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For the past few nights.....

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Take two tabs of tylenol pm or melatonin...more importantly, just get what you need to done so u dont toss and turn and think about it.

that shit does aboslutely nuthin for me, i gotta take 2 xanax to even feel sleepy

if you wanna take the 'natural path' take valerian root, smells like horse sh*t but its not habit forming

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back a few months ago i was under alot of stress and had to do the same....couldnt sleep because i just had toooo much on my mind....it helped but its def not the answer. Do what u need to get done and a full nights sleep w/o weed will follow

that is unless u like smoking weed alot. in that case just enjoy yourself then :D

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smoke b4 u go to bed, no biggie. I do the same every night. When i go away on vacation or bussiness and i cant find any weed, i seem to adjust just fine, ITS NOT ADDICTIVE, so just keep it up. Sooner or later your going to get sick of it and not want to smoke. Nothing wrong with using weed daily for a while(we all eventually take breaks). Also, tylenol PM is actually worse...has some chemicals in it that make you wake up pretty depressed the next day.

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Stress, worries. I used to drink alcohool until i pass out in order to sleep :pint: , tried sleeping pills like: tylenol pm but I'd feel dizzy next morning. Melatonin 3 is not bad or sleep formula from GNC(blue bottle) is not bad either. But I think the best is to sleep naturally. Chamomile tea is good also.

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smoke b4 u go to bed, no biggie. I do the same every night. When i go away on vacation or bussiness and i cant find any weed, i seem to adjust just fine, ITS NOT ADDICTIVE, so just keep it up. Sooner or later your going to get sick of it and not want to smoke. Nothing wrong with using weed daily for a while(we all eventually take breaks). Also, tylenol PM is actually worse...has some chemicals in it that make you wake up pretty depressed the next day.

no disrespect to you son, but are you tellin me that WEED doesnt have any chemicals (pestsides) that will make you age like 8 years? So if you wanna look like an old bag of sh*t...keep it up

and if you dont think that weed gets you more depressed, u have no clue what ur talkin about

and although its not physcially addictive, its psychologically addictive which is harder to kick

BTW, is that a bong in ur sig? that shit is hot

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I have several freinds who BEAT depression with weed. It relaxed them..took away some stress. They were able to kick anti depressants which are 1000x worse..and they are now much happier people. and if u smoke weed every day @ 9pm...for a year..and then one night u dont, Yeah..IT BLOWS..but just that ONE night..then the next night..u dont even care anymore and u almost feel bad smoking again because u went without it and u want to continue the streak.

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and no disrespect to you. But I know alot about weed. Ive done plenty of research. Too many people beleive all the propoganda. If you learn the history of the govt VS. Weed. , you will know that 90% of the stuff they taught us in school is 10% false. You can even pick out the opint in time that rumor came about and WHY it came about. The govt does everything in its power to make weed seem as if it is this horrible drug. When cigs and beer = 100x worse.

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and no disrespect to you. But I know alot about weed. Ive done plenty of research. Too many people beleive all the propoganda. If you learn the history of the govt VS. Weed. , you will know that 90% of the stuff they taught us in school is 10% false. You can even pick out the opint in time that rumor came about and WHY it came about. The govt does everything in its power to make weed seem as if it is this horrible drug. When cigs and beer = 100x worse.

i agree with 100% on that...I have quite a few freinds, includin myself, who use to smoke for various reasons (depression, insomnia, pain), once the quit, they dont even miss it. I have nuthin against people who smoke, I just think RudeBoy should try other, natural methods since weed has adverse effects, maybe not as serious as anti-depressants, crack, etc., but they shouldnt be overlooked. :)

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and no disrespect to you. But I know alot about weed. Ive done plenty of research. Too many people beleive all the propoganda. If you learn the history of the govt VS. Weed. , you will know that out of all the stuff they "taught us", only 10% is TRUE (not false..as i stated in my Type-O). You can even pick out the opint in time that rumor came about and WHY it came about. The govt does everything in its power to make weed seem as if it is this horrible drug. When cigs and beer = 100x worse.
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smoke b4 u go to bed, no biggie. I do the same every night. When i go away on vacation or bussiness and i cant find any weed, i seem to adjust just fine, ITS NOT ADDICTIVE, so just keep it up. Sooner or later your going to get sick of it and not want to smoke. Nothing wrong with using weed daily for a while(we all eventually take breaks). Also, tylenol PM is actually worse...has some chemicals in it that make you wake up pretty depressed the next day.

you couldnt be any more off... here's a general rule to live by... if someone asks you to stop doing something and you cant stop doing it because you enjoy it too much, that means that you addicted to it... think about it... you're wasting 10-20 bucks on weed for what reason??? if something wasnt that big of a deal to you and someone asked you to stop doing it, it wouldnt be a problem... like i never eat tunafish... so if someone asked me to stop eating tuna it's not a problem for me... im not addicted to eating tuna... but if someone asked me to stop drinking milk (which i love to do) i would have a problem because i drink like a half a gallon a day, so it would be tough to do.. you catch my drift?? if you're smoking weed everyday you have issues.... there's no way around it... is reality that bad that you have to smoke everyday..

rude to answer your question... don't take anything over the counter... yeah it'll knock you out but you wont be getting good sleep and you'll wake up feeling groggy and not rested... this is because those over the counter type deals interfere with REM sleep... when you dont get anough REM sleep you don't feel well the next day... get help.. go to your doc.. tell him the situation and he'll give you something for it.. for starters.. ambien..

also like other people were saying try reading a book, thowing on a dvd you have seen hundreds of times.. cleaning, getting something accomplished... basically just relieve some stress.. once you feel less stressed out your adrenaline isnt pumping and you come back down to reality... like the other night i felt overwelmed... it was 230 i was wide awake and i had to be up at 7:30.. instead of tossing and turning i turned on all the lights.. cleaned my room, put some laundry on and turned on a dvd... within 2 minutes i was asleep.. i accomplished something and it took away from the stress.. wow sorry for the novel... hope this helps...

if you're gonna go the drug route.. dont do weed, no pop valiums or xanax bc those are habit forming.. go for ambien..

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Also take a look in to 5-HTP. It in some ways effects the same chemicals in the brain as weed does. I mean seems like many have had to do the smoke to sleep lifestyle and when i had to give it up, 5-HTP really worked. Also i noticed that after smokin for so long before sleeping and then getting off it, I HAD THE MOST VIVID DREAMS!! did this happen to anyone else? It would cause me to wake up in the middle of the night. Again 5-HTP helped curb this. Good luck and dont waste time worrying, just working on a solution.

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^ brilliant movie.

and who said anything about being addicted oldtimer? if you read my post you would have understood that i said yeah..out of habit you can start smoking eveyrday..simply out of routine.BUTTTTTTTTTT if lets say one day u dont have weed, your kinda like..ehh what a bummer..but the next day, your not even in the mood to smoke again. Just like anything else. If you practice yo guitar or whatever eveyrday @ 5pm, its going to feel weird after a year or 2...when one day u dont do it(stupid example, but i think u know what i mean), but after u go passed that one day.....the second day, you barely even stress it ..your broke the routine....im exhausted and im not really sure if im expressing myself correctly , but let me know if u understand what im trying to say. (once again, no disrespect, its hard to tell someone attitude or intentions over the net- so just for u to know..im starting a convo..not a fight)

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if you're gonna go the drug route.. dont do weed, no pop valiums or xanax bc those are habit forming.. go for ambien..

Ambien is habit forming...

I know some people who really like it way to much, but then again they love to do alot of stimulants. They also are on the verge of completely loosing their mind.

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