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Does anybody STILL use glowsticks or lights?

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gabe i think you are a cool kid and all but wow dude... why would you rat someone out?? this came up a few months ago when you mentioned you ratted some kid who was doing k to a bouncer... why not just go tell these people yourself??? why bring in a third party and potentially get the kid kciked out?? it's not like the kid was doing windmills with razor blades in his hands... he was swinging some glowsticks around... im only taking offense to this bc i used to do those glowstick string things, while they were potentially harmful to other peeps i never hit anybody in my day (i guess i havent done them since about 01).. i dunno, i think if there's a huge circle going, glowsticks on strings isnt really a problem... if you're doing it in a crowded spot than you are a moron... but coming from someone who lives for being in the middle of a circle, like you do, im really surprised you ratted some kid out for expressing himself... he was just doing his thing in the middle of a circle.. i actually still get a kick out of watching kids do this... it reminds me of when i first started going to raves and it brings back a lot of good memories.. i like when people use the photon's in front of someone's face, while they're rolling... if you think about it what is it really... it's someone going out of their way to intensify someone else's trip... to enhance someone else's night... isnt that what it's supposed to be about??? not jumping into a circle and mocking the person's dancing style (which happens A LOT)

Now this a great response! also "bull" you keep quoting me back but read your original post! you brought this upon yourself! like i said before you are a source of alot of knowledge but mind oyur own business about shit like that unless oyu confront the kid yourself. " dont think you ever will though" and you make it sound sometimes like you are the scene! yes i give you props for knowing alot! but the scene is what ever that person makes of it not what the legendary"silverbull states it is" now my 3 cents!

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gabe i think you are a cool kid and all but wow dude... why would you rat someone out?? this came up a few months ago when you mentioned you ratted some kid who was doing k to a bouncer... why not just go tell these people yourself??? why bring in a third party and potentially get the kid kciked out?? it's not like the kid was doing windmills with razor blades in his hands... he was swinging some glowsticks around... im only taking offense to this bc i used to do those glowstick string things, while they were potentially harmful to other peeps i never hit anybody in my day (i guess i havent done them since about 01).. i dunno, i think if there's a huge circle going, glowsticks on strings isnt really a problem... if you're doing it in a crowded spot than you are a moron... but coming from someone who lives for being in the middle of a circle, like you do, im really surprised you ratted some kid out for expressing himself... he was just doing his thing in the middle of a circle.. i actually still get a kick out of watching kids do this... it reminds me of when i first started going to raves and it brings back a lot of good memories.. i like when people use the photon's in front of someone's face, while they're rolling... if you think about it what is it really... it's someone going out of their way to intensify someone else's trip... to enhance someone else's night... isnt that what it's supposed to be about??? not jumping into a circle and mocking the person's dancing style (which happens A LOT)

Holy shit, not like I had much respect for the Hobbit anyway, but dude, this loser sounds like he's out to ruin everyones. So what if people are using glowsticks or doing drugs, 99% of the time they aren't bothing you so why do you have to go and ruin their fun. Guess because he's 2 feet tall he has problems going up to people and asking them to their face nicely. No, instead he's got to be a pussy and tell the bouncer then has the balls to brag about his narcing to others. How does someone not realize that being a narc is completely uncool and that bragging about it is even more uncool. Anyway, next time I see you out I'll come up to you in person and tell you how ghey those stupid silverchains look. And that you're ruining my fun so you'll have to leave that space.....good luck Silverbullshit, once a narc always a narc

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If so PLEASE STOP. Thankfully non of the parties ive gone to in a long time have had those things. Last time was at cielo and thankfully the bouncers told him to put that crap away after a certain someone said something hehe. So if your still using them FESS up and defend why you still do? This topic may seem dumb but im bored at work.


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Wut you people dunno is that sliverbull listens to soulful deep shit that raving just wouldn't flow right. Honestly I ain't no raver but I can't imagine spinning a rope to roger sanchez or Kevin hedge. sorry it ain't happening. If you are into this goa trance crizzap then maybe I could see it but to deep house? tribal? Seriously I don't think so. I remember going to clubs that were full with lights aka exit... mistress barbara on the decks I honestly was having fun but those days are ova. I luff techno alot but I don't think of "raving" to it anymore. I never did drugs so maybe I don't understand the lure to the light thing out side of it is/was simply something fun.


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Wut you people dunno is that sliverbull listens to soulful deep shit that raving just wouldn't flow right. Honestly I ain't no raver but I can't imagine spinning a rope to roger sanchez or Kevin hedge. sorry it ain't happening. If you are into this goa trance crizzap then maybe I could see it but to deep house? tribal? Seriously I don't think so. I remember going to clubs that were full with lights aka exit... mistress barbara on the decks I honestly was having fun but those days are ova. I luff techno alot but I don't think of "raving" to it anymore. I never did drugs so maybe I don't understand the lure to the light thing out side of it is/was simply something fun.


Who gives a shit what kind of music he likes. He's still a narc, plain and simple...anyone who rats out someone else is a piece of shit, period.

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Wut you people dunno is that sliverbull listens to soulful deep shit that raving just wouldn't flow right. Honestly I ain't no raver but I can't imagine spinning a rope to roger sanchez or Kevin hedge. sorry it ain't happening. If you are into this goa trance crizzap then maybe I could see it but to deep house? tribal? Seriously I don't think so. I remember going to clubs that were full with lights aka exit... mistress barbara on the decks I honestly was having fun but those days are ova. I luff techno alot but I don't think of "raving" to it anymore. I never did drugs so maybe I don't understand the lure to the light thing out side of it is/was simply something fun.


dude you were a loser in high school and you are one now..

youd be lucky if a girl asked you for a cigarette in a club...

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damn silverhobbet, everytime i read your threads, your allwasy hating on something - ravers/ trance/ guidos/ etc...i mean unless its something you like - you hate and make fun of it..or as u stated now - snitch! the scene is about brining people together, not apart or snitch on them, u midget

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damn silverhobbet, everytime i read your threads, your allwasy hating on something - ravers/ trance/ guidos/ etc...i mean unless its something you like - you hate and make fun of it..or as u stated now - snitch! the scene is about brining people together, not apart or snitch on them, u midget

Stop hurting my feelings son. I luff cracking on them too.


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yo zeek, ever been to cielo? Now imagine someone trying to use them in the middle of the dance floor on strings. And this was back in summer last yr. My reason for bringing up this topic was cause i was bored at work and really havent seen anybody use them for a long time. So the curiousity was there to ask if anybody still used them.

never been, but I'm imagining the worst case scenario and I still can't understand your logic in telling a bouncer on the kid. if it was a problem, you could have mentioned nicely to the kid that it was a hazard or something. And your tone in your first post is like a plea to people who use them to stop, just because you personally don't like them.

About narcing on someone doign drugs in a club...I'm sure Danny Tenaglia would be proud, but to most people thats fucked up...deserving of an ass beating from the kid who got kicked out or arrested. I'm not hating, just starting my opinion here. Clubs have security to take care of that stuff, they don't need silverbull from CP helping them with their job.

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damn silverhobbet, everytime i read your threads, your allwasy hating on something - ravers/ trance/ guidos/ etc...i mean unless its something you like - you hate and make fun of it..or as u stated now - snitch! the scene is about brining people together, not apart or snitch on them, u midget


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damn silverhobbet, everytime i read your threads, your allwasy hating on something - ravers/ trance/ guidos/ etc...i mean unless its something you like - you hate and make fun of it..or as u stated now - snitch! the scene is about brining people together, not apart or snitch on them, u midget

Is this igor condoning the use of glowstick/lights?!?!?!?!

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such drama and words from some of ya. Cielo doesnt allow that stuff anyway (unless its a tsunami party)So it was only a matter of mins until a bouncer or another staff member said anything to him. And IT WASNT A CIRCLE where he took them out it was in the middle of everybody. But i was the first one to say anything bout it to a bouncer. And why should i go up to someone and asked them to stop? would you stop if a stranger asks you to do somethign at a club? So why not go right to someone who could do something. And its not like he got kicked out ya know then i wouldve felt bad.

As for the drug thingy, well thats another business in itself. And the fact that the word "NARC" was used in this topic senseless. And youd be suprise how many real NARCS are in the scene and messageboards and party with all of us and ya dont even know it.

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