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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Attn : DaVe

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we are waiting for an official response from you or CP as to why the boards were deleted.

Feel like I'm waiting for the white smoke here.

All I see is YOU saying how many people werent contacted by DaVe.

Im not seeing all of them confirm that.

So, its important for me to post that Ive been able to reach DaVE about CP since its gone down. I have not been able to reach him this week, tho.

Im just hoping for the best while trying not to make it worse than it has to be.


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All I see is YOU saying how many people werent contacted by DaVe.

Im not seeing all of them confirm that.

So, its important for me to post that Ive been able to reach DaVE about CP since its gone down. I have not been able to reach him this week, tho.

Im just hoping for the best while trying not to make it worse than it has to be.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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when i started reading i thought how much trouble this had coust and i still do ....

im thinking biznez thoughts here

you can not trow around forums and stuf like that

you have to be well organized

but getting in to that

you do realize that there's only

so much you can do get ass on the internets with out the sex board (jest as k gabo)

if your doing only this one forum you ll be ok ..

dealing with all things ..

but still can always find problems like this ..

a fucking hatefull sucker

hacking person could have done this ..

did a trick on the site and the cell phone and blown it to peaces ..

realy can happen to your cell phone ..

i swer i reguarly do not get phone calls

when complaining people are calling me !!!

upset worried etc

even = standing next to me when calling and i just dont get a call

it gets even wurse when you have like 10 company's ...

on the other hand

you do than find a good enough way ..

to handle things like such ..

personel etc. ..

as long as your personel dont get sick .. or just feel like fucking it up for you .. you ll be alright !!

annyway i feel sorry for DaVe now .. having read the whole thread

i just wanted you to see that

when i started reading i felt

you talk alot like me : do it alone and get good results !!%$#$#

and you never have to wonder

always figure everything out yourselve

and fuck everyone right ? fuck m


sinds i did turn that way > and am now doing everything myselve ..

producing dj ing touring website recordlabel

i find out .. that

i feel fucked up about it and sorry for the bearded man

with the tickin sticks he seems fun and i realy must say this ..

man its hard out there

its to easy to get fucked up by something stupid like this..

if its a pranking fool the joker is now probely having some fun

on your anger towards this bearded man .. DaVe

and he .. probely never got an email .. >> i know how this workes >> some one is fucking with my internet alot !!!!

its hell out there ..

xxxxx love you guys stop fighting .. get stars on stage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im on tour and if you -DaVe- need a new mod y dont you ask me

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Huh? :confused:

can someone translate this for me?

... English is fine for me. Thank you

when i started reading i thought how much trouble this had coust and i still do ....

im thinking biznez thoughts here

you can not trow around forums and stuf like that

you have to be well organized

but getting in to that

you do realize that there's only

so much you can do get ass on the internets with out the sex board (jest as k gabo)

if your doing only this one forum you ll be ok ..

dealing with all things ..

but still can always find problems like this ..

a fucking hatefull sucker

hacking person could have done this ..

did a trick on the site and the cell phone and blown it to peaces ..

realy can happen to your cell phone ..

i swer i reguarly do not get phone calls

when complaining people are calling me !!!

upset worried etc

even = standing next to me when calling and i just dont get a call

it gets even wurse when you have like 10 company's ...

on the other hand

you do than find a good enough way ..

to handle things like such ..

personel etc. ..

as long as your personel dont get sick .. or just feel like fucking it up for you .. you ll be alright !!

annyway i feel sorry for DaVe now .. having read the whole thread

i just wanted you to see that

when i started reading i felt

you talk alot like me : do it alone and get good results !!%$#$#

and you never have to wonder

always figure everything out yourselve

and fuck everyone right ? fuck m


sinds i did turn that way > and am now doing everything myselve ..

producing dj ing touring website recordlabel

i find out .. that

i feel fucked up about it and sorry for the bearded man

with the tickin sticks he seems fun and i realy must say this ..

man its hard out there

its to easy to get fucked up by something stupid like this..

if its a pranking fool the joker is now probely having some fun

on your anger towards this bearded man .. DaVe

and he .. probely never got an email .. >> i know how this workes >> some one is fucking with my internet alot !!!!

its hell out there ..

xxxxx love you guys stop fighting .. get stars on stage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im on tour and if you -DaVe- need a new mod y dont you ask me

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Hey all,

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, we were forced to take down the Sex and Substance Abuse forums yesterday without notice. I apologize to our members for this, but after much internal discussion, this was decided to be the best course of action. I personally was out-voted on removing and/or renaming the Sex boards, and after looking at the content of the Substance Abuse forums for the first time in a long time, I understood the concerns being presented.

I know many of you are disappointed with this decision, but unfortunately, this is a step we needed to take in the evolution of our company. We did not mean to alienate any of our users, although this will always be an unfortunate side-effect. We hope that some of the new changes and improvements we will be bringing to the site and to our users will help to offset the removal of these forums. We do appreciate everything that all of you bring to the site, and we hope that you will continue to visit.


- DaVe

www.clubplanet.com | www.wantickets.com | www.cooljunkie.com | www.trackentertainment.com

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I knowthrough a friend one of the two guys that put up the inital money for Club NYC, and let me tell you, this site has changed.

At first it seemed pretty flat out. Just a site about nyc nightlife. After picking up track entertainment though it seems to have put 100% of its focus on turning a profit at whatever costs.

They went from a cool, almost underground idea to a cheesy mickey mouse/ultra music festival type company.

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