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Another NY Post article on Twilo

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I dont know what to really think about this. Its not Twilo's fault that kids are OD'in there, everyone has said how crazy security has gotten, the only reason that they have been driven to do this is because of Guliani making this city such a "better" place. Drug laws in this country prevent people from seeking proper medical attention because the police are notified when drug OD victims are brought in. Ince the person is in such a condition as they would need immediate medical attention, the police are no longer needed, it sould be the concern of EMT's and other healthcare professionals, the police are only deterring people from seeking proper care.


The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.

How do you shoot the Devil in the back?.....

What if you miss?

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Originally posted by goclick:

just go to <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.nypost.com" TARGET=_blank>www.nypost.com</A>

it's on the main page today,,

I read it and I have to say that I can't believe Twilo. I know allot of people love the place and the music is good, but a club should also worry and take care of us going there and Twilo doesn't care, They only worry about getting their money and staying open. It's a realy shame!!!


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.



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Sunday,December 3,2000


The Manhattan DA is probing charges the nightclub Twilo has hired private ambulances to quietly whisk unconscious drug-overdose victims past cops and into local emergency rooms, The Post has learned.

Sources say club employees are playing Russian roulette with the lives of sometimes critically ill patrons in a cynical cat-and-mouse game to protect the embattled club's lucrative liquor license.

The investigation could deepen the legal and public-relations problems the club was hit with since employees there were caught on their own security cameras in October hiding unconscious revelers in closets so cops wouldn't find them.

"We've got young kids being left in deplorable conditions," said an administrator at one city hospital.

"It's mostly Ecstasy overdoses," the source said.

"Some of the kids have been hosed down at the club after passing out, and some of them have come in unclothed," the source said.

"We've had to treat [unconscious] kids for hypothermia because they were hosed down at the club and left there to cool down and come out of their stupors.

"It's really sick stuff," said the source.

Messages left with Twilo's two owners, Phil Smith and Steve Dash, and the club's lawyer, Peter Sullivan, were not immediately returned.

Investigators believe that 20 to 30 patrons have been transported to area hospitals after passing out from taking drugs since the October incident.

Medical and law-enforcement sources told The Post that when clubgoers overdose, club employees move the victims to a private area in hopes that they will "snap out of it."

"What appears to be happening is that they try and let them sleep it off," said a hospital source. "But it's until the point where the patient is so critical that they're desperately in need of medical attention."

Some of the victims were taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, sources said.

Hospital spokesman Mark Ackermann declined to comment.

Sources said that if no call is made to 911, police can't rush into the club on an emergency basis. And no 911 calls have been made from Twilo recently, they say, because of the private ambulance service.

Plus, sources note that with no 911 call, ambulance drivers are required to fill out some paperwork in city emergency rooms, but are dumping off bodies and leaving absolutely no information about where they came from.

Law-enforcement officials called Twilo's ambulance scam bold and unprecedented.

"This is the first time we've ever heard of something like this," one investigator said.

Early one Sunday morning in October, cops got 911 calls saying there were unconscious people inside Twilo, but when they arrived, bouncers tried to keep them out.

Police found three unconscious people in a closet, and later subpoenaed videotapes that showed employees dragging them across the floor or throwing them over their shoulders and putting them in a closet.

Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's office did not immediately return calls for comment.

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i love to party at twilo too but i don't like the way this sounds. the fact that the owners and the twilo attorney won't return calls makes them look bad and makes me wonder how much truth there is to all of this. do the math on how much the club must profit from a typical s&d night from entry fees to liquor sales...they're making a fortune. has anybody ever noticed that sometimes when you pay your cover charge, the cashier doesn't ring it up, but gives you a receipt? we could speculate all day on why they do that...1) the cashiers are crooked or 2) it's tax evasion or 3) they don't want the fire marshall to know how many people are inside. the whole place is shady, the whole scene is shady (is that part of what makes it so much fun? possibly...) the bottom line is that we have to look out for ourselves and our friends and not abuse drugs or alcohol because you might end up stuffed in a closet soaking wet with no medical attention if you overdose or pass out from drinking too much.

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that article was so biased. all these mysterious "sources" with sometimes ridiculous quotes...

"It's mostly Ecstasy overdoses,"

"We've got young kids being left in deplorable conditions,"

"We've had to treat [unconscious] kids for hypothermia because they were hosed down at the club and left there to cool down and come out of their stupors.

i've never heard anybody ever say they were "hosed down" or that this happened to somebody else they knew. has anybody here?

they even make the private ambulances out to seem like an evasive maneuver by the club in order to avoid the police. when it is in fact common for parties/raves to have their own EMTs. i truly don't know if twilo had ulterior motives, but i think that they are just trying to weather the current climate against the clubbing industry. the article completely tried to demonize twilo as this very bad, bad place. the last article in the village voice actually gave twilo and mike bindra a voice to defend themselves and the policies they've instituted. read it if you haven't already - http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0043/romano.shtml

of course, not to be naive - i know twilo IS a massive pr machine. their most recent issue of the right here, right now magazine had an article about their lawyer Peter Sullivan which nearly bordered on hero worship. although to his credit it read, "Sullivan remembers that the clubs are about dancing and having a good time and he wants that to continue." amen to that.

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i read it, not good for dash at all

the other anonymous sources w/ bullshit about ecstasy od's dont' matter, b/c they caught the guys on tape

looks like things are getting worse for our home




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"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

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our home,

pleas twilo over packs an already small club where people can move or breath, the bouncers were caught on there own tape, and thats not made up. yet people wait forever to get into this place, as well as the bookings are, they need better management to clean that place up in the right way and make it safe


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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like they don't do it at other clubs mike?

in fact, tunnel was notorious for grabbing people and throwing them in side rooms and closets

covering shit up happens in all clubs. i'm not advocating what they did in any way, but to single twilo out is wrong too.

and mike you've obviously never been to factory on a saturday night for an event. makes twilo on pvd nights look spacious


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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I don't know. Twilo has recently been getting some very negative PR, which in the end, would help the DA office if they ever bring charges for the city to close Twilo.-That would an extreme case though.

What's Twilo to do? The police can't wait to find a reason to raid Twilo (a 911 call from inside.) Imagine if management actually openly called an ambulance to take some idiot who OD'd to the hospital.... Think the police would give 'em a citizens's award for that?! Twilo is doing it's best to keep in business amidst a hostile giuliani admin. And they probably do make a descent profit, but private ambulances, security and high profile lawyers can't be cheap.



"I would believe only in a god who could dance."

"Withou music, life would be a mistake."


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guess i'd better get my ass to Twilo for S&D in december before then place gets closed down.....

yeah, right....

guys look at tunnel, limelight, soundfactory...etc.

the same shit has been going on in those clubs and they never got closed down, at least not for long. Some people will probably get arrested, but TWILO will stick around. Only clubs that i know that were closed by the police is a couple of russian places in Brooklyn, and even one of those reopened. Somehow, clubs manage to survive....


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Originally posted by tara19:

I read it and I have to say that I can't believe Twilo. I know allot of people love the place and the music is good, but a club should also worry and take care of us going there and Twilo doesn't care, They only worry about getting their money and staying open. It's a realy shame!!!

I agree with that partially but what about thinking about from another perspective.....for those of us who either don't do drugs or do them responsibly, should we be deprived of a great place like Twilo due to people who aren't careful when doing their drugs???.......in that case, the club is not just keeping open only for themselves but for those who come there for the music and vibes and do not feel like being sent home early because other people have done too much drugs.......I feel the club must asssume some responsibility for these people since they are inside their club......however, I don't think that the staff at clubs like Twilo is expected to be everyone's "mommy and daddy"......somewhere in between is appropriate......just another way of looking at it....... cwm1.gif



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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you think twilo's the first club doing shit like this? and that it just started happening recently? as long as clubs have been around and yardapes cwm42.gif have been gettin fucked up in them, people have been thrown in side rooms and whisked away to hospitals. just so happens twilo's in the public eye at the time being. if clubs like the tunnel from back in the days didnt get closed for this, there's no way twilo will. and if they do, bindra will be throwing a party somewhere else, with the same damn bookings. so all you playerhaters can go on bitchin about twilo, but bindra knows how to keep it real and thats all that matters. and there will be a phazon system put into place wherever the twilo friday party moves, which will in all likelyhood not happen. so keep rockin the mel c remixes at exit or wherever and let the real music heads do their thing. and if you wanna end up in the hospital, dont go to twilo and get cracked out. just give me a buzz, i'll smack the shit out of you...


chronic is the answer...

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GOd please hear my prayers. Please god, Please. Shut that shithole called TWILO down once and for fucking good. And if you have time make this place suffer. I dont know, burn the shithole down or blow it up with explosives but do something and do it soon. This fucking hole TWILO deserves it.

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Originally posted by tara19:

I read it and I have to say that I can't believe Twilo. I know allot of people love the place and the music is good, but a club should also worry and take care of us going there and Twilo doesn't care, They only worry about getting their money and staying open. It's a realy shame!!!

The club should worry about what people do?? They have a security check when you first walk in . . . and during the night security will pull you over if you even reach into your pocket at all whether it be for cash or gum. They have an emergency ambulance service just in case some stupid kid decides to do a little too much.

What MORE do you want?? Twilo is a club not mom and dad of 3,000 clubgoers that go there. I hear so many people on this board blaming Twilo for other people's deaths and all the excessive drug use that goes on in there. Twilo provides us the facility and the DJs that WE want to hear. What we do in there is OUR own RESPONSIBILITY. A lot of us seem to have forgotten what RESPONSIBILITY means. cwm25.gif

Twilo is a business just like any other business. There are countless bars out there that will let you drink yourself under the table and do you think they will stop you when you're ready to leave to see if you're okay to drive?? I've personally never been in a bar that does. And how about other clubs in the city. How about Exit, Tunnel, and SF?? You don't consider them dangerous either?? Exit gets sooo packed that it took me 30 minutes just to get down the stairs!! Tunnel and their history of hiding people and ODs. And SF?? You don't think people arn't passed out in there?? What do you think they're doing? Taking a nap?

Jesus people . . . the last time I checked clubs were meant to be FUN!! It's a place that we can go to escape from the realities of our every day lives and dance all night surrounded by our favorite music. How we do it and how we get to our level of euphoria is our own personal decision.

Stop blaming the club for what is obviously a careless decision of an individual!! cwm6.gif



“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” angel.gif

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one shady thing i noticed, i dunno who said about the tax evasion thing, but my cousin paid with a credit card, and on her receipt it said at the bottom "thanks for dining with us" and there was a section for a tip amount!! what the fuck? we were talkin about it and i was like what the fuck are they tryin to pass as to the credit card company? huh? but, and being in the medical field myself, i did see some security guy makin sure one of the girls was ok, as she was laying across her friends lap, makin sure she wasn't passed out. i just think they need more people medically trained to do that, walk around, recognize the signs and get them to a hospital if need be, and club goers, go with people you trust, because with so many people in there, it's your friends who are gonna need to recognize the signs that youre in trouble and alert someone. someone once told me, it's all about who you feel safe with, who has your back, who can tell you , for this next fiftenn minutes, or hours or what have you, i'll take care of you. wink wink you know who you are. ..just my dolla's worth.


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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Yeh this shit happens all over. In the UK they generally just put you in a taxi. I know a girl who was going to a club for years, she was well in with the owner. One night she took too much and the owner she thought was a freind told here he couldn't call an ambulance and asked her to get out as it would cause problems with his licence.

One thing is for sure, somebody has got it in for Twilo in a big way. Just look at how many articles there has been lately.

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This isn't exactly an eye opener. Anyone that's been clubbing for a while and had actually paid attention to what's up around them had probably seen similar things happen almost everywhere. Some people don't know their limits or are unable to accept them. Maybe Twilo should have MDs on staff and actually open a small clinic inside.



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