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I thought I'd share this with you people...

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Since I work at a watch place, we manufacutre watches I get real stupid letters from people that their watch does not work correclty or something is wrong with it.

This letter is a little hard to read cuz it's written in a real jiggley script. Yes, and there is periods after almost every word.

Here is one of them that I just opend up:

Dear Sirs:

I just bought my new. ________. _______ wrist watch. From. Hartland American. Plus the same as $20.00 plus $6.00 Shipping & Handelijng. Classically.

I like this watch fine except for one thing. (over)

it is (tumininst) (I am a poor speller)

But it dosent, lite up. (glow) only. Barely in the Dark. not near enough enough for me to see the: time at night.

it will Glow real well in the Dark if I hold a Bright light in front of it in the Dark a couple minutes on the face of the watch. But only Glows the numbers bright just a few minutes after i turn the Flashlight off.

What is wrong.




Now what the hell am I souposed to write back to this guy???


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Rachel - just like this

Dear Moron:

Get yourself a rope, a cheap ass wall clock and a flashlight from K-mart and kick it Flava-Flav style you jackass.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Recently I've gotten some messages forwarded to me by our customer support people because they wanted a tech person to answer (me? tech? ha!). Anyway, I haven't gotten that many, but the few that I have, are making me lose hope in the human race... The world is indeed full of morons.

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HAHA that's classic. I was working at an investment bank this summer and got a letter from a PRINTING company who wanted to do all of our print work. The letter included no less than 6 typos (for 2 paragraphs of writing). We circled and corrected the problems and faxed it back to the guy. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????????



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Rachel that is damn funny. I'm not sure what to suggest.....

Option #1: uh, yeah...

Option #2: Dear Sir, I. completely. understand your: dilema. Classically. you must purchase. our new ______._______ night vision goggles. $1000.00 plus $12.00 Shipping and jigging.

This way. you. won't have to. worry. about the watch. not lighting up.

Option #3: Please get a friend to proof read your letter before sending it to us, so we can actually understand what you are saying....

You gots a difficult situation Rachel...




a.k.a. ibhugh, Brian Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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ok rachel, not to steal your thunder or anything but this is a tiny part of a five page letter my surgery center received from a patient who was due in the following week for cataract surgery. i'm typing it exactly as she wrote it and it was all in sections with titles:


I went to Dr. _________'s office on August 27th. It was very hot outside and the doctor had to have the air conditioner on. I was all sweated from the hot sun. I had gotten such awful pains over my whole body. I didn't like to take Tylenol because I would have a blocked nose. I had to take the Tylenol on Wednesday and Friday I started to bleed from my bottom. I went back to Dr. ___________ and he tried to stop the bleeding but it didn't stop. With this bleeding four days later something come out where the urine comes out. It was shaped exactly like a mushroom but it was dark and made up of hard blood. The doctor numbed this area and took this strange thing. The doctor did a great job. I never felt a thing.......

OK< this woman was having CATARACT surgery...hello??? And the letter is much longer,,,,,I was in tears the first time I read it. So don't worry Rachel, just write something off the wall back to this dude and he won't know the difference!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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People like those, infesting our fine world with their stupidity-----they are the reason George Bush may become president of the United States of America, and why I have to look into moving to Canada.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Just tell him that his letter is very confusing and can he please be more clear so that your company can better serve him.

Originally posted by rachel1997:

Since I work at a watch place, we manufacutre watches I get real stupid letters from people that their watch does not work correclty or something is wrong with it.

This letter is a little hard to read cuz it's written in a real jiggley script. Yes, and there is periods after almost every word.

Here is one of them that I just opend up:

Dear Sirs:

I just bought my new. ________. _______ wrist watch. From. Hartland American. Plus the same as $20.00 plus $6.00 Shipping & Handelijng. Classically.

I like this watch fine except for one thing. (over)

it is (tumininst) (I am a poor speller)

But it dosent, lite up. (glow) only. Barely in the Dark. not near enough enough for me to see the: time at night.

it will Glow real well in the Dark if I hold a Bright light in front of it in the Dark a couple minutes on the face of the watch. But only Glows the numbers bright just a few minutes after i turn the Flashlight off.

What is wrong.




Now what the hell am I souposed to write back to this guy???




<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Nooo you tell them this.... Dear who ever bla bla yata yata Look Your a Stupid moron . i mean your SO smart that your a RETARD ,,,,.... i mean come on its common sence lol hahaha my watch has indiglow beeeeotchsssss



(SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED) (johnny v) (russ reign)(soul assasin ) [TUNNEL] thats whats its all about baby

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:


Option #2: Dear Sir, I. completely. understand your: dilema. Classically. you must purchase. our new ______._______ night vision goggles. $1000.00 plus $12.00 Shipping and jigging.

This way. you. won't have to. worry. about the watch. not lighting up.



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