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when it rains, it pours. . .


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not havin' the greatest week here, kids. . .

i just barely escaped getting mugged. . . luckily my wit and charm prevailed. . . and the fact that i only had $5 on me at the time. . .

i just want to crawl up in a ball and wait for the weekend to come out. . . cwm14.gif


no sleep 'til. . . SUNDAY!!!

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Wow really how did you almost get mugged lol, i thought either you get mugged or you dont get mugged explain! , well i cant get mugged unless you want to lose one of your limbs heheeh byee


DJ STream



(SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED) (johnny v) (russ reign)(soul assasin ) [TUNNEL] thats whats its all about baby

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i don't want to sound like mr. huge-super-white-teeth himself, tony robbins, but...

you have to look on the bright side of things, amigo. if you DID get beat down, then i can see why you'd be pissed, but you didn't AND you still have $5 bucks in your pocket. pat yourself on the back for working yourself out of a jam and throw that five bucks down for a six pack and chiiiiill.

i'm a huge believer in karma, and in "what goes around comes around" and it will.

keep your head up, enjoy the week, the weekend will be here before you know it.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

not havin' the greatest week here, kids. . .

i just barely escaped getting mugged. . . luckily my wit and charm prevailed. . . and the fact that i only had $5 on me at the time. . .

i just want to crawl up in a ball and wait for the weekend to come out. . . cwm14.gif

Sorry to hear that sweetie. The weekend is almost here.


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you have no problems anymore, noiseboy. remember? we made a deal. no more problems. if someone has a problem with you, its their prob. you have no probs. everything is just OPP.

u r 2 cool.gif to b bothered. arent u? have a good day.


i love music!

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ahhhhh, i'm fine. . . it was just one of those situations that you just keep thinking "i REALLY don't need this right now."

other than that, everything is starting to work itself out. . .

thanks fer everything you crazy kids. . . cwm35.gif


no sleep 'til. . . SUNDAY!!!

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

i feel like i'm getting the flu, how can i escape this like you did your mugger?

well. . .

make friends, but don't get too close. . . keep smiling when they move closer and just make sure they know you don't want any trouble. . .

and after they circle the block and follow you with their car for a few blocks, just when you see them turn the corner out of view. . . run like a little bitch in another direction. . . heheheheheee cwm4.gif

metaphorically speaking, of course. . . cwm35.gif


no sleep 'til. . . SUNDAY!!!

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

not havin' the greatest week here, kids. . .

i just barely escaped getting mugged. . . luckily my wit and charm prevailed. . . and the fact that i only had $5 on me at the time. . .

i just want to crawl up in a ball and wait for the weekend to come out. . . cwm14.gif

shoulda gave up the 5 bucks stupid! i feel you obn that when it rains it pours though. the best remedy for that is to keep a really low profile. dont attract any more bad shit to yourself...


chronic is the answer...

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Damn Mickey... be careful... I'm always afraid someone's gonna try to mug me and I might end up killing someone. That would be such bad karma, though.

Yo, whereabouts did this encounter happen?

This kid got jumped at 32nd and 2nd ave of all places like a month ago.... got broken up a bit.

At least you were smart enough to avoid the situation... that's good.

I'm glad to hear you're okay.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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