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cocaine- ever gone to a party like this?

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you walk into a house filled with 50 guys. all of them are wearing the same black leather jackets, talking the same trash, and doing the same drug. you cant move around too much bc every time you take a few steps, some guy jumps up to impress some other guy by whipping off his shirt and flexing his muscles or pulling out his wad of cash.

lines of coke cover every tabletop so you know that you are going to see a fight before the night is over. you walk around confident only in the fact that even tho you might be the sucker who gets jumped 3 on 1 (or worse), u r less fucked up than these guys. maybe you will have a chance to run or pull out your gun before they hit you.

meanwhile, people snort every last gram of the shit saying things like:

"ive got to leave by 7 to pick up my kids. their fathers a real asshole but at least he watches them for me while i party."


"doin time at state changed my life. now i am *all* about taking care of my *family*. i got out after 15 months. the probation lasted for another two years but its ok now... [*snoooooooorrt*] ...it ended last month."

"whos bag is this?"

"is it yours?"

"nope. thought it was yours."

"oh well."

[chop, chop, chop, *snooooort*]

MFers like this would be funny if they werent dangerous.

look! we all have probs; some of us have drug probs. but fucking-A. coke is a joke! wake up and look at urself:

u r not as cool as you think.

u r not sexy.

u r not smart.

sorry to rant. if u take this personally and get mad at me, just add me to your list of problems.

listen! do us all a favor, and begin saying "no" when ppl offer you a line. its not that fucking hard to do. its like "no! no! i dont want a line-- it makes me an asshole!"



i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-05-2000).]

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I defintely agree. Coke is no joke. That shit sucks you in before you realize it's too late.

Alot of people I know at school this year have been getting into it, selling it, buying it, doing it all the TIME.

I've tried to help them but they don't give a shit. They look at my help as a hinderance on their habit. In my opinion, they're just not willing to deal with it. It's sad to say but I've given up with them. I hate watching them do it, I've done my part in trying to stop them, and they still do it. Whatever. This one friend of mine always wants to borrow money from me to get himself out of his "coke binds". Sorry, but I'm not gonna feed the fire. It upsets the hell outta me. I'd love to help a friend out when he's in a bind, but not if it's related to coke.

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Originally posted by partytime:


i agree, just because coke isnt my DoC doesnt give me the right to judge anyone. but the fact that i literally fear for my life while walking around my hometown, IMO, *does* give me a right to judge.


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-05-2000).]

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welcome to the wonderful world of "i do coke but i don't have a problem"

i lived with one of them in college. he had a kid. and he was from massachusetts and all of his friends were the same way. shit talkin' punks who didn't think they had a problem, but sure as hell had a lot to say about everyone else.

sirdante - move to nyc. easier commute to twilo.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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I've known a few people who could handle do the "recreational" thing, but it is so rare. What I learned is that nothing, but nothing, will totally change someone's personality into a selfish, uncaring monster. People just don't give a shit who they hurt or what they do when they are doing it all the time...


The music was our teacher...

The DJ was our preacher...

Now tell me if I reach you.

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you are so right. years ago my brother and his fiance got into coke big-time. turned them into greedy selfish asses. she encouraged him to sell it to support their habit and for profit. oh, but she kept her hands clean. i saw what was going on but was too young and stupid to know what to do about it. it was tearing my family apart but my parents never understood what was going on or why they were being mean or why i was angry.

about the same time, the same thing happened with my boyfriend's best friend. he would stay up all night tapping the razor blade on the glass coffee table, keeping us awake, and being an asshole to everyone he knew. he cashed in all his savings to spend on coke. it's really really bad stuff. one of my friends does it a lot now and she spends about $200 a weekend on it. it's a very seductive drug, you get hooked before you know it. most everyone on this board advocates the individual educating themselves about the drugs they choose to party with - i encourge everyone to be especially careful when making their decision about coke. another bad thing about coke - from what i've seen & heard, coming down from coke is a real bitch!

Originally posted by nicole212:

I've known a few people who could handle do the "recreational" thing, but it is so rare. What I learned is that nothing, but nothing, will totally change someone's personality into a selfish, uncaring monster. People just don't give a shit who they hurt or what they do when they are doing it all the time...


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Guest chinagirl

i have not touched the stuff in about 3 months and i feel so much better. the stuff is not cheap. it is a dirty and disgusting drug and hope people stay away from it. its not easy saying no when everybody is there doing it around you. i hope people have more will power then i did. be safe.

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Cocaine is a very fine balancing act. It's fine if you respect it but as soon as you over step the mark.. even a little it becomes hard to control.

All these people who have problems staying away from E shoudn't touch it... it will chew you up and spit you out.

But here's another coke party story-

20 freinds, taking it on turn on the decks, drinking doing lines.. talking constantly about something and nothing. Having a great time, chewing their gums wink.gif Sorting out the worlds problems, coming up with all sorts of creative stuff.

It doesn't have to wreck lives or make people arrogent. It can be good fun.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation it's self.


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Originally posted by back2basics:

Cocaine is a very fine balancing act. It's fine if you respect it but as soon as you over step the mark.. even a little it becomes hard to control.

All these people who have problems staying away from E shoudn't touch it... it will chew you up and spit you out.

But here's another coke party story-

20 freinds, taking it on turn on the decks, drinking doing lines.. talking constantly about something and nothing. Having a great time, chewing their gums wink.gif Sorting out the worlds problems, coming up with all sorts of creative stuff.

It doesn't have to wreck lives or make people arrogent. It can be good fun.

HEAR HEAR - the voice of reason.

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Originally posted by partytime:


BUMP>>>>......Bumpity Bump........does that mean yours is?......i'm a smartass...i know....



"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."


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Originally posted by back2basics:

Cocaine is a very fine balancing act. It's fine if you respect it but as soon as you over step the mark.. even a little it becomes hard to control.

All these people who have problems staying away from E shoudn't touch it... it will chew you up and spit you out.

But here's another coke party story-

20 freinds, taking it on turn on the decks, drinking doing lines.. talking constantly about something and nothing. Having a great time, chewing their gums wink.gif Sorting out the worlds problems, coming up with all sorts of creative stuff.

It doesn't have to wreck lives or make people arrogent. It can be good fun.

I couldn't agree more. And believe me, I would never put down someone who got into the stuff heavily, because it can happen to anyone. I almost think you have to have gotten to a bad point with it and managed to get away from it to REALLY respect it...


The music was our teacher...

The DJ was our preacher...

Now tell me if I reach you.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

20 freinds, taking it on turn on the decks, drinking doing lines.. talking constantly about something and nothing. Having a great time, chewing their gums wink.gif Sorting out the worlds problems, coming up with all sorts of creative stuff.

i know this is going to sound stupid in an anti drug post but...

wouldnt you have had a better time "Sorting out the worlds problems, coming up with all sorts of creative stuff" if you were all on LSD instead of coke? hell, since you mention that there were "20 friends" wouldnt you have all had a fine time even if you were stone cold sober?

i am not trying to start w u, B2B. this is a serious topic, so those are serious questions.


i love music!

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Originally posted by sirdante:

i know this is going to sound stupid in an anti drug post but...

wouldnt you have had a better time "Sorting out the worlds problems, coming up with all sorts of creative stuff" if you were all on LSD instead of coke? hell, since you mention that there were "20 friends" wouldnt you have all had a fine time even if you were stone cold sober?

i am not trying to start w u, B2B. this is a serious topic, so those are serious questions.

Well not for me no. I have posted about LSD in the past, although you may think you understand the world problems when your on LSD write it down and try to make sense of it in the morning... you wont be able to.

I think Cocaine is a good social drug, I very rarely take it in clubs (too many visits to the toilets), but it's great in a party of friends IMO.

And we don't ALWAYS get together and have coke, it's just another option. Yes sometimes it's good to do LSD and have a laugh at things, sometimes it's great to be straight or just drink, but in the same breath it's also good to have a night on the C.

C is just part of my chemical diet wink.gif

Besides, with E, LSD, Speed i feel a little crappy the next day... your fine with good quality C.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation it's self.


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Originally posted by back2basics:

Infact i have never seen fights caused by people on C.

umm... are we talking about the same drug?!? u should go to exit sometime. u will see plenty of fights caused by ppl on C!


i love music!

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look at me doing research and shit:

Large amounts (several hundred milligrams or more) intensify users' "high," but may also lead to bizarre, erratic, and violent behavior. These users may experience

tremors, vertigo, muscle twitches, paranoia, or, with repeated doses, a toxic reaction closely resembling amphetamine poisoning.

Copyright © 1980 Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto. Revised January 1991.




Those symptoms pretty much sum up the ppl at the party i was talking about-- a bunch of twitching, bizzare behaving, violent paranoids. just add steroids and sexual frustration to get a perfect formula for violence.


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Yeh but by that time you are out of control, that's after the scales have tipped. I have never experianced violence on C, i am sure other people do but they arn't in control an shouldn't be taking it.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation it's self.


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for a long time i've always related coke with heroin when it comes to the risk involved when taking it. i know this isnt' quite an exact assumption but whatever. for some reason it seems that coke is becoming massively popular, very fast. friends of mine who i can never imagine doing anything stronger than weed are now telling me that they did a few lines.

why is this happening? all last year i neither saw any coke nor knew of anyone who did, and this year it seems that every other person is doing it. what the hell is going on here?


twilo is my drug

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Originally posted by wizard:

coke is cheap now? hhhhmmm, seems to me that it's all over the place, but twice the price it was only 2 years ago.

anybody who partied in the 80s knows what i am talking about. an 8-ball was upwards of $300 (i think? -- never bought one.) now i hear its much, much, cheaper.

also, according to my friends who use, as well as the info i have seen on the net, C is typically more pure now than b4. the purity makes it a better value.

why is C rising in popularity again? IMO, its bc it is returning to its old level of popularity. coke use waned alongside the rise of the popularity of ecstasy. (go E!). in the 80s, alcohol, marijuanna, and coke were about the only drugs being regularily consumed by the clubbers.

one of the biggest complaints of our government against relatively safe drugs like ecstasy and pot is that these drugs have caused more mainstream ppl to become users. since more mainstream ppl partake in illicit substances like E and THC, all drugs have enjoyed a rise in popularity. the (re)rise of coke goes alongside the rise of E, K, G, etc.

its truely unfortunate. our coke loving brits aside (sorry b2b, dirty), coke is a baaaad drug of choice for clubbers. honestly, how often do you hear ppl reminiscing about the joyous days of clubbing in the 80s? i am sure not often. i remember the clubs of the 80s as being too much like my party (described above) of last weekend. all of the misery of the clubs in the 80s was bc of C.


i love music!

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I know what you are saying, but when the honeymoon with E ends here what do you think people will be taking?

In the UK people have seen the E fall out. Freinds clinically depressed, people becoming recluses, people dying etc. Then people started going back to C and alchohol (as they go soooo well together).

This will happen here, i know most people on this board think E wont have these effects on them ubt thats what i used to think 5 years ago.. they ARE wrong.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I know what you are saying, but when the honeymoon with E ends here what do you think people will be taking?

In the UK people have seen the E fall out. Freinds clinically depressed, people becoming recluses, people dying etc. Then people started going back to C and alchohol (as they go soooo well together).

This will happen here, i know most people on this board think E wont have these effects on them ubt thats what i used to think 5 years ago.. they ARE wrong.

sorry B2B, we def have a dif of opinion. i dont do too much of any drug anymore-- very rarely will i do E or smoke or drink. however, as someone who started doing ecstasy back in '85 (and to some 15 YO kid on this board, thats the year they were born!), i have to say that i have suffered no long term effects from the use of MDMA, MDA, etc.

of course, that brings us to an important point that you and i *do* agree upon: it all depends on the user. i have sniffed coke and *never* have i behaved as described above. also, i have done ecstasy and its never once lead to anything bad for me. but thats just me.

if we put our own personal histories aside, theres no denying that cocaine and alcohol (alone-- or worse yet together!) are drugs that will induce violence, lead to swaggering overcofidence, and create physical dependencies. ecstasy, by comparison, has virtually none of these bad traits. i agree it has other bad traits, include the absolute worst case scenarios u describe above, but thats not my point.

cmon now! cocaine is waaaaay more addictive, physically and mentally than ecstasy. and the effects of "E fall out" are hardly worth mentioning to any of us on this board. despite the fact that we are def the "E" crowd, *few* of us have known "friends clinically depressed, people becoming recluses, people dying etc" because of E. i bet *many* of us have known people who, because of cocaine, turned from decent folks into despicable, assfucking, rancid douche bags!

let me start:


my best friend in elementary school. became a coke head, ripped many people off, and alienated himself through numerous and unmentionable acts of stupidity to all friends in CO, NY, and MA.


my friend who insists on clubbing 3-4 nights a week, takes 4-5 hits each night, never bothers me, and still has a life, a job, and friends.


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-06-2000).]

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