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The Answer! To what a girl wants!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by myrlin:

In actuality, its harder to find a girl that appreciates those things than a man who will try to be that way. In actuality, once people get what they want, they grow tired of it.

Claudio, what you said is absolutely true when it comes to younger girls. Because in reality they really don't know what they want. That's what we call "Trial and Error" phase. However, once that girl becomes more mature with age and becomes a woman . . . WE know what we want.

And in reality, we want a man that not just comfortable with who we are but also comfortable with who he is. We want someone who is not afraid to change and compromise . . someone who will listen and ask instead of jumping the gun and assuming. We want someone who can say when they're confused instead of taking the advice of other people who have no knowledge of who we are. All these things are true with BOTH sides. Until he or she is old enough OR mature enough to understand that EVERYTHING has it's ups and downs, there is noooo such thing as perfection, compromise and communication is the golden key . . . they're never gonna be happy with what they have.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Think women need to look in the mirror and take care of their own attributes before 'demanding' certain qualities from men. It's sure not easy finding that 'significant' other in fact if you do you are lucky. Know first hand women are unfaithful..not all..but more than you think. Cynical you may say? Sheeit yeah. Before marriage..been with numerous women turns out have BF/hubby. Crap they did with me will turn any man cynical. Hope I don't become 'that' BF/hubby.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Claudio, what you said is absolutely true when it comes to younger girls. Because in reality they really don't know what they want. That's what we call "Trial and Error" phase. However, once that girl becomes more mature with age and becomes a woman . . . WE know what we want.

And in reality, we want a man that not just comfortable with who we are but also comfortable with who he is. We want someone who is not afraid to change and compromise . . someone who will listen and ask instead of jumping the gun and assuming. We want someone who can say when they're confused instead of taking the advice of other people who have no knowledge of who we are. All these things are true with BOTH sides. Until he or she is old enough OR mature enough to understand that EVERYTHING has it's ups and downs, there is noooo such thing as perfection, compromise and communication is the golden key . . . they're never gonna be happy with what they have.


The point here is I agree that there are people out there that can "fit" and be very happy. Unfortunately, it becomes tedious to wade through all the ones that aren't after a while. I have certain beliefs that will never change and certain values that have been instilled in me.

Honesty and Fidelity are the ones that come to mind. Now, dont get me wrong, If you are in a "whaetever" "fun" relationship, the rules do not apply. If you arent sure or whatever and its up front, thats fine too. Its when you get close and worry about people do, thats where the trouble begins.

I like to have fun, everyone who knows me would agree. I like to flirt...hehe....Its just this issue is NOT black and white and Ive been around long enough to see the various shades of grey. In time, I will meet the person who fits me. Currently, Im trying to enjoy myself without taking things too seriously.

In the end, love catches the right way. Its this belief in me that is strongest and keeps me going. Hope, is a wonderful thing, and I thank the people i know that remind me of that everyday, as I try to do for others.

When you stop dreaming, you die. I will never stop dreaming, I wont give up hope, I wanna be a Toys r Us kid.... wink.gif (Had to throw a joke in...hehe)





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First and foremost, I want a guy to be honest with me. In all aspects. If an outfit makes me look fat, I don't want to hear how beautiful I am. A lie is a lie. Sometimes they make you happy but you can be sure that if he lies to make you happy he will most certainly lie about other things. My ex husband was always so sweet and polite. He told me everything I ever wanted to hear. He would never mention that I was being a bitch or looked fat, etc...But...he also neglected to tell me that he hadn't paid the phone bill in 3 months or that he spent $4000.00 on a custom made mountain bike...WHILE HE WAS UNEMPLOYED. That's just a couple of examples!!

My current b/f, Mike, is singlehandedly the most honest person I have ever dated. I don't say that only because I'm in love and my head is in the clouds and he's perfect. He's not, I see his flaws too. I say that simply because he has been blatently honest with me, sometimes to the point where it hurt...but that is what I want. He tells me the truth even when I'm fishing for a lie.

Yeah, that is the one thing that I MUST have...really that any functional relationship must have.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by kozzy:

damn all i need is good sex & some food. you see ladies, nice and simple... cwm1.gifcwm1.gif

LOL..Used to think like that..so simple right?..LOL funny but so true..Some women read too many Romance Novels or watch 'Titanic' too many times..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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