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M-TV Ecstacy Report - my opinion . . .

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personally i dont know the long term effects of X but thre is not enough evidence to prove otherwise bad long term effects, not to say that there arent any. but what i think is that they do know what the truth is and they dont want to tell anybody cause deep down i think they know that it does not harm you in the way that is portrayed, now im talking about a pure mdma pill. anyway the drug has ben out for 85 years, i think there was enouugg research on it to dertemine the effects. why dont they just speak the truth without giving all theres biased opinions,


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by dastardino:


What does Chinese New Year have to do with Christmas? cwm6.gif And yes, I do celebrate the Chinese New Year. Most asians do.



“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” angel.gif

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

personally i dont know the long term effects of X but thre is not enough evidence to prove otherwise bad long term effects, not to say that there arent any. but what i think is that they do know what the truth is and they dont want to tell anybody cause deep down i think they know that it does not harm you in the way that is portrayed, now im talking about a pure mdma pill. anyway the drug has ben out for 85 years, i think there was enouugg research on it to dertemine the effects. why dont they just speak the truth without giving all theres biased opinions,

I dont know man that bitch had mad holes in her brain. And I'm not sure if their is such a thing as a pure mdma pill anymore, and if their is good luck finding it. Also that girl prob got a batch of mesc pills and ate a handfull of them. Thats why she lost her mind like that. But I think that sorta damage occurs when you take pills everyday and your brain can't re-cover. E isn't like other recreational drugs (I know i'm not telling anyone anything new here), you need to take time and recover from it. Before you go dropping again.

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Originally posted by bungee:

Don't do drugs..that stuff will kill you..I'll stick to cigarettes thank you very much...

That makes no sense to me whatsoever! I think it has been well proven that cigarettes _do_ kill you, and are in fact much, much more likely to do so than MDMA.

My take on all this talk of long-term damage is this: When used in moderation, the good outweighs the bad. I would rather spend one night a month in absolute, well, ECSTASY and be a bit forgetful 10 years down the road than never have the experience. Here's a drug that isn't addictive, that as far as I can tell has less negative impact on a person's life than smoking pot, that makes it easy to meet wonderful people and have experiences you never would have had otherwise... I think comparing it to heroin or crack is ludicrous.

The happiness that I feel when I'm on E doesn't just disappear after I come down. I have new friends, I'm closer to the ones I have, I appreciate music, sensations, textures, etc. more than I every did before I tried it. And I NEVER find myself craving it when I don't have it. So I truly think the risk is worth it.

The special news reports are designed to scare people, just like the videos they show in health class. A few years ago in school I was shown a similar program on the negative effects of alcohol, and guess what? They showed fancy pictures of people's brains with holes in them too. I'm not necesarily saying that E doesn't do this, but it pisses me off that they use the mere possibility as a reason for criminalizing it when drugs that have been _proven_ to be just as dangerous, if not more (tobacco, alcohol), are legal and socially acceptable. Fuck that.


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Originally posted by aliebling:

That makes no sense to me whatsoever! I think it has been well proven that cigarettes _do_ kill you, and are in fact much, much more likely to do so than MDMA.

I think he was joking, being sarcastic about the cigarettes thing. Anyway, I'm popping tonight for Cox. F*%$ those specials.

[This message has been edited by jasonct5 (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by aliebling:

That makes no sense to me whatsoever! I think it has been well proven that cigarettes _do_ kill you, and are in fact much, much more likely to do so than MDMA.

My take on all this talk of long-term damage is this: When used in moderation, the good outweighs the bad. I would rather spend one night a month in absolute, well, ECSTASY and be a bit forgetful 10 years down the road than never have the experience. Here's a drug that isn't addictive, that as far as I can tell has less negative impact on a person's life than smoking pot, that makes it easy to meet wonderful people and have experiences you never would have had otherwise... I think comparing it to heroin or crack is ludicrous.

The happiness that I feel when I'm on E doesn't just disappear after I come down. I have new friends, I'm closer to the ones I have, I appreciate music, sensations, textures, etc. more than I every did before I tried it. And I NEVER find myself craving it when I don't have it. So I truly think the risk is worth it.

The special news reports are designed to scare people, just like the videos they show in health class. A few years ago in school I was shown a similar program on the negative effects of alcohol, and guess what? They showed fancy pictures of people's brains with holes in them too. I'm not necesarily saying that E doesn't do this, but it pisses me off that they use the mere possibility as a reason for criminalizing it when drugs that have been _proven_ to be just as dangerous, if not more (tobacco, alcohol), are legal and socially acceptable. Fuck that.

you are a child.....

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Shit, to my understanding of the whole thing even if you drop ever week it's going to effect you in someway. Saying just doing it once won't hurt you? Is like said acid will not change your whole fucking life. Once you put something into you, you’re different chemically and mentally.

I used to drop 1 on 2 times a week. At first I only had to take one pill to fell the action, but then I need more cause my body would build up a tolerance to the drugs. And as well all now most rolls have little to no MDMA. This heroin, acid, and alot of other drugs mixed up. Cause if a dealer was slinging MDMA he would make way less money then cutting it down with other shit. I tried to buy pure MDMA once ant it was like 1000 for a QP. The holes in your brain are from the coke and heroin mixing... and almost 80% of all pills have both heroin and coke.




You all laugh at me becasue I'm differant, I laugh at you because your all the same.

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Originally posted by translucent:

Hmm...smells like judgement to me. While I agree, some mebers here might not be very mature or informed about E and might use it as a crutch, you're making quite a generalization. Many people on this board are educated professionals (some even physicians, psychiatrists and chemists) who are very secure and content in life. Did it occur to you that people might roll just recreationally, able to have a good time sober as well. You might as well as bash everyone who's ever had a beer.

You're so right... thanks for that!

- Meli -



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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Taking that first pill was (and still is) one of the best things I ever did.

Hey Mikey, checking out that link (check yesterday's email) I sent you might turn out to be the second best thing you ever did cwm12.gif



[This message has been edited by translucent (edited 12-01-2000).]

[This message has been edited by translucent (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by rug5:

..this is not me passing judgement, but simply reality...

Hmm...smells like judgement to me. While I agree, some mebers here might not be very mature or informed about E and might use it as a crutch, you're making quite a generalization. Many people on this board are educated professionals (some even physicians, psychiatrists and chemists) who are very secure and content in life. Did it occur to you that people might roll just recreationally, able to have a good time sober as well. You might as well as bash everyone who's ever had a beer.



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Originally posted by blueangel:

I thought overall it was a good report. They showed examples of both sides.

The only thing I'd like to point out is that the girl who had "HOLES" in her brain . . . well what do you expect?? She dropped 2-3 pill EVERYDAY for a year not to mention other substances that she mixed in there (i.e. cocaine, herbs, acid ect.) She was an extreme example of a HARD CORE!

I felt bad for her but at the same time . . . I couldn't find the sympathy, especially when she started crying by watching that movie "Groove." Don't blame the scene . . . blame yourself. If you're going to take substance . . . non natural substance then it's your OWN personal obiligation to go out there and LEARN exactly what it is you're doing to yourself. And that's the bottom line.



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Originally posted by g-money:

What did you guys think about those two fucked up girls at the rave who were saying:

"Glowsticks make me want to puke," "People who drop make me want to puke," "People with the masks on with the Vicks inside make me want to puke." Is it just me or did those girls make you want to puke? Here they are judging everyone at a rave which is suppose to have a great vibe and they aren't even contributing to it. Sorry for ranting, I just found them highly annoying.


Those girls were definitely annoying, its funny how there they were making all these comments on how stupid everyone looks when they weren't actually beauty Queens themselves. People who make preconcieved negative judgements make me wanna puke.

I think both specials represented the scene in a bad light. Only once did MTV show a sober raver, who was actually the only person who actually made a valid point, the blonde who said many kids are in the scene only for the drugs and wouldnt be coming to raves or clubs otherwise. Thats it, the rest of the time they spent interviewing the most drugged up/freaky people they could find.

I also hate how the kept alluding that Club/Rave=Ecstacy. Thats like saying any person who listens to classic rock is a tree-hugging hippie pothead.

Also with that Lynn girl they made it seem like NYC nightlife was responsible, like here was this innocent girl from Pennsylvania who when she came to New York City was suddenly thrust into a life of pure sin, and the part where she couldnt go out anymore if she wanted to stay clean, give me a break.

I have never dropped E, hell, I never even touched a cigarette, and I love hitting places like Twilo and Centrofly, not once have I felt awkward or out of place in either of these places, most of the people I've talked to at these places at most had a few drinks. The only report that portrayed clubbing/rave in a good way was the one done by Time magazine "Rave New World". I dont understand why these specials cant do the same, or even better, just leave the scene alone.


[This message has been edited by dv8 (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by dastardino:


And merry x-mas to you too!! cwm38.gif



“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” angel.gif

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Originally posted by dstgeorge2:

The holes in your brain are from the coke and heroin mixing... and almost 80% of all pills have both heroin and coke.

Saying that there is heroin in most ecstasy pills is bullshit, because that would cost way more than just putting pure MDMA in it. It wouldn't be cost effective for the makers, plus heroin is hardly a speedy dance-all-night kind of drug (to my knowledge, never tried it).


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Originally posted by blueangel:

the girl who had "HOLES" in her brain . . . well what do you expect?? She dropped 2-3 pill EVERYDAY for a year not to mention other substances that she mixed in there (i.e. cocaine, herbs, acid ect.) She was an extreme example of a HARD CORE!


My brain probably looks like Swiss Cheese!!

I was Hard Core back in my Limelight days.

I gotta check out that report.

I've been clubbing for 6 years and was a regurlar at Limelight for almost 3 years.

The things I've done in my lifetime could kill a small country.

I'm fucked!!



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays -Roxy, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

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Originally posted by aliebling:

Saying that there is heroin in most ecstasy pills is bullshit, because that would cost way more than just putting pure MDMA in it. It wouldn't be cost effective for the makers, plus heroin is hardly a speedy dance-all-night kind of drug (to my knowledge, never tried it).

Ok, have you ever got a roll and noticed brown/black speckles (some pills are just darker as well but many things can cause discoloring in a pill), this is heroin usually. A single pill cost $16-25 for normal "dealers" for one. The cheapest I've know a single person in the USA to get them for is $5 for 1,000. And heroin has different grades as well, depending what it's been cut with. Most drugs are not 100% this or 90% pure. And the people making the pills by every thing by the pound(s), I didn't say most pill where 80% heroin either, I said they have either heroin Also somepeople want "dirty" rolls, because it's a different high.

As for how a roll with heroin will make you act. It's calms you nerves, and cause the "blowing up" to be harder then cleaner rolls.

I've done a few dirty rolls, and have known they where so. I was a close friend with many dealers in Fl.

As for the cost, the people making rolls inside the USA have a hard time buy larger amount of MDMA. They have to use other things to fill a pill. They could use anything from Coke, Speed, Mesc, Meth or something under the kitchen sink. Just like coke could be cut with any thing. I had a friend, and his pal died because he got coke mixed with glass.

Lastly the 80%, the number might not be that high but it's well above 50% in the USA. I'm unsure about E from Asia, Europe or S. America.


You all laugh at me becasue I'm differant, I laugh at you because your all the same.

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Originally posted by dstgeorge2:

Ok, have you ever got a roll and noticed brown/black speckles (some pills are just darker as well but many things can cause discoloring in a pill), this is heroin usually.

Contrary to popular belief, there is NO Heroin or coke in Extacy.

Like someone else said, it would be too expensive for dealers to put this stuff in E.

MDMA is created in a lab, therefore much cheaper than heroin or cocaine, because these things have to be extracted from nature and exported.

If you ever got a "dopey" pill, it was probably DXM that was in it.

It is even cheaper to make DXM, so alot of pill-makers cut the MDMA with DXM.

Visit www.dancesafe.org for the ingredients in all of the pills out there.

Be careful and know who you're getting your shit from, there's a lot of bad shit out there now.

I don't do it anymore, but I have and it's not like the good old days when I first started doing it.

Be safe!!



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays -Roxy, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

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