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People on Cell Phones


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Ok, I will admit that I am one to always be on my cell phone.....but there are certain places and situations that I myself think is very rude to use them.

For example: I was at the Pharmacy today getting some items, and the lady in front of me who was paying was just chatting away on her cell phone and was not paying attention to how much she had to pay. She was holding up the line cause she was trying to look through her purse and trying to hold her phone with her shoulder. This just got to me, and I had to tell her to please get off the phone and pay attention to what she had to do . The poor cashier looked at me and thanked me cause she was really frustrated with her and you know they can't say anything to the customer.

So other places I think cell phone calls should be put on hold are Drive Thrus & When you go to order Food or pay for anything in general!!!!

I think this is very rude to the cashier and to the people behind you!!!

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Ok, I will admit that I am one to always be on my cell phone.....but there are certain places and situations that I myself think is very rude to use them.

For example: I was at the Pharmacy today getting some items, and the lady in front of me who was paying was just chatting away on her cell phone and was not paying attention to how much she had to pay. She was holding up the line cause she was trying to look through her purse and trying to hold her phone with her shoulder. This just got to me, and I had to tell her to please get off the phone and pay attention to what she had to do . The poor cashier looked at me and thanked me cause she was really frustrated with her and you know they can't say anything to the customer.

So other places I think cell phone calls should be put on hold are Drive Thrus & When you go to order Food or pay for anything in general!!!!

I think this is very rude to the cashier and to the people behind you!!!




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Guest onisakura
LMAO, i'll wait my turn....but I won't wait my turn so that the bitch can finish her conversation on her precious cell phone :flame: .

FUCK THAT SHIT, i'll yank it from her if I have too :finger2: !!!!


Also, when you are parking or really driving in general. They made it illegal to talk on the phone while driving in NY and NJ....but then again, they are NUTS on the road up there, id NEVER chance driving while talking up there.

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I love when people talk on their cell phones while they are driving. That way, when they do something stupid, I get to pound on my horn and flick them off through the sunroof. Miami drivers are bad enough without their cell phones. :D

yes didnt i call u when i was driving home lol :bounce:

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Also, when you are parking or really driving in general. They made it illegal to talk on the phone while driving in NY and NJ....but then again, they are NUTS on the road up there, id NEVER chance driving while talking up there.

nah...its easy...u just drive with your knees....

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