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Hey guys how gets the soccer in the USA, it's whole new in your country i think (since the 1996 World Cup), is it a real important sport now, because in Europe it's the most important, are you looking sometimes to championships in Europe??? (Champions league, UEFA cup, Nationals Championship...)

What's your favorite players???

Mine is of course Paris st Germain, even if they've take one more pills tonite (5-1) between Sedan (Whole new D1 Team)...

My favorite player is the Italian Marco Simone, who's playing now in Monaco.





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What's up. Soccer ain't popular here. Although I gotta say the USA is doing well in it. As I re-call in the olympics they made it to the semi-finals! That's pretty darn good considering that the whole nation really doesn't care too much about the sport, while other nations are nuts about it...


Did you find your ecstacy???

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

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Originally posted by Tomix:

I know this too, my favorite is the oldest, FIFA 1996 on megadrive, fawkin hilarious scene with my best friend on this game... cwm4.gif

I will give it to the FIFA games... however dont sleep on the EA World Cup games... World Cup '98 is still a good ass game...lol


One Love...


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americans dont know SHIT about Soccer! look at what they call it. the right name is FOOTBALL! change the name of the other sport called football in america to :throwball. cause thats what they do must of the time is throw the ball. they only kick it once in awile cwm12.gifcwm22.gif

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Im really disappointed, i was thinking that this large country will adopt this fabulous sport, so famous in every country in the world, and the most important country of the world ignore it...very strange...don't you think... cwm22.gif




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hey Tomix!

I feel the same way about americans and soccer... I seriously beleive that soccer IS the biggest Worldwide sport. People from all over the world know the sport and their players and about the World Cup. It's a shame that Footbal, Hockey, Baseball and Golf is all this country cares about. Even Nascar is Bigger than F1 !!! can u beleive that!?!? Anyway, I am a big fan of the sport, I have a favorite team in every league I guess.. On the Bundersliga, Italian Serie A, Futbol Espanol, English Premier League... U name it... hehehe even on the french league! I really miss watching good soccer games on TV whenever two big teams meet... It is soo hard to catch soccer games on cable even if u have all the ESPN's available... Thank god for the internet, where at least I can check scores every now and then... cwm34.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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yeah, mergers and sweatshops are as global as we get in the US :P

but it's cool though, keeps good music semi-underground sted of mainstream.

wait, this is about soccer . . . we love soccer, but sitting and watching a game where it takes hours for a goal to be scored doesn't thrill us much. it's kind of like foreplay, you love it and all, but too much is just too much :P

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actually i love soccer, it is the best sport in th4e wroldest, and the fastest pace, actually i still play once in a while with my uncles pizzeria, we play other pizzerias, best sport in the world


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by mp3some:

hey Tomix!

I feel the same way about americans and soccer... I seriously beleive that soccer IS the biggest Worldwide sport. People from all over the world know the sport and their players and about the World Cup. It's a shame that Footbal, Hockey, Baseball and Golf is all this country cares about. Even Nascar is Bigger than F1 !!! can u beleive that!?!? Anyway, I am a big fan of the sport, I have a favorite team in every league I guess.. On the Bundersliga, Italian Serie A, Futbol Espanol, English Premier League... U name it... hehehe even on the french league! I really miss watching good soccer games on TV whenever two big teams meet... It is soo hard to catch soccer games on cable even if u have all the ESPN's available... Thank god for the internet, where at least I can check scores every now and then... cwm34.gif

Yes you're right, it's true that for F1, it's incredible, there's no more international sport in the world, they've happily put back a race in US this year but did you ear about it enough in US???

About soccer it's really good for the champions league, every best countries teams playing in many little championship, and with some friends we meet up for seeing the matchs, it's not current in france to do this but for this moment, we do it, because it's exceptionnal...

For me I've a preferred team in every great championship

Italy : Juventus

England : Chelsea





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Soccer's not up there yet, but I believe it will be...in just the past 5 years I've noticed a great rise in popularity within the general population. Over here, on any given day, you can find at least a few pick-up games. Unfortunately, it might not be as common in the city cuz of lack of playing fields.

Shit, I love this game!


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Soccer!?!? WTF? Americans don't give 2 "les shits" about soccer. Soccer is for the weak of heart. Soccer is for sissies. That's why the French excel at it. Soccer is only for those who don't have the "Spaldings" to play a real sport like football. You know the people that played soccer in High school? They were the ones who got cut from the Football team. Or ones who couldn't play an instrument otherwise they would tried out for band. So the only things left to choose from were soccer and ballet.

Now take America's sport for example. You ever check out an American Football game there, Frenchie? Now that's a real sport. Blood, sweat, broken bones, fighting, etc. Real names like the Cowboys, the Giants, the Rams, the Steelers, the Titans, the Vikings, real manly names. We even have cheerleaders. Who do you guys have cheering for you, aside from some 500lb french heffer sitting in the stands eating "bon-bons". American Football is a real man's sport. The french could not even field a football team, let alone be any good at it, i bet. You guys better hope that football never becomes an Olympic Sport, cause the the US would lay a beating on you like you've never seen before. The only gold medals you would see would be the ones swinging from the necks of each American player.

So, you guys can keep your soccer. And while we're at it, you can keep your Eiffel Tower, and your ReNaults, and even Gerard DePardieau. We don't give a flying fuck.

have a good day,


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Originally posted by mp3some:

hey Tomix!

I feel the same way about americans and soccer... I seriously beleive that soccer IS the biggest Worldwide sport. People from all over the world know the sport and their players and about the World Cup. It's a shame that Footbal, Hockey, Baseball and Golf is all this country cares about. Even Nascar is Bigger than F1 !!! can u beleive that!?!? Anyway, I am a big fan of the sport, I have a favorite team in every league I guess.. On the Bundersliga, Italian Serie A, Futbol Espanol, English Premier League... U name it... hehehe even on the french league! I really miss watching good soccer games on TV whenever two big teams meet... It is soo hard to catch soccer games on cable even if u have all the ESPN's available... Thank god for the internet, where at least I can check scores every now and then... cwm34.gif

Well F1 is the most watched live sport in the world.. it's a LOT bigger that Nascar, it's watched in nearly every contry in the world. But apart from that soccer is the second most watched sport in the world. Nascar is really only popular here.

Oh and as for the olympics, most contries dont enter just because it's not worth it (with all the other cups), so although second is good it's not a true scale to judge it by.

I have noticed it getting bigger over here.

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the u.s. men's soccer team will be a contender in about two decades . . .

the best thing about soccer is the fans . . .

you don't see fans like that at any sport here in the states . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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god damn you're naroow minded, jollydwarf.

i love football, hockey, and baseball, but soccer will always be my roots. i played most of my life till a back injury put me out for good.

anyway, don't be so damn critical of something you don't even know!



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that was the worst post i've ever read on this board. American football is the most boring sport on the planet. Ever go to a game? They do more standing around then anything, there is a penalty every other play and the crowd is full of fat retired cops who are jerk offs that argue about why their team sucks the whole game. And buy the way, the names of NFL teams are stupid and boring. Why to you associate France so much with soccer?

I just pray that you dont start talking about music on this board.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Dont take jollydwarf seriousley he just wants to start shit.

Hey Backdoor,

What sport did you play in school? Do the British even have High school sports? Badmitton is not a sport. No, bingo is not a sport, either. Bowling team? Somehow, i'm thinking the only balls you've carried have been attached to a scrotum and they easily fit into your mouth. Tell me i'm wrong.



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Originally posted by jollydwarf:

Hey Backdoor,

What sport did you play in school? Do the British even have High school sports? Badmitton is not a sport. No, bingo is not a sport, either. Bowling team? Somehow, i'm thinking the only balls you've carried have been attached to a scrotum and they easily fit into your mouth. Tell me i'm wrong.


Rugy, Football and swimming. Rugby is that game that American football is modeled on. Except they dont use pads, the pitch is bigger and they dont constantly start and stop. They actually run for 85 minutes.

Hey Tomix, Chelsea supporter *tut tut*.

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