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going to work hungover...

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im at work right now after getting an hour and a half of sleep...i still have five more hours to go...i dont know how i would have gotten through the day this far without 2 full throttle energy drinks...i cant wait to go home and sleep though lol

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y go in with a hangover...if ur drinking or doing drugs just bring with u to work...continue to get u thru the day...k'd up at work is great...being drunk is kewl also but there are times when i nod off and that isnt kewl...

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maybe so, but how many times have you seen the CEO of your company hung over and unkempt from a night out?

Of course you wont ... you know why, cause he is the fricken CEO of the company which means he doesnt have to show his face to anyone if he doesnt feel like it. Of course there will be tiems of manditory presentability but they will know about that way ahead of time and they have secretaries to tell people to piss off if they are hung over and unkept .. CEO are the biggest drunkards of all!

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i have to work on sundays now...and my bf's bday was this past sat....sometimes you end up having to go to work hungover, even though its not something i usually do...partying is usually strictly reserved for the weekends when i can sleep in the next day....its unprofessional, but im sure that all ceos and professionals do it, they just learn to conduct themselves properly...if you have a job that requires you to work a lot, they have to have a way to let off some steam...all of my bosses are closet alcoholics....it just sucks having to get through a day with your head pounding...but if they can do it, more power to them...

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ok, so when I become the CEO I won't come in hungover anymore

thats my point, typically one wont get to that level if theyre coming in drunk and lookin' like a crazy every week... (unless you work for family, kiss ass, or have a great deal of money)

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no, just mimmic successful ppl and follow their lead to get to where they are...

This is what I'm trying to do. I used to come in all messed up all the time to my old job. New job, new attitude, and I feel it's working out for me so far.

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thats my point, typically one wont get to that level if theyre coming in drunk and lookin' like a crazy every week... (unless you work for family, kiss ass, or have a great deal of money)

nah, I know what you're saying...

I don't make it too much of a habit but sometimes I do manage to lose track of the time or how many drinks I've had and although I feel like shit the next day, it never really effects me getting my job done

I've missed work from being too hung over less than about a handful of times in over 2 years...not too bad

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a night out typically turns "wild" once shots are introduced... lol because its never just one shot and then go home, its usually followed by a random sampling of shit youve never even heard of that the bartender is giving away because hes thrilled ppl are in the bar on a random weekday and s/he is finally making some tippies... lol (atleast thats how it used to work out for me, go out for dinner then someone starts ordering shots next thing you know youre at work hungover and smell like a homeless mans fart)

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I've missed work from being too hung over less than about a handful of times in over 2 years...not too bad

that is the key right there..so many ppl call out when they know they are supposed to be at work...they do it without the thought of their co-workers...i hate that...but it seems that u understand that if u party then u pay...

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