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DJ AM Is A Fake.

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the kid may be a joke but he's a millionaire, is banging nicole ritchie and has a residency at one of vegas' premiere nightclubs... yeah, it definitely sucks to be him!! :rolleyes::nopity::nopity::nopity:

Not everybody would like to be in Vegas engaged to nicole ritchie. :vomit2:

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nicole richie is def worth a look in

as for am's skills/vision, i dont think anyone in the communirty rates him at all.

hes a celeb dj like cameron douglass, mark ronson, paris hilton etc.

in the annals of dj-ing am will never be mentioned.

hes a celeb dj famous for dating nic richie & if they ever breal up hes sunk.

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It doesn't matter, fake, not fake. All you have to do is look at the scene for little while and you will come to realize that skills do not at all matter anymore.

The only thing that matters is celebrity and numbers. Be a celebrity and you will get booked.

If you can get people to show up and you are playing polka music, the club owners will book you. That's all they and the promoters care about, numbers, heads showing up. At this point promoters basically control the whole thing. The owners are basically lazy and don't want to, or don't know how to do the work of promotion. They hand it over to the promoters who book by basically using the people that suck up to them or have some sort of celebrity status.

Just look at all the porn stars and centerfolds that get booked at clubs. What does a porn star or centerfold have to do with music? So why do they get booked? For what? So people can go and see the porn star and say: "I saw a porn star in person" or " They're not all that" or "I got an autographed picture"

It's like the old time freakshows. People want to and gawk at the freak. On most levels that is what the scene is about now.

Just forget the idea that the ability to mix and program a night of music means anything anymore. It hasn't mattered for a long time and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

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By the way..... AM has been getting booked since the early 90's here in NYC and has been a regular DJ on SMAC nights in NY, Las Vegas and Miami for years. Him banging Nicole has nothing to do with it. The fact he can afford a publicist now to blow him up....well respect I wish more DJs took the initative. But he has played everywhere from Tunnel to Opium Garden and back. And he's truely a nice guy and he packed out Mansion a couple weeks ago in Miami and did a great job. So whatever to the haters.

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Man...I have to respond to this one...

It doesn't matter, fake, not fake. All you have to do is look at the scene for little while and you will come to realize that skills do not at all matter anymore.

The only thing that matters is celebrity and numbers. Be a celebrity and you will get booked. <---Talk about stating the obvious...how is that a bad thing. People like celebrities. Its a fact of life. And numbers. Tell me, if you owned a club or bar, would you have entertainment there that didn't draw people?If you can get people to show up and you are playing polka music, the club owners will book you.(If you can get people to show up by playing polka music, you DESERVE to get booked...)

That's all they and the promoters care about, numbers, heads showing up. (And you know this how? I know my bosses care about throwing as great a party as we can on any night we're open. And again, what business owner in their right mind, wouldn't care about people showing up. No people=no business)

At this point promoters basically control the whole thing. The owners are basically lazy and don't want to, or don't know how to do the work of promotion. (Seriosuly, change promoters and club owners to "FBI and Government" and you sound like a UFO nut...big conspiracy.)

They hand it over to the promoters who book by basically using the people that suck up to them or have some sort of celebrity status. (Promoters don't book. Promoters promote what is already booked.)

Just look at all the porn stars and centerfolds that get booked at clubs. What does a porn star or centerfold have to do with music? So why do they get booked? For what? So people can go and see the porn star and say: "I saw a porn star in person" or " They're not all that" or "I got an autographed picture" <----WOW, umm...yes. Obviously if venues are doing this. then it is working. And Pornstars and celebrities have to do with ENTERTAINMENT.And the 1000s of people who show up to these events is pretty good proof that it is a good idea.

It's like the old time freakshows. People want to and gawk at the freak. On most levels that is what the scene is about now.<---its also what the scene was about 10 20 and 30 years ago. Yeah, I know Twilo this and Sound Factory that....BS I was there for those days. It was about the buzz and being part of the "exclusive" crowd. SF and Twilo did it by being "Underground" Palladium Limelight Club USA did it by having the outlandish freaks and parties. It was never only about the music. And it will never be only about the music. It will always be about the party as a whole and music can play a lot or a little in that equation.

Just forget the idea that the ability to mix and program a night of music means anything anymore. It hasn't mattered for a long time and I don't see it changing anytime soon.<---come on now really...It really amazes me how on a message board dedicated to nightclubs, one of the most liberal and free thinking types of entertainment out there...and sooo many people sound like ultraconservatives who crave the good ole days and hate anything different and spend their days bashing anything new. Or pine and wish for a return to some mythic ideal of what was once great...I find it sad.

Anyway, sorry to semi-flame here, but seriously people...HAVE FUN. Do what you want and go where you want. We live in NYC there are 1000s of choices. Why do people insist on bitching about stuff when they do something else? Is being considered "Old School" on a message board that important? I dig this forum, and I dig the people here. Some really intelligent conversation takes place. But seriously, maybe some should learn to back off a little on the blind hating just for the sake of hating.

I'm getting off this soapbox...Lova ya CP :)

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