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South Beach Is Done


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with the redevelopment of downtown and uptown ,, i am willing to bet that a new strand of nightclubs bigger and better will be downtown or uptown miami ,,, south beach is rap & hip hop and tourists ,, just watch for instance ,, space ,, nocturnal ..

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downtown has been in redevelopment for well past three years. as is typical with any development in south florida be it redevelopment, or simple road construction. it becomes riddled with mis-management and incompetence. as far as south beach being done. Ummmmm okay! LOL you have to learn to walk, before you can run… :)

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Tell me something the bulk of us don't already know. Downtown is the next nightlife mecca for the Miami area.

Bla bla bla

Is CJ putting together their soccer team? No one is gonna hurt you guys. I mean ... it will only hurt you to pick the ball from inside your net. :D


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Guest onisakura

I think the next thing downtown really needs is some parking garages. Anyone else feel me on this?

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The owners of Goldrush are building a 5 story garage behind their building.

The beach is rapidly being condo-ized...mainland is the future. Put the clubs in pre-designated entertainment districts that the City of Miami government had the foresight to establish, as not to collide with the ongoing condo development on the mainland too.

Seriously though. I only frequent two clubs on Miami Beach...Amika and crobar. Where in the past it was 4 or 5. Downtown, I hit up 2 every week, and frequently 3 or more....so as of right now my attentions are focused downtown...

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most of the developments going up in downtown are condos; the beach is just beating downtown to the point. entertainment districts are great if you actually have entertainment, which can occupy that area. downtown has a future, but at the pace business and development takes place in miami; it is light years away. once the investors who bought these condo's hoping for quick ROI, realize it will be sometime before they see any ROI .watch the property values in downtown drop like crazy, and foreclosures raise their ugly heads. most of the major corporations have their south florida branches in FT. Lauderdale. so what other then limited entertainment can downtown offer??

I love great investment opportunities... based on what I have seen thus far, downtown Miami is not a great investment opportunity...

LOL if South Beach is done, downtown miami is not even close to filling the void at any level.

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I think what flite means is that it is done in the sense that now it is a very commercial zone of sorts. That being said, quality entertainment has gone across the bridge in recent months.

I wouldn't say light years away, either. The PAC launches in the fall, and nevermind there's about four new venues going up in the 24 hour zone, as well as other options outside of it.

Sure all the corporations locate their HQs in Lauderdale, but that is fine by me. Keep the business and fun seperate.

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quality entertainment is disputable. that having been said The PAC is way behind schedule, the project started in 2001 and was due to be completed in 2004. The PAC is a prime example of the mismanagement I alluded to earlier. once again beyond the limited entertainment, there is nothing to KEEP people downtown.

a downtown area that is developing multi million dollar condo’s and entertainment facilities .will clearly need to have something more then entertainment ,to keep people downtown. Miami is a relativity young city, and it’s immaturity in leadership and direction is evident in how re-development has progressed.

downtown if it’s going to be successful IMO, will need to become a social and business hub.

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Oh, I never said the PAC was on schedule. I'm gonna get shot for this but blame union labor there. 5 PM and it is a ghost town at the PAC site. The casino used private contractors and went from concept to reality in short order.

Still, I'm optimistic on the downtown situation...I see the Beach rapidly becoming condo city with a 2 AM closing time real soon. They trot it out occasioally to do some election grandstanding, but some day some developer will push it through.

You're right on the mis-management part. Downtown has had a host of failed venues and projects in recent years. The City threw open the doors to development and approved damned near everything that came across the board. The result? Well, it proved only the strong survive down there. One of the most successful clubs in the country has thrived for five years, and there's another right next door that looks to be going in the same direction.

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I still say The PAC situation lies with the city. in any case I share your optimism for downtown, but it is work in progress. as soon to be condo owner, I’m happy with the direction MB is going with regard to condos.:) there is only one truly successful club downtown, I hope others will follow but based on the track record thus far I’m a bit doubtful.

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south beach isnt about the music anymore , its too comercialized you see the developments in the biscayne corridor, the design district , brickell , downtown is a good hub for clubs at the moment ,, when will people have the foresight to see that area for entertainment purposes? look at NYC for example greatest city in the world but the clubs arent even close to what they used to be , like sobe its about bottles and wannabees ,, what miami needs is not a nocturnal full of cheese but a venue that caters to a music orientated crowd,, away from everything

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miami in general isn’t about music anymore. The last music emerging from miami that reached any level of success was trance. Downtown is not a hub, you have one club which destroys its competition one after another... that club is called space. The comparison to New York is joke; new york has a bigger and more receptive club audience. Miami pales in comparassion. A club in miami that caters strictly to music will fail. If you’re going to be a success with a club in miami, you must appease your bottle crowd. It is the bottle crowd, not the ones nursing a drink all night long; that are making your club money.

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WORD TO FUCKING BIG BIRD. as much as everyone hates to admit it, trance was it. come on..remember when people would actually come from out of town to here the local djs....

miami is long removed from being about the music. being about the music died when the scene became more about selling the club and the bottles rather than the dj or the music.

oh...dont get me wrong..when its about selling a 45 dollar advance ticket to the latest "superstar" dj that is touring, its definetely about the music..lol....

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Why don't you peeps rephrase it to that the EDM BIG club in Sobe is limited? ... there is so much more happening in Sobe than the big clubs.

If anything ... the BIG club thing might be seing its last days in Miami ... where are the heads to fill them up? With the exception of Space, Crobar, Mansion and hopefully Nocturnal.

What astonishes me is that while some are preocupied in slashing Crobar out, they are opening new locations in Buenos Aires and Vegas to add to their existing in Chicago and New York.

Realize that downtown will be able to expand to Fridays and Saturdays ... in the meantime, Crobar is open Thursday thru Monday for the past 5 years. Talk about proper marketing and business skills.



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Downtown will eventually become what everyone is hoping it becomes. The question is, how long will it be before it actually happens.

This development outburst we've seen for about 3 years at least, is starting to materialize in the form of higher traffic, more retail redevelopments, entertainment venues, art galleries, restaurants and all the fuzz that comes with at least two surging art districts within this area. Among other things, the countless cranes lifting buildings all over the midtown, downtown, east of 95 area are a live proof that this is not a myth and it is not slowing down.

I beleive that as the Biscayne Blvd renovation takes place, and a big part of the new buildings start to fill up with people, the area will liven up enough to have a comparable feel to any other downtown district. It will never be like south beach, obviously, but it will bring an ecclectic mix of locals, visitors, artists, diners, clubbers and folk to the area; that one way or the other will fuel the augment of more commerce and the appeal for more ppl to move up here.

As far as investments in the area, that's a whole dissertation about speculative vs. real values and realized returns. Bubble or not, expect the area to continue upward, only not to the pace of the past 2 yrs.

We'll see what happens...


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Actually, the PAC's problems are managerial. If you *know* you are going to be using union labor which knocks off at 5pm (nothing wrong with that, I like to get home in time for dinner, too), then you estimate your time based on that. I think they knew it, they just lied about it to get it past the city government and voters. Nobody would have approved it if they knew how long it *really* was going to take.

As far as South Beach being "over", we still have a goodly number club/bars, both large and small that are doing well. That they might not play the kind of music that you like is immaterial to whether or not they are "over". "Nightlife" is not just about EDM, you know.

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