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Dear Todd Groovefire,


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What can i say. You are truly one of the greatest DJs alive. If not, the greatest. The control you had over your crowd last night....was amazing. you had everyone in the palm of your hand. Speaking as a DJ that is trying to come up in the scene, you are truly an inspiration. You truly love what you do, and I could see that from the floor. Last night gave me new hope. I felt a really great vibe everywhere. Granted it was packed with meatheads but still, there was nuttin but love. every time i was pushed, at least i got an apology. You reflect your wonderful vibe through the speakers and out to your crowd. I hope that one day i could affect my crowd as you do. You truly reflect what new york house music is all about. Thank you for "being yourself".

god bless,


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Granted it was packed with meatheads but still, there was nuttin but love. every time i was pushed, at least i got an apology.

that definitely has absolutely nothing to do with the drugs. at all. seriously.

btw, i do it all for "the nod".


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Thanks. That's why I do it. That's why I'll always do it. I love the bass. Period.

However, I'm gonna ease back on my busy schedule. I want to concentrate on producing. I will just be doing events that will blow your mind.

Miss you already.

xxx TH

Can't wait for the S&M Party

Your Biggest Fan,


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the people who's house i live in had a party all day on saturday...i was playing pool and doing shots...1 turned into too many and i wound up passed out by 7 or so...i got sick too...woke up at 10 yesterday morn with the worst hangover and got sick after brushing my teeth (note to self...toothpaste tastes like jager, dont do that again)...i apologized to rosa yesterday...

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Got this from groovefire.com


A Few Things About Rise Boston Friday Night



#2. I am not rating my own set, but I have to share that "personally" I felt it was the best set I have played since the Sully Party in December. Somehow, and most DJ's can testify to this, that somehow, you can just tell when you are having a great night and everything is somehow just "working" and you can't explain it? A lot of what we do is taking chances and risks, and playing many tunes in an entirely new way with various styles, different rooms, different cities, different crowds and environments .....

But last night, even the many new tunes that I never even played before were somehow working so well and it was one surprise to me after another! I only wish that I took notes to recall some of the songs that were played together to recall the moments as I am one for never recording (as it just wouldn't BE the same then as that is on your conscience)

Again, I am not saying I WAS GREAT, I am saying "I had a GREAT time" and I definitely know that it was not one of my not so good nights. We all have days like this no matter what our jobs are! Even in the studio or whatever, some days just flow much smoother than others and I am just grateful and sharing that I thoroughly enjoyed playing Friday at RISE.

#3. I have to thank all @ RISE & Teamj5 - for designing it all IN A Boston Minute ... That wonderful set-up of a DJ booth! That made ALL the difference as we should all BE comfortable in our workplace and everything was set up just right for me. I have not one complaint! The monitors were phenomenal! Between RISE & Sully, it just doesn't get much better as all these guys, including Stymie of course, along with Kaydup, CP and their employees, they know exactly what us DJ's need to make our jobs as professional as can be.

#4. I AM SO SORRY, AND I WAS SO SAD AND DISAPPOINTED TO HEAR ABOUT THE NONSENSE OUTSIDE Wow! This was terrible to hear about these JERKS fighting AND with the Police!!! How stupid are these people???

A fight got Out Of Control and a huge amount of people suffered as the result!

The cops were just about to close the club but the management professionally dealt with it. It just would have been completely unfair to everyone had the club gotten closed due to a fight out in the street. So, the police and club agreed "no more entries" as the place was already full to capacity and that was that. So, I am sorry to all who came after 5am, hopefully this will never happen again.

#5. I will defend everyone else here and say "Stop stereo-typing" everyone that goes to RISE as if this is the only venue in the world with "undesirable" people in it! NONSENSE IS EVERYWHERE! In every city and country!

Boston has 2 MILLION people in it ..... No need to elaborate much here......

The people and the party from what I observed from the booth from 12am until 2PM was wonderful. (when you consider the magnitude of this event and capacity of the room)

This could have happened anywhere last night and you all know it .... It could have been Spirit, Ikon, Roxy .... Wherever .... It could have been ANY DJ and so on ....

So in defense of all nightclubs, please don't blame them IT'S THE IDIOTS OUT THERE TODAY WHO WERE RAISED BY MAGGOTS WHO DID NOT TEACH THEM HOW TO "BE" AND HOW TO NOT "BE" Simple as that!

#6. I am sorry about them raising the door cover to $60.00! Now THAT was tired! And this happens everywhere as well. I AM ON IT! AND THIS WILL NOW BE A NEW THING IN MY CONTRACTS! I had a few texts during the evening and some e-mail's today and this is just wrong and unfair and greedy!

IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN AT ONE OF MY EVENTS .... I cannot BE 100% SURE of this, but I assure you it is once again noted and from this day forward, it will be a HUGE issue initially as I personally will speak to each club owner/s & promoters to be re-assured of this for MY clientele! Again, I apologize on their behalf.


It is nothing but "W R O N G"

That's about it for now ......

I am leaving for Miami tomorrow to go right into the studio to finally finish Groovefire Vol 1 and a collaboration between JP and myself. Details in separate thread soon.

Peace and thank you all once again for making this last friday so special.

Love to all and BE safe driving ------> and BE safe in everything else ......


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just made it into work about 90mins late but f it. And the party was still goin strong from when i left. Walked in there around 11:20pm or so and couldnt wait to the main room was open. Finally it opens up and im sure most of the crowd was walking in there expecting danny to be banging it out already, but NOPE. He started off with a smooth oldie to me and a few peoples delight, while others in the crowd were like hmmm wheres that hard tribal. I guess some people still dont know that TODD is not a hard tribal dj ONLY, BUT A MUSICAL GENUIS.

Anyhow out of all the big name djs that have played RISE i have never seen anyone of them have a beautiful custom made booth for themselves. And to me it looked amazing. And from the first track he played you can tell he was having fun being the musical selector.Lots of faces from so many messageboards and from Sully faces that havent seen for months or even yrs, which was a great thing. TODD to me was absouloutely FLAWLESS from 12am till about 5am. Then kinda played a few tracks that were out there for me but the crowd was jumping all over the place. Then again BOOM he hits you with another amazing hr or 2. Then again it went from great to good to ok and tehn great all over again (for lack of better terms). Then at 9am he played "I'LL BE YOUR ELEMENTS" and from then until i left at 10:05am it was a great night of music. And what makes me more sad is that i know how much better its gonna get or is as i write this review. So many great songs but was really hoping to hear GTI, but hopefully next time then.

As for the crowd well what can i say i met a bunch of new people from all over the boards and from all shapes n sizes and styles. MUCH LOVE TO EVERYONE. Wasnt the greatest crowd ever but also wasnt a bad crowd at all. Def very into TODD from what i saw. Also there were a couple of fights goin on so that ruined the party for a lot of people from what i hear. Overall i give the party an 8 out of 10 stars. And thats cause i dont know what im missing as we speak.


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