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what was the worst job you ever had?


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my worst job was probably the 2 weeks i worked at wet seal :no: . the girls who managed the store were evil, and the aggressive way they wanted us to bother customers really rubbed me the wrong way. while people were changing, i was supposed to bring them 3 items as suggestions that i thought might go with what they were trying on, and, if i were guarding the dressing rooms, i was told multiple times not to cross my arms, 'cause that was "negative body language." when they made me be a "greeter," i had to assault customers with a current promotion as they entered the store, like: "welcome to wet seal; today we have 2 sweaters for $19." i had to create an environment in which i would never want to shop. the day i quit was one of the most satisfying days of my life :D .

what was your worst job, ever, people?

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I was nothing more than an over glamorized paperboy... the job entailed my picking up thousands of newspapers to deliver to the paperboys starting at 2AM. I wouldn't finish up until ~ 5 AM and then would have to wait around and make sure that all the routes were finished in my zip codes... If they weren't, guess who got to throw the papers.... Viola me! :vomit2: Some mornings, the "newspapers' didn't even come off presses until 4AM... there was not way, that the throwers would have them delivered on time. I had the hours that a meth freak would love and absolutely abhored every minute of it. Guess that's why I didn't last there very long. The paper I can't mention, but should you get offered a job doing what I did; steer very clear.:tank: and don't go anywhere near it.:aaah:

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Ok...I'll give it a go. When I was seventeen I started working as a cigarette girl in nightclubs. I showed a fake id to get the job, coughed up $150 as a deposit for the skanky costumes we had to wear, and was on my way. I schlepped around a 30lb tray loaded with blowpops and cigarettes into the wee hours of the morning. I was only earning tips and something like 5% of my total sales. The owners of the business were raking it in, but I was only earning enough to blow at the afterhours joints I went to after work. The job itself and the pay was pure hell, but the perks were ok. I saw tons of concerts

and got into every club we had a contract with for free. After the New York office went under because the owners swindled every club in town, I already had enough contacts to get another job. I never got my deposit back, but I really didn't expect to because I knew the owners were beyond shady.

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poccnr: :laugh:

mala: at least you got a job right after and the perks rocked. but i totally understand about working hard and not getting paid enough for it. and having to cater to obnoxious people is, well, obnoxious :no: .

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My job requires you to be licensed, and complete x amt of cont. edu units every 2 years to keep up licensure. I went on vacation the day before my license was due, I forgot to send my stuff in on time so it was going to be late, I didnt think anything of it since I wasnt actually working. A week into my vacation a co-worker called and told me she found out I wasnt getting paid everyday since I left. It turns out they wouldnt pay me until my license was in there greedy little hands. I came back early, gave it to them, and when I got my check I found out they didnt pay me for 2 more days, stated processing reprecussion. My check was so little I couldnt even pay my rent, and these aholes could care less, so I quit and they had to pay me all of my vacation hours out. :gang: County sucks butt!!!

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Does your county reimburse you for $ owed for licensing? If not, then it "sounds" like they may be doing something wrong... I am a fed employee and must keep up with educational responsiblilties every year. I am registered in my vocation and must show completion of educational advancement each year... 20 credit hours. My employer sends me to seminars.... Penn state, Miami U, etc... and I leave, usually with a huge hangover and a certificate of completion to forward to the finance department in the form of a travel voucher. Check with the billing department of your institution to ensure that you aren't being forced to pay for something that should not be accrued by the individual. But damn, that does frickin' suck!

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My job requires you to be licensed, and complete x amt of cont. edu units every 2 years to keep up licensure. I went on vacation the day before my license was due, I forgot to send my stuff in on time so it was going to be late, I didnt think anything of it since I wasnt actually working. A week into my vacation a co-worker called and told me she found out I wasnt getting paid everyday since I left. It turns out they wouldnt pay me until my license was in there greedy little hands. I came back early, gave it to them, and when I got my check I found out they didnt pay me for 2 more days, stated processing reprecussion. My check was so little I couldnt even pay my rent, and these aholes could care less, so I quit and they had to pay me all of my vacation hours out. :gang: County sucks butt!!!
that blows :cuss: !!!

one of my recent paychecks was supposed to include some old vacation time as well as its regular time, and it was short for 72 hours of work!!! i only got one-hundred and something bucks on that check, and you KNOW i needed to pay some bills that day... when payroll errors happen, you gotta make fixing them your mission of the day. even if you're not successful (because they ARE assholes :frust: ), it usually hurries up the process a little :( .

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