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Do you think you'll die if you stop clubbing ?


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My clubbing career ran from when I was 15 - 22 that's 90 - 97 .

At 15 , I started sneaking out at night and hop into a bus at night so I can goto Redzone and Palladium.

I'm 25 and totally retired from clubbing.

I don't even dig house music like I used too because I'm not even around it.

But let me say -



- Because after clubbing days are over - you move onto - marriage- some lousy husband-kids + mortgage

I now stay home and watch "Cindy Margolis Show " and read dinky club websites.

DO you think you can survive life without music, people and clubs ?

I suffered from MAJOR club/house music addiction when I was young. I almost dropped out of school so I can go out on week nights.

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Hey, I don't really understand this.......if everythings sucks so bad, why are you involved in it?......I mean, I am not critisizing you at all but it's not like you've been forced into that position......so why don't you think about turning some things around......I know when I'm 25 I'll still be doing what I'm doing now and that 4 years away......if not, I will def be enjoying whatever else I do.......you sound very unhappy and it sounds like you feel "caught up" in your situation.......I maybe wrong but just judging from what you wrote......Hope I made sense.....



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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You poor man.

You have NO idea. Seriously. Come join us. You're never too old t ohave fun and enjoy good people.

I was at Karma in Chicago and early in the night, this older couple comes in. They had to be 60-65. They started Ballroom dancing to Hard Trance. Everyone was so amazed. It was so cool to see it.

Friday at Twilo there was the 50 something guy, fanny-pack and all, just busting out on the dance floor. Sure, he looked out of place, but he was having fun and I had fun knowing that.

I took a hiatus from clubbing too. Now I'm F**king back. Anf I'm not giving up my soul so I can stay home and watch Cindy Margolis ever again. Maybe to save some change for the next time I go out.

I'll quit going out when I don't want to, not before.

Come on out, we're waiting for you... cwm30.gif


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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It's all about management of time and money. You can sneak a night here and there...

When I party, I fucking party, no questions asked, no thoughts... blank mind... happy face... that's it. And I look at dancing as if I'm doing a great work out.


Dream a little dream... then bonk the girls with a club so they make sense!


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Well ...first I'm a girl . Not some old man ! LOL

At the age of 25 I have to focus on my career and get ready to "settle down" and be more mature . But this adulthodd makes me very unhappy and depressed. And it's not like I wanna dress up like some teenie bopping scank and start hittin the clubs again...

Part of me wants to PARTY but part of me says - I quit.


I don't know what my problem is .. I'm watching the whole world party right in front of me ..yet ...I don't really wanna be a part of it.

I'm always the outsider looking in.

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listen I am 26 and very responsible and career orientated(sp). I know that I am getting older and I have more priorities then those people that are between 18-24.Although that does not mean that I crawl up in a "MATURE"ball and die I can still go out and have a good time and still be to work at 8:00am on monday morning. I dont think I will ever stop going out on weekends because that is what was fun then and is what is fun now and you definatley need fun in your life or yes you will die!

GLEN cwm35.gif

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I am 26, and I still party. I have a great career; but my weekends are for me. I love clubbing because of The Music, People, etc. Dancing and being with people I enjoy being around; makes me feel so alive. If someone told me, I could not go clubbing anymore; I would feel like a part of me had died. I know it sounds profound; but I love Music & Dancing. Don’t deny the things that make you happy !!!!!




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I'm sorry but I can't help but give you feedback about this again.......from the looks of it, or to me at least, it seems you are bounding yourself to some agenda that you feel defines the life of a "mature and successful" person. Not to blame you though, I think many of us are led to believe that we must be young, have fun, then all of the sudden......find a mate(whether we like them or not) and marry them as long as we are in our late 20's.....now that blows my mind in itself because is it just a coincidence that 90% of people marry in their mid-late 20's because they found the love of their life?? Slim chance, I think it's more like people panic and feel like, "hmmmm....I'm 27, guess I should get married to whoever I'm with at that time......"(thus the ever increasing divorce rate in this country)........off the marriage thing, onto careers......like Charlie and beanboy said......you can still be successful in your career, be 25, and go out and party like a lunatic......I see it all the time from friends and my family members......it just takes a little planning and caution(unlike the 18-22 years).......speaking from my own perspective, I am a 21 year old college student who goes to school full-time and works 20 hours per week.......of course, my responsibilites may not be to as high degree as a 25 year old but I do have a lot of them and in my opinion, school is far more difficult than holding down a job, at least my school is.....I have worked at several companies with full-time positions and that work is nothing compared to the amount of time I put into school......in the end though, I'm out there every weekend going crazy and giving myself something to live for.......now, I know I just rambled a bit but I had to get it out......I'm not targeting anyone here just saying this in general and of course, some peoples circumstances are different than others so all this may not apply.......wow, I'm tired now.......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by a12345:

My clubbing career ran from when I was 15 - 22 that's 90 - 97 ...

How topical...I just saw "American Beauty" last night. I highly recommend you rent it.

Personally, I'm on the verge of 30 and my wife is 28. We're both respected computer consultants by during the week and clubbers on the weekend. Our life is neither worthless nor meaningless. As a matter of fact, now that we have jobs that pay us big bux, we have more $ for partying. We're definitely having more fun than we had when we were young and poor.

I understand where you're coming from when you lament about the boredom of the real world. Let's face it, most of us wind up in workplaces surrounded by conservative, closed-minded, boring people. Many people like you get caught up in trying to fit in at the office. They wind up replacing the friends that they used to have with officemates. You can't be truly open with the people you work with and wind up living a plastic life, forcing yourself to see things through corporate goggles.

Nevertheless, your life is what you make of it. Don't get dragged down by your environment and stay true to your self. Granted, as we age we do generally all follow a similar path. But, that doesn't mean that all our paths are identical. There is no age limit for partying. As long as you can maintain your responsibilities while still having a good time, you can still party as an adult. Perhaps that's one of the differences between adulthood and childhood; as an adult you learn to prioritize.


Never, ever settle down with someone just because it's in the script. Wait until you find someone who makes you feel alive, someone who's face you'll be happy to see every morning for the rest of your life.



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Originally posted by a12345:

Well ...first I'm a girl . Not some old man ! LOL

At the age of 25 I have to focus on my career and get ready to "settle down" and be more mature . But this adulthodd makes me very unhappy and depressed. And it's not like I wanna dress up like some teenie bopping scank and start hittin the clubs again...

Part of me wants to PARTY but part of me says - I quit.


I don't know what my problem is .. I'm watching the whole world party right in front of me ..yet ...I don't really wanna be a part of it.

I'm always the outsider looking in.

Hey there! I started partying when I was 16-17 at Redzone, Palladium, Limelight etc. etc. Now I'm a 29 yearsold woman!!! eek.gif And yea, like you, when I was 25 . . . I was very career future oriented. Stopped partying for a year or so, got engaged and thought I was being mature and wise . . . but that's not what life is about.

TO ME, I realized that my life has to be about making the most out of it cause you only ONE chance at it. So, now I party at Twilo and Limelight and go to raves (when it's a good one) and still live it up! The most important thing that I learned is that if you're not having fun doing what you're doing then there's a problem with that. Enjoy your life and have fun!!



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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