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OMG ... I just learned that sometimes police are not always honest!!!


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OMG, some police are not totally forthwright and upstanding as they would have you beilve!!! :yuck:

next thing you know, Im going to find out that some politicians are not honext and I am going to lose all faith in government....


Police lie about drug dogs to rob drivers' rights

Florida's Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of restrictions on the use of drug sniffing dogs. Rex Curry, the defense attorney in the case, has written an interesting piece on the way cops use drug dogs to illegally "fish for drugs."

Drug dogs are covers for lies. Here's how -

1. Cops tell drivers that they should consent to a search of their car because radio dispatch "has a drug dog on the way over." It is often a lie told to induce drivers to consent to search. There is no dog on the way.

2. If a dog is or is not "on the way," cops add additional lies to make drivers think that there will be a long wait and that the driver must stay until a dog arrives. Cops rely on driver ignorance of the fact that evidence will be suppressed if drivers are detained longer than it takes to complete the traffic stop (e.g. write the ticket). Drivers are induced to consent to search to avoid a long wait based on lies.

3. If a dog is enroute, cops let drivers think that they are obliged to stay even when the cop has no reason to detain drivers any longer. The cop's rationalization is that drivers loiter roadside with cops for no apparent reason or because drivers enjoy waiting for dog sniffs. Cops take advantage of drivers who are too stupid (or too meek) to ask if they are free to go, so that drivers "consent" to unwarranted detention by not leaving.

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Learn your rights, dont be intimidated by Blue. A good percentage are crooked as hell.....

Check this out........

Mafia Cop

NEW YORK (AP) — Two police detectives led double lives as Mafia hitmen, kidnapping and killing rival gangsters and giving confidential information to the mob for more than a decade, federal prosecutors charged Thursday.

One of the suspects, Louis Eppolito, wrote an autobiography titled Mafia Cop: The Story of an Honest Cop Whose Family Was the Mob, which dealt among other things with what he described as false charges of Mafia involvement.

He and his former partner, Stephen Caracappa, were arrested Wednesday night at a restaurant off the Las Vegas Strip, law enforcement officials said. The pair have been living in Las Vegas, across the street from each other, since retiring in the early 1990s.

Each is charged with eight murders, two attempted murders, murder conspiracy, obstruction of justice, drug distribution and money laundering.

"These corrupt former detectives betrayed their shields, their colleagues, and the citizens they were sworn to protect," U.S. Attorney Roslynn Mauskopf said.

The pair appeared late Thursday in federal court in Las Vegas but did not enter pleas. The hearing was postponed until Friday.

Outside court, Caracappa's lawyer David Chesnoff accused the government of using "organized crime figures who are trying to save their lives" to build their case. "The government is relying on the words of rats," he said.

Family members declined to comment.

According to court documents, Eppolito, 56, and Caracappa, 63, targeted several mobsters in retaliation for the attempted assassination of Luchese family underboss Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso.

In 1987, the detectives kidnapped a mob figure, stuffed him in a car trunk and delivered him to Casso, who tortured and killed him, prosecutors said.

Eppolito and Caracappa also allegedly took $65,000 from Casso in 1992 to kill Eddie Lino, a Gambino family captain suspected of involvement in the attempt on Casso's life. The detectives followed Lino from a Brooklyn social club, pulled him over and shot him to death, prosecutors charged.

In addition, the detectives were accused of accessing police files to give mob associates the names of three confidential informants who were slain for their cooperation with police, prosecutors said. Another informant was shot but survived.

Eppolito, the grandson, son and nephew of Mafia members, became known in the 1970s and '80s as much for his suspected ties to the mob as his rough-and-tumble arrests of street thugs. In his 1992 autobiography, he described his family background and decorated career, while rebutting the mob allegations.

Caracappa, who helped found the New York Police Department's Organized Crime Homicide Unit, was a gatekeeper of information about Mafia killings investigated by police.

The two men had been suspected of Mafia involvement for more than a decade, but authorities did not have the evidence to make a case against them. Court documents indicate prosecutors now have wiretapped conversations and the testimony of witnesses.

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This what my lawyer told me to tell the pigs:

Officer, I mean no disrespect, but my lawyer has advice me not to talk about my case or about anything else. On his advice, I hereby invoke my right to remain silent. I refuse to consent to any search of my person, my vehicle, or my personal effects. I shall not waive any of my legal rights. I request that my lawyer be notified and be allowed to be present if any identification confrontations, test or examinations are conducted in my case. If Im under arrest, I hereby invoke my Miranda rights and demand an opportunuty to consult with my attorney prior to any questioning. I do no consent to any impoundment of my property and I request a reasonable opportunity to secure same. If Im not under arrest, I want to leave. If Im free to leave, please tell me inmediately so that I may go about my business.

It works, believe me :)

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