the meat heads and sweat them, cause I promise that no one will be looking at you. Pig.

DICKHEAD- You could only dream of having a woman like her. Please stop being an asshole. Thank you.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Smithers, come here. I need you.

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first of all i'd like to address dmgreenz and his chest - i'd like to rub my face in it!!!!

and to the guy who said my friend hit every branch of the ugly tree on the way down -- why don't you post your pic so we can take a look at you?? divalicious is a beautiful person inside and out and there's no need for such strong words. you're entitled to your opinion but that was just plain mean!! guys are falling down all over the place for some attention from her!!! no more jerky statements, thank you!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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i take off my shirt because i like to flex and drink ghb and ghb makes me sweat really bad when i am flexing i also do steroids and you are supposed to take your shirt off when doing steroids and flexing i am also tan and single thank you



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I had to step in sooner or later.I posted the same subject about 2 months ago and it got the same reaction.Lets see, I take my shirt off for a few reasons.1 because it gets so hot and muggy when your dancing.2 because I work hard at my physique (juice free) and might as well show it off now while I still got it. 3 because it gives me a sense of freedom when I'm dancing,those of you who don't take their shirts off wouldn't know this. Shirt on-Shirt off who the fuck cares,it's all about lettin loose and having fun for a few hours,BE YOURSELF


02_24_w.gif is in the 02_19_w.gif = boogie-ing_man.gif

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Originally posted by aliebling:

That's why I love going to gay clubs so much... Hot, stylish, friendly guys as far as the eye can see, and no one tries to grope me!

Is that how you usually meet guys, or is it what you do when you feel like being alone?


"Passionately pursue what you love to do"

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Hey man, just because you don't have a body worth showing off or looking at, there's no need to get snippity with me.

There are many of us gals who appreciate looking at those well toned guys with no shirts, as I'm sure you like looking at well toned girls in little outfits. I'm sure you wouldn't be so adamantly opposed to girls taking their shirts off!

Well, girls with no shirts on would be cool....but not you. I've seen your pic.....you're pretty scary looking. Looks as if you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down....

I wouldn't even be talking to you if you had minded your own business!!



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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Originally posted by egotrip94:

Well, girls with no shirts on would be cool....but not you. I've seen your pic.....you're pretty scary looking. Looks as if you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down....

I wouldn't even be talking to you if you had minded your own business!!


Last time I checked, this was a public forum, and everyone's opinion was asked for. You seem to be getting pretty angry over a rather trivial thing. Seems someone has some issues with which to deal. Oh, and I notice that you are quick to jump bad with me, and I only made a simple not-trying-to-cause-drama-statement that you should get over it. But you say nothing to the guy who dissed you. Hmmm...

As for me being ugly, puh-leeze. Ask anyone on this board who has met me, and you will find that you are terribly wrong. But hey, I'm not mad at you, you just don't know any better!



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by cubano43:

Ok so what is the purpose of chest hair? Women don't like it and men are not to fond of it. I say shave it or get those hair inhibitors.

Who said women don't like it? Who said men aren't too fond of it?

Depends what it looks like and who's rocking it.... Don't let the women blind ya with all the hype!!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by bastardino:

All the girls in this post that said that guy's chest hair must go are fucking assholes. You freaking nymphos let me tell you something, MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAIR ON THEIR CHEST. It was put there for a reason, and let me tell you something, waxing your legs or your bush is very different than waxing your pecs and your stomach and your shoulders. You should appreciate the Alec Baldwin look, it's masculine and it's really the only thing that separates your flat as a board chest from your boyfriends chest.

1) Alec Baldwin is gross. That statement has nothing to do with his body hair, because if I ever saw him in a sufficient state of undress to actually see if he was hairy or not, I'd already be passed out on the floor from the horror of it all. cwm3.gif

2) Sure men are supposed to have hair on their chests, the same as women are supposed to have hair on their legs and in their armpits, etc. But I fail to see how a guy shaving is an unnatural act while girls are expected to do it. Do you think waxing your pecs is that much more painful than a girl doing it elsewhere? Just try waxing your bikini line sometime and then get back to me!


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Not to digress too far from shirts on on off, but the women waxing issue is an interesting one. As long as she doesn't look like king kong or have a beard that's worthy of the lunch lady, I don't care much about women shaving anything. When women let their leg hair grow, it usually reaches a certain length and isn't that coarse. But, shaving seems to make it a lot more stubbly and a pain.

So, Ladies, don't be shaving for me because that's about the last thing I care about. I think guys care about that a lot less than ya think.

one in a series of 3 messages.


2) Sure men are supposed to have hair on their chests, the same as women are supposed to have hair on their legs and in their armpits, etc. But I fail to see how a guy shaving is an unnatural act while girls are expected to do it. Do you think waxing your pecs is that much more painful than a girl doing it elsewhere? Just try waxing your bikini line sometime and then get back to me!

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I play a mean game of ultimate frisbee and got some slick moves, but you don't see me showing up at a club with a frisbee to show off my skills.

I also keep pretty good tabs on the stock market, but I don't go to a club and start trying to impress with my knowledge by quoting annual reports and cnbc broadcasts.

not the best metaphors, but you get the point.

I go to clubs to have fun, not to show off.

I think the general annoyance is about invasion of space, not looks. If we all had plenty of space to move around and dance, I wouldn't care if you guys got naked (but not next to me, thanks). But, since it's so damn packed and there isn't any room to move, I'd rather not have to deal with rubbing up against a bunch of shirtless guys everytime I move.

Originally posted by anthonyp:

<snip>2 because I work hard at my physique (juice free) and might as well show it off now while I still got it. 3 because it gives me a sense of freedom when I'm dancing,those of you who don't take their shirts off wouldn't know this. Shirt on-Shirt off who the fuck cares,it's all about lettin loose and having fun for a few hours,BE YOURSELF

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two things. If you dance a lot in a packed hot club, you will get really sweaty. Even with a shirt on, the sweat will seep through and gross out people you bump in to. Whenever I dance a lot, I make sure to not bump into anyone as best I can, whether I'm shirtless or shirtful.

As for taking it off, if you have a good build, some women will react well to you being shirtless, others will think it is disgusting on principle (god forbid a guy show any vanity). To a single dude, this is definitely a trade off they are willing to make. Better to go out shirtless, attract 2 girls and offend 50 girls, than to keep the shirt on, attract noone and offend noone.

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Also, well built guys with their shirts off are in a sense contributing to the sexual energy of a club. Sexual energy and clubbing are more related than ultimate frisbee and clubbing. But I couldn't agree more on the personal space issue. If you are sweaty and nasty (and a lot of times I am if I've been dancing for hours on end), tap people on the shoulder and say excuse me before squeezing by them and soaking them with your sweat.

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Originally posted by john58:


two things. If you dance a lot in a packed hot club, you will get really sweaty. Even with a shirt on, the sweat will seep through and gross out people you bump in to. Whenever I dance a lot, I make sure to not bump into anyone as best I can, whether I'm shirtless or shirtful.

If I were built like you I'd be shirtless EVERYWHERE I went! Church, work, funerals, grocery store.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Do what thou wilt.

Aleister Crowley

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