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The highest youve ever been


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o shit,

one time i went to see digweed at centro-fly, i had an 1/8 of shrooms and 3 pills,

i was fuuucked up, the whole time, like5, 6 hours i just stood by the wall next to the dj booth, just boping my head,

it felt like there were a ton of ppl behind me,even though i was on this wall

my friend couldn't drink out of his glass because it kept "bending", same thing with the urinal:funny:

centro was cool to trip out in, they had that black and white geometrical scheme going on..

what bugged me out were the flys on the floor!! first time i noticed them, i

was like , wtf there s dead flys on the floor!!!!!!!!!

i was so scared of that bathroom ..

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I am a certified addict....got the NA keytag to prove it.....highest I've ever been was in Washington, driving home from a show....shot 3 bags of dope...ate 2 Xanax and some MDMA(pure) and proceeded to smoke a massive amount of crack...the ultimate high was all I was looking for and I ended up in jail...and rehab...no fun anymore

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at club space in miami. i took 3 pills during tiesto's set and right before he got off i took another one. i smoked a blunt in the middle of the dance floor.

after that, i was wrecked like never before.

i turned to look at the crowd of people on the dance floor, and i noticed everyone in the place had stuff on their face. the only way i can describe it is that everyone had indian warpaint on their faces.

after dancing around for a while, i looked at the dj that was spinning. (dj edgar v) he transforend into a devil that was skulking around in the dj booth. this is when i realized that i was halucinating hard core. i shook that off and danced some more. when i looked at the dj again, he was normal. a flash of yellow light went across his face. it stayed by him and looked like a yellow mask of his face. then it started floating around the dj booth. no matter how unbelievable it was these haluciantions were the realist ones i had ever see.

i felt it was time to go and lean on something so i went to the wall and smoked a cigarette. while i was smoking, i noticed that my depth perseption was way off. instead of seeing rooms inward, they were coming out towards me. the only way to fix it was to step into the room.

i have taken more pills than this on more than one occasion, and halucinated like that. (last time was at spirit for dt where instead of warpaint, everyone's face was cut and bleeding). but this time was by far the most trashed i ever was.

i guess it was because it was the first time it ever happened to me. these sound scary when i describe them but it actually was alot of fun. the only thing that was unsettleing was that i was sometimes tricked but them. although i never really embarrased myself....at least not yet...hahaha

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I bought 11 white doves once in 2001, which I think were very very strong MDA. They were very visual and heavy each time I'd had them. I ended up staying up for like 3 days on these tabs, and went to an outdoor party on the third night.

I only knew like 3 people at this party of probably 50-60 heads. Everything was cool until I saw this dude sitting by a fire with blood coming out of his ear. Every time I looked away and looked back at him I saw the same event over again, like it rewinded. The dude next to me kept showing his friend a throwing knife he was sitting on, and everyone I looked at would look back at me while talking to someone else like they were plotting.

Things went sour and I ended up walking around this neighborhood (the south side of San Antonio is pretty ghetto, dumb move on my part), and I got lost. I walked past a group of dudes that looked like they were fucking this chick against a car, and when they saw me they stopped and stood there talking to each other saying "so yeah, hey, what's up.. yeah, nothing.. so how's it going?" like they were playing it off.

When I got my head chilled out enough to go back to the party, I realized I didn't know where it was now. After walking around some more trying to retrace my footsteps, I saw a glowstick go into the air and land on the street. I found the party and got a ride home.

I'm convinced none of this actually happened and it was all in my head, but I know for sure that I'll never be up that long on drugs again.

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I am a certified addict....got the NA keytag to prove it.....highest I've ever been was in Washington, driving home from a show....shot 3 bags of dope...ate 2 Xanax and some MDMA(pure) and proceeded to smoke a massive amount of crack...the ultimate high was all I was looking for and I ended up in jail...and rehab...no fun anymore

your life is bad

:gang: yourself

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actually..my life is awesome now...who the hell are you to tell me that my life sucks...that's your shit...go wallow in it

your in denial..

your sentences dont even make sense.....its obvious you have at most a GED< not even a h.s. diploma....

you probably have needle marks on your arms...missing teeth...and smell like the waste from the Marcal Paper Plant on Rt. 80..

don;t you miss the knodding out...the escaping of your inner problems...

the feeling of the diesel dripping down your throat...

you should go buy some now

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ouch...wow...anger issues??? it's gonna take more than some words typed through a computer to make me pick up....but yes I do miss getting high..I wouldn't be an addict if I didn't. I'm just being honest and you take it to a whole other level. It's alright though. I can understand if you have some issues.....they got group therapy for that :)

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ouch...wow...anger issues??? it's gonna take more than some words typed through a computer to make me pick up....but yes I do miss getting high..I wouldn't be an addict if I didn't. I'm just being honest and you take it to a whole other level. It's alright though. I can understand if you have some issues.....they got group therapy for that :)

your're fiesty..

ill be nice from now on

how'd you end in jaill....

pulled over buying? od? snitch?

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nah....all fucked up trying to get the next one .....stole a computer from walmart...ha...my lookouts bailed...I ended in jail for grand larceny. It saved my life though...I was on the road to nowhere

damn thats hardcore...u cant steal from bigstores...duh...lol........when i was in college, i used to walk around walmart high with my friends and eat food, while "shopping"..we used to get kicked out all the time..

what jail?

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Union County NJ....then I had to go to Rikers....I love Walmart...it rocks. where else can you shop and eat for free while under the influence

damm, that sucks......

actually i heard jail isnt that bad...u can watch TV and hang out...the only thing that sucks was the get up/go to bed, times............and of course, u cant go anywhere else..

that said, i aint never want to go to jail.. :yuck:

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jail sucks but I learned a hell of alot about what I never want to be like....some girls used jail like a revolving door. When they couldn't stop using or they owed money to dealers they'd get themselves locked up to get away...and the winter time...forget it...jails are packed. 3 hots and a cot...crazy shit....insanity actually.. don't ever go...

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jail sucks but I learned a hell of alot about what I never want to be like....some girls used jail like a revolving door. When they couldn't stop using or they owed money to dealers they'd get themselves locked up to get away...and the winter time...forget it...jails are packed. 3 hots and a cot...crazy shit....insanity actually.. don't ever go...

yeah, i hear everybody goes to rehab in the winter...

nobody wants to waste the summers........

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I go to 12 step meetings. I always thought that they were a cult until I had no other options left. I had friends that were involved so I tried it and it has worked so far. Nothing else worked like the meetings do...it's really amazing

i went to a couple to support my ex...

they are a cult...but u need it to stay clean....she got all wierd after she started going..

except the her first two attempts at NA meetings..led to meeting drug users that were more into stuff than her..and led to an OD...

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