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This Sucks...

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Well, I started feeling this weird pressure/tingling on my head, and I went to the dr and got diagnosed with chronic tension headaches...so i guess that means no more drugs for a while...ill have to live vicariously through you ppl :(...this sucks arse, i dont even know what it is, i hope that it gets better soon though....

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spanx....actually, i think i should be getting better soon...i think i was just overworked...i was smoking pot and drinking all night, getting two hours of sleep, then going to work for 10 hours and drinking hella caffeine to stay awake...then i went to the dr bc i had this weird tension in my head, and she said it was tension headaches and gave me medicine for migraines that contained caffeine...so i was freaking out when it wasnt getting better....then i just talked to one of my best friends who just graduated med school and is a genius and he told me that my brain was probably just overrworked and i may have pinched a nerve or something and to just lay off all the caffeine at all costs, including the medication...i havent had any medicine today and so far it feels a LOT BETTER....so so much for a professional opinion...i just wasted like $300 to go to a freaking doctor who prescribed me the wrong medication

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spanx....actually, i think i should be getting better soon...i think i was just overworked...i was smoking pot and drinking all night, getting two hours of sleep, then going to work for 10 hours and drinking hella caffeine to stay awake...then i went to the dr bc i had this weird tension in my head, and she said it was tension headaches and gave me medicine for migraines that contained caffeine...so i was freaking out when it wasnt getting better....then i just talked to one of my best friends who just graduated med school and is a genius and he told me that my brain was probably just overrworked and i may have pinched a nerve or something and to just lay off all the caffeine at all costs, including the medication...i havent had any medicine today and so far it feels a LOT BETTER....so so much for a professional opinion...i just wasted like $300 to go to a freaking doctor who prescribed me the wrong medication

u should try getting a massage too...it helps with tension.

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caffeine is actually used in many drugs to treat headaches, it's a vasodilator (widens your blood vessels). make sure you regulate your caffeine intake in general, you can get headaches just from caffeine withdrawal if you're taking in too much and then suddenly stop.

spanx....actually, i think i should be getting better soon...i think i was just overworked...i was smoking pot and drinking all night, getting two hours of sleep, then going to work for 10 hours and drinking hella caffeine to stay awake...then i went to the dr bc i had this weird tension in my head, and she said it was tension headaches and gave me medicine for migraines that contained caffeine...so i was freaking out when it wasnt getting better....then i just talked to one of my best friends who just graduated med school and is a genius and he told me that my brain was probably just overrworked and i may have pinched a nerve or something and to just lay off all the caffeine at all costs, including the medication...i havent had any medicine today and so far it feels a LOT BETTER....so so much for a professional opinion...i just wasted like $300 to go to a freaking doctor who prescribed me the wrong medication
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i used to drink about 4 red bulls a day just to wake up in the morning, but now ive become so anti-caffeine...it causes some really serious health problems...my heart was beating way faster and then my brain got overrworked...i even noticed at the deli where i get my breakfast that theyre starting to sell chewing gum with caffeine in it now...and mints...its wayyy too easy to OD on caffeine..now all i drink is vitamin water

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i used to drink about 4 red bulls a day just to wake up in the morning, but now ive become so anti-caffeine...it causes some really serious health problems...my heart was beating way faster and then my brain got overrworked...i even noticed at the deli where i get my breakfast that theyre starting to sell chewing gum with caffeine in it now...and mints...its wayyy too easy to OD on caffeine..now all i drink is vitamin water

Red Bull does not do it for me. i hear people say they've been up hours, or even crash from it. i get no more reaction from a Red Bull than I woujld Mountain due

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its kinda like coffee to me...it wakes me up by doesnt make me crazy or up all night or anything like that...i could drink a red bull at 10 o clock and then go to sleep at midnight...but now that i found out it can cause those headaches, which didnt go away for freaking two weeks, im def not going to drink it anymore...its sucks bc it goes awesome with pills too lol

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its kinda like coffee to me...it wakes me up by doesnt make me crazy or up all night or anything like that...i could drink a red bull at 10 o clock and then go to sleep at midnight...but now that i found out it can cause those headaches, which didnt go away for freaking two weeks, im def not going to drink it anymore...its sucks bc it goes awesome with pills too lol

How are you feeling? Are your headaches better?

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caffeine is actually used in many drugs to treat headaches, it's a vasodilator (widens your blood vessels). make sure you regulate your caffeine intake in general, you can get headaches just from caffeine withdrawal if you're taking in too much and then suddenly stop.

Not to be picky, but actually caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, not a dilator. It constricts the blood vessels in the head and decreases blood flow and stretching of nerves, improving pain.

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then i just talked to one of my best friends who just graduated med school and is a genius and he told me that my brain was probably just overrworked and i may have pinched a nerve or something and to just lay off all the caffeine at all costs, including the medication...i havent had any medicine today and so far it feels a LOT BETTER....so so much for a professional opinion...i just wasted like $300 to go to a freaking doctor who prescribed me the wrong medication

do not take his advice... he knows textbook stuff but he hasnt been able to apply it yet.. wait til he goes through hsi residency before taking his advice.. it's like reading a book on blackjack... you cant just go to a table with 100 bucks and expect to turn it into a thousand the first time after reading the book... you have to get a feel for the table, a feel for the game.. your friend that just finished schooling still has 2 more years of clinicals and 4 mroe years of residency.. he's hardly a doctor... but i get the same sensations.. not exactly painful headaches... just fuzziness.. but i hate the MD's office so i just tough it out...

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Really?? Has it been happening for long? This is random, but do you smoke pot or drink a lot?? I wonder if that has something to do with it...doctors havent been of much help, they just tell me that its a tension headache and to take motrin, even though it doesnt even hurt like a headache...it just feel uncomfortable...its really weird

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Really?? Has it been happening for long? This is random, but do you smoke pot or drink a lot?? I wonder if that has something to do with it...doctors havent been of much help, they just tell me that its a tension headache and to take motrin, even though it doesnt even hurt like a headache...it just feel uncomfortable...its really weird

nah i dont smoke pot, havent smoked since beginning of 2003.. i drink like a fish like once a week... im no medical expert but i attribute the sensation i get to lack of sleep.. i usually only get like 5.5-7.0 hours of sleep a night... i need to work on that...

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spanx....actually, i think i should be getting better soon...i think i was just overworked...i was smoking pot and drinking all night, getting two hours of sleep, then going to work for 10 hours and drinking hella caffeine to stay awake...

The above activities would give anyone a major headache, I think. Did you feel better if you rested/slept well,and eat healthy. I do agree with the statement of caffiene withdrawl, man those can be some honkin aches :yuck:

start to keep a headache diary, most of us with migraines do in the begining, to see what provokes it, makes it better/worse. Also note what kind of pain; burning,sharp,shooting... and where one side/both sides, does it radiate anywhere etc.... if you have more of a pattern, easier to help. But if it is the worst headache of your life, and/or your vision is blurred this is a medical emergency,please go to the doctor demand at least a c.t. scan.

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thanks for all of your help and advice...i got a ct scan in the emergency room a few weeks ago and it came out normal...the nurse told me to take motrin and get some rest..and maybe its sort of stress related bc once i found out that it wasnt a brain tumor or anything, i started to relax and i felt better for about a week...then i made the stupid decision of partying a little on the 4th of july...i had half of a joint and maybe 5 beers...i had been better for about 8 or 9 days...and that week, the tension started coming back...it's not like an actual pain, its just this really uncomfortable tension, like my head is in a vise or something...and its different areas of my head, it usually starts out in my left temple...so now ive been having it again and ive been freaking out...i just made an appointment for a neurologist for tomorrow...hopefully, he'll give me something to make me get rid of this tension once and for all...its driving me crazy...its not like it hurts so bad or anything, but its just this really really uncomfortable tension...i have no idea what it could be...people have been saying that maybe its anxiety, but im not particularly stressed out about anything except for this...maybe its physical anxiety or something...i just hope that this neurologist can give me something to make me feel better (and he should at that price....$200 for an office visit plus any other tests...and the suckiest part is that im going to be getting health insurance with my job as of aug 3...blah)

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thanks for all of your help and advice...i got a ct scan in the emergency room a few weeks ago and it came out normal...the nurse told me to take motrin and get some rest..and maybe its sort of stress related bc once i found out that it wasnt a brain tumor or anything, i started to relax and i felt better for about a week...then i made the stupid decision of partying a little on the 4th of july...i had half of a joint and maybe 5 beers...i had been better for about 8 or 9 days...and that week, the tension started coming back...it's not like an actual pain, its just this really uncomfortable tension, like my head is in a vise or something...and its different areas of my head, it usually starts out in my left temple...so now ive been having it again and ive been freaking out...i just made an appointment for a neurologist for tomorrow...hopefully, he'll give me something to make me get rid of this tension once and for all...its driving me crazy...its not like it hurts so bad or anything, but its just this really really uncomfortable tension...i have no idea what it could be...people have been saying that maybe its anxiety, but im not particularly stressed out about anything except for this...maybe its physical anxiety or something...i just hope that this neurologist can give me something to make me feel better (and he should at that price....$200 for an office visit plus any other tests...and the suckiest part is that im going to be getting health insurance with my job as of aug 3...blah)

Good Luck. YOU should try to get more sleep, it makes a world of difference. I know when I party and miss sleeping, my headaches last days.

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thanks for all of your help and advice...i got a ct scan in the emergency room a few weeks ago and it came out normal...the nurse told me to take motrin and get some rest..and maybe its sort of stress related bc once i found out that it wasnt a brain tumor or anything, i started to relax and i felt better for about a week...then i made the stupid decision of partying a little on the 4th of july...i had half of a joint and maybe 5 beers...i had been better for about 8 or 9 days...and that week, the tension started coming back...it's not like an actual pain, its just this really uncomfortable tension, like my head is in a vise or something...and its different areas of my head, it usually starts out in my left temple...so now ive been having it again and ive been freaking out...i just made an appointment for a neurologist for tomorrow...hopefully, he'll give me something to make me get rid of this tension once and for all...its driving me crazy...its not like it hurts so bad or anything, but its just this really really uncomfortable tension...i have no idea what it could be...people have been saying that maybe its anxiety, but im not particularly stressed out about anything except for this...maybe its physical anxiety or something...i just hope that this neurologist can give me something to make me feel better (and he should at that price....$200 for an office visit plus any other tests...and the suckiest part is that im going to be getting health insurance with my job as of aug 3...blah)

awww $200.. ouch... just call the neurologist up and delay it a few weeks.. he/she'll be happy to do it because i think they make more from the insurance companies.. im glad to see you did the responsible thing and made an appointment for the neurologist.. maybe you should speak with a psychiatrist too... it could be anxiety.. benadryl is a universal medicationa dn it also works for anxiety... next time you get the feeling take a benadryl and see what happens... it may od the trick.. if it does then you're left with either the problem being sleep/anxiety realted... if it's not that the benadryl wont do anything and you'll still have the feling.. be sure to keep us informed.. best of luck!!

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