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congress vs baseball...


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i dont know if anyone is watching the proceedings on tv but the commissioners office and the players association is getting squashed by the questions from congress...baseball has no answers and if they do they contradict everything they say...very sad...

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I don't know who to blame for all this. At first I was pissed at Canseco, then I was pissed at the players who juiced, but now I think I'm just mad at MLB because a more stringent steroid policy might have avoided all this.

I can see it now. When Bonds hits 756 no one will respect it. And when nobody respects it, you'll start hearing cries of racism. An argument that will last until someone breaks Barry's record.

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I haven't had the chance to watch it.. but the whole thing intrigues me I must say. I blame the MLB for not monitoring this activity with a more watchful eye. Why can't they look at football and basketball and see that they test their athletes? Yes, there are faults in every major sports association - but for the most part, players are tested regularly in other sports.

Bottom line - steriod talk has been around for some time now.. they should have jumped on it then to get a resolution - instead they sat on their asses - and gave someone like Conseco time to write a book (which is a rather entertainining read).

The whole thing is really putting a damper on baseball IMO. I think its lost its luster and the whole "america's past time" shit. They need to repair their image and step up to the plate.

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That "proposed" steroid policy was a joke. 10 day suspension OR a fine. Gee what do you think a player making 15 million a year would pick? The worst part of it was there was an option to have the players name withheld to the public if they got caught using steroids.

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That "proposed" steroid policy was a joke. 10 day suspension OR a fine. Gee what do you think a player making 15 million a year would pick? The worst part of it was there was an option to have the players name withheld to the public if they got caught using steroids.

what makes it worse is that its not the players choice its Seligs choice , so of course if Bonds gets caugth it will only be a fine , but a 4th outfielder or a utility infielder will get the suspension cause baseball doesnt want big name guys missing games

the whole hearing is a joke it has no teeth , they should have granted immunity to some players and maybe someonme would have spilled their guts

Mcgwire came across guilty as ever

Palmiero better be telling the truth because he came across holier than thou

Sosa is just a clown

Redlight schilling has no credibility to me now after his remarks in S.I and then doing a complete 180 in front of congress

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mcgwire wept like a girl and didnt answer questions about his steroid use...he dodged the question and said "my lawyer has advised me blah blah blah"...he also says "i dont live in the past...we have to fix the future"...he def did roids...

baseball as a whole looked terrible during this...i laughed as every question was answered with a "we have to ask the collective bargaining agreement"...also when selig was asked about a no tolerance policy he agreed but the head of the players association said he has to consult with his ppl about it first...what bullshit...

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i watched the final 2 hours and listened to it on and off during the day on thursday and thouroughly enjoyed it all.

i especially loved the part when one of the congressmen was telling selling that the $10,000 was the equivalent to $.25 fine for the average guy off the streets. i big FU to MLB and to MLBPA . . . but yeah, come august i'll be glued to my TV watching the penant races :rolleyes:

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I seriously think they should leave retired players like McGwire alone... he's retired.. doesn't matter now.

Bud Selig and the players association need to put in a place a testing system to make sure their athletes aren't doping.

Forget the past - just start over.. Repair your image now.. quit bringing out some young kids hero - and running his name in the mud.... To me, they are putting a bias opinion in the minds of those that would vote for the hall of fame.. McGwire is eligible in 2007... lets not run his name in the ground.. he was a great player.

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..... that hearing was a dog & pony show..... congress has been the same from day one....all bark and no bite,....let them go through with the threats and i will believe this was for a good cause.....only thing that came out of that fiasco was that McGuwire was a juicer (if he was a 1st ballot HOF'er he can forget it now),..... Canseco is a low life scumbag and Selig is a two faced bastard: he knows the roids helped the home run slugfest that brought mlb back to the spotlight and now he wants to sell his players down the river to save face..... :blown:

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..... that hearing was a dog & pony show..... congress has been the same from day one....all bark and no bite,....let them go through with the threats and i will believe this was for a good cause.....only thing that came out of that fiasco was that McGuwire was a juicer (if he was a 1st ballot HOF'er he can forget it now),..... Canseco is a low life scumbag and Selig is a two faced bastard: he knows the roids helped the home run slugfest that brought mlb back to the spotlight and now he wants to sell his players down the river to save face..... :blown:

i agree with u about congress being "all bark and no bite"...but it was funny to see baseball reps just not have an answer for anything...

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i agree with u about congress being "all bark and no bite"...but it was funny to see baseball reps just not have an answer for anything...

well i more of the believer that if congress didnt start having these hearings and gotten more involved we would still be seeing 70hr seasons. i for one think that once congress got involved, MLB acted like a college athletic department who got caught cheating and starts conducting its own investigation so that the powers that be dont come along and punish them.

point is, MLB was the slowest to act in regards to 'roids in the sports. track and field, NBA, NFL all took proactive action against it. not MLB. what did they expect? that this thing would quitely go away or that no one would find out?

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now you guys see what happened? now MLB and MLBPA have agreed for there to be no $10,000 fines for the first offense after getting critized by congress. now it will just be a 10 day suspension, no fine. everytime congress calls a hearing, MLB and MLBPA "miracuosly" agree on everything.

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now you guys see what happened? now MLB and MLBPA have agreed for there to be no $10,000 fines for the first offense after getting critized by congress. now it will just be a 10 day suspension, no fine. everytime congress calls a hearing, MLB and MLBPA "miracuosly" agree on everything.

10 game suspension and no fine.....thats like suspending a kid from school for a couple of days for playing hookey, it aint gonna exactly gte the point across. Now, if the suspension was 10 games without pay, that would be way different....but these guys gotta feed their family after all

fucking pathetic

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whats pathetic is it should be 1 strike and ur out...

if joe schmoe is caught with steroids u go to jail...baseball players get a fine and/or suspension + another 4 more chances to fuck up...

NO FINE and NO SUSPENSION...u get caught once ur ass goes to jail...end of story...

thats what i would like.

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whats pathetic is it should be 1 strike and ur out...

if joe schmoe is caught with steroids u go to jail...baseball players get a fine and/or suspension + another 4 more chances to fuck up...

NO FINE and NO SUSPENSION...u get caught once ur ass goes to jail...end of story...

I think they get should get two chances. If they fuck up, suspension without pay.. 2nd offense.. pack your shit and go play in europe!

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I think they get should get two chances. If they fuck up, suspension without pay.. 2nd offense.. pack your shit and go play in europe!

lola, normally i wouldnt go against u (u usually know ur ish) but how can u say they should get 2 chances??? if U get caught with a schedule III drug, ur going straight to jail, u do not pass go, u do not collect $200 bucks...ur ass is in jail...why should they get a 2nd chance???

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whats pathetic is it should be 1 strike and ur out...

if joe schmoe is caught with steroids u go to jail...baseball players get a fine and/or suspension + another 4 more chances to fuck up...

NO FINE and NO SUSPENSION...u get caught once ur ass goes to jail...end of story...

.... hmmmm,..thats food for thought right there..... in a perfect world, that would be rule of thumb,..... but we dont live in one.....take the nfl for instance that has been hailed as a model of stringent drug control.... players still get caught using performance enhancing drugs...example: David Boston who was found to have been using THG, he gets suspended with no pay for some games and then he's taken right back into the fold..... talent doesnt come with every other dude, hence their astronomical salaries..... supplements and prescription medications have been known to contain traces of banned substances....if the one strike rule held true, you would have sub-par athletes all over the place...... they would be more like replacement players...the quality of the games would spiral faster than worldcom stock....

...as far as the "joe schmo" argument goes.... the said "joe" doesnt have a high paid legal team to cover his rear end..... its not a perfect world...... the rich will always have the benefit of the doubt.....

.....the argument that olympic caliber testing is the way to go is a god damn joke..... the IOC doesnt even have a "one strike-you-are-out" rule in place.... they "ban" athletes for two years....its only when it gets to be rampant that they ban for life..... i read somewhere that doping has got to levels of athletes having a blood transfusion from another person.... i have no clue how that works, but it seems to me the dopers are a step ahead of the game..... i believe there are records in a particular sport or another that has been set by a doping fiend who was never caught......and for that, we will go through life saying, ..."he/she was the ultimate" ....

...like i said, that hearing was a circus..all they didnt have was a clown....

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whats pathetic is it should be 1 strike and ur out...

if joe schmoe is caught with steroids u go to jail...baseball players get a fine and/or suspension + another 4 more chances to fuck up...

NO FINE and NO SUSPENSION...u get caught once ur ass goes to jail...end of story...

I kinda agree.. what's up with the suspension, big whoop.

If you're caught, that should be the end of your baseball career.

All this shit is making me sick.. I really wish it wasn't an issue..

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