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How to score a record deal?

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I guess he went to watch American Idol. :type:

:laugh: im a looser???? were u waiting all nite for me to respond sweetheart? :heart: i have things to do, apparently you dont....

heres a list of the vinyl i bought last week

off gemm.com - vintage copy of Luke Fair - Let u know/Kritical [black records] $20

Vector Lovers - Computrfnk [soma]

Matthias Heilbronn - Like This [saw]

Gus Gus - Lust [great stuff]

Kobbe & Austin Leeds - The Land Of Voodoo [tumbata]

Loader - Different Time [Electribe]

should i go on your queer?

i can also list what i have bought the week before that.....and the week before that one too if u need it to make you feel better......get a fucking life looooooooooooserrrrrrr :rolleyes:

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I'd say you're both right...

I do work in the industry and I will leave it at that.

That being said, if you give your track to ESTABLISHED DJ'S (not necessarily Danny or someone that high profile, could be a DJ you trust that knows people at labels as well), you could have a better chance of getting signed. If the A&R's and connects that THEY know hear that it's doing well with their crowd, etc., it'll get the track listened to, at the very least. Anytime a label exec hears that there's a buzz on a record they become interested.

Of course, this is assuming that the record in question is actually good.

Be careful though, I wouldn't start giving it out left and right to every DJ you know...once it's leaked severely, there will obviously be less sales, and this may or may not have an effect on its demand.

I wouldn't say that doing it this way is a dead end though...it has worked for several producers this way. However, it's not a guarantee that you'll get signed or even that anyone will notice you.

Also, as said, your best bet (if you don't know or can't get to the DJ movers and shakers) is sending directly to A&R's. Make sure the particular label you send to accepts unsolicited demos, and make sure you have all your contact info on there. If they like it, they will contact you. If they don't, simply put--you usually won't hear from them. You can always follow up if you want by dropping an email or giving a call (a couple wks after you send it in), but don't harrass. You'll get even less of an answer that way.

Good luck.

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You tell em Steph. ;)

I personally wouldn't sign any track that a dj already has. It has become so hard to keep track of what has already leaked, that it's not even worth the bother of signing shit thats out there already. I would stick to doing some RESEARCH and finding out who the A&R REPS are for the RESPECTIVE LABELS you are interested in signing with. Then make sure you send them a copy, FOLLOW UP, and KEEP FOLLOWING UP till they tell you to fuck off. (I disagree with you on this one Steph, I would rather tell a person we are not interested in your track and get it out of the way.)

The keyword here is RESEARCH... if you're not dedicated in doing so, then your track probably isn't worth signing.

Just my $.02

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perfect example of my method...

how do u think astro and glyde got "aimless dame" signed to bedrock u jackass......they gave diggers a CDR and he loved it......

fucking idiot

They didn't just hand him a CDR. Andy Z who was working with A&G at the time and who also knows Digweed helped broker the deal.

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i stand corrected :)

andy is da man by the way :rock:

so i see that the A&R way that i stated is the route to take...

i have pretty much done my research already....i plan to target SAW, Whoop!, Stereo, Plastic Fantastic, and Soma with some of my productions

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:laugh: aight kid tell that to every other DJ thats done it that way....YOU have no clue chief

PS Blow me

actually, an associate of mine gave his track to peter r from star 69 , Riddler, and vicious. 2 Months later his track was on vinyl as a whitelabel. WITH NO TRACE OF HOW THAT HAPPENED. Also, one of those djs(we know who..but it would be wrong to post it on a stupid msg board) then decided to sample a loop from his track without permission. ONTOP OF ALL THIS, because it leaked out as a whitelabel, Ultra, who was interested in buying it..unded up passing on it....but then 6 months later..came back and decided to buy it. After all that...yeah he got paid, but because the record was already big, everyone owned the whitelabel..way b4 it officially came out..and nobody bought it beacuse they already had it.

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wow, OKAY. Well, needless to say, the track was one of the #1 songs of the past year. So people can keep trying to act like they r holier than thou and "keeping it real" , or they can understand that the industry works very differently from what they think it is. Not to sound mean, but hey..that lil sarcastic smiley face laughing can be pretty annoying. I see way to many people on this board acting like they know ..but lets face it..if u know u would have record deals.....anyone can state HOW to do something..but iots different when its DONE and u talk from experience. ONCE AGAIN, i apologize if i sound bitchy, i dont mean it like that in any way. Its hard to tell over the computer..so im making it a point to make sure i state that i m ean no disrespect. thats just how i feel.

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second of all, im dont care for the riddler,because i dont really know anything about him or personally heard him, but he has 70% of the power in NYC when it comes to exposing new tracks PERIOD. Every track handed to him by our associates have been played on KTU late night. (once again, i dont like ktu..but thats how things go)

EDIT: keep in mind..u act like your too good for those things..but im sure u will cream your pants the first time u hear your track on the air or constantly @ clubs. So u make fun of it..BUT if u had those guys playing your stuff and gettin exposed..i dont thikn u would have that cocky "im keeping it real" attitude..u would be grateful and extatic at the fact .

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I know Desyn mailed out 100 copys of a set he mixed and look at the results..

That was a mixed set and was geared to promote his label and highlight his dj'ing skills.

We're talking about getting original productions signed here, not personal PR work.

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lol.....never said i knew anything.....was just stating what i assumed is the way to get signed...

and second....i woudlnt cream if i heard my track on KTU....its not the audience i would target.....90% of all good EDM doesnt get airplay on KTU.....just so you know...i would be kinda sad....KTU is where tracks go to die...... I.E. - Loa's Theme

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lol.....never said i knew anything.....was just stating what i assumed is the way to get signed...

and second....i woudlnt cream if i heard my track on KTU....its not the audience i would target.....90% of all good EDM doesnt get airplay on KTU.....just so you know...i would be kinda sad....KTU is where tracks go to die...... I.E. - Loa's Theme

Wow, you really have a warped sense of this business. Actually, let me rephrase that, you have absolutely no sense. Do you have any idea how much that track made for Nocturnal??? I guess not, because if you did, you wouldn't have just made that comment.

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im not speaking in money terms....

i personaly as an artist would be sad...if Lola's was my track i would be VERY happy with the money it made....but yet i would be sad since it ended up getting played out so...bitter sweet i suppose...

get me? im not trying to disrespect.....im just trying to say how I would feel...no one else has to feel that way....theres no need to say "i have no sense" and continue insults dude.....no need....

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well, if your serious about having a career in this feild, you cant be picky: Second of all you have to understand that this is your part time work/hobby. For people that do this for a living, its all good ..WHY? beacuse your a) making money *LOTS OF IT* doing what u love, and second of all..who cares WHAT audience is lisening to your music. If you truly care about your music and you are proud of it, IT DOESNT MATTER. Whether its 2 lil wanna bes or some ghetto fabulous kids...who cares..YOU MAKE THE MUSIC FOR YOURSELF and if you get paid off it..its a bonus. Whoever listens to it after that DOESNT MATTEr..u accomplished your goal.

and just a little piece of advice. You would be VERY surprised if you knew how many people in the industry surf this site under fake names just for shits and giggles & to get a an idea on whats going on with the "audience"

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im not speaking in money terms....

i personaly as an artist would be sad...if Lola's was my track i would be VERY happy with the money it made....but yet i would be sad since it ended up getting played out so...bitter sweet i suppose...

get me? im not trying to disrespect.....im just trying to say how I would feel...no one else has to feel that way....theres no need to say "i have no sense" and continue insults dude.....no need....

Once again, not an isult... just a reality check. ;)

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well, if your serious about having a career in this feild, you cant be picky: Second of all you have to understand that this isnt your part time work. For people that do this for a living, its all good ..WHY? beacuse your a) making money *LOTS OF IT* doing what u love, and second of all..who cares WHAT audience is lisening to your music. If you truly care about your music and you are proud of it, IT DOESNT MATTER. Whether its 2 lil wanna bes or some ghetto fabulous kids...who cares..YOU MAKE THE MUSIC FOR YOURSELF and if you get paid off it..its a bonus. Whoever listens to it after that DOESNT MATTEr..u accomplished your goal.

very good point......i see where u are coming from and its very true :)

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in the end .......the point is to make money doing something u love....

i dunno......i get jumpy when i hear those names due to the mistique that comes with them....commercial, ect. ect.....but its better to get play than not to get play right?

better to be played and payed than underground and broke :(

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its all good deep. I personally get really upset when i see people talking like this. EVERYONE is a hater. BUT in the industry, nobody is. is funny..the fans(not you) talk so much shit to tyr to boast themselves up and seem like they are up in the ranks. But the ones who know, live and breathe part of this industry dont talk shit. Its all a common goal. It makes me sad to see so many people bash djs..music...etc etc just so they can act like they know their shit.

My theory is, nightlife has become a huge trend within the past few years, so everyone is out to prove that they are LEGIT. In europe this is standard music and a the norm (clubbing etc)..so u NEVRE hear people talking and acting the way they do here. Everyone bitches about the good old days..

if anyting these days are better.. the thing is though...back then it was fresh...so everyone just enjoyed it... now everyone wants to proev something.. back in the day..the djs werent better..the parties werent better..THE PEOPLE JUST DIDNT BITCH

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