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Important 5-HTP Question

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I don't know Luigi, I think it's different for everyone, but last week before the weekend I took it twice a day for a week and then an hour b/f i did "you-know-what" and I had and incredible "you-know-what"!!! Don't know if that helps...i've heard so many different things!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Alright, I was tryin not to divulge too much info about my plans for consumption of "you know what", but heres the real question:

If I'm gonna 'have it' tonight, should I go drop a sawbuck on a fawkin bottle of 5-HTP and toss a couple down with my Harvey Wallbangers at lunch today or would that just be a fawkin waste of money. Could it help this late in the game?



tHe bInOcS...


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To the best of my knowledge, stuff like 5-htp and prozac are most usefull for minimizing the harm to your brain from the use of "you know what" and if I remember correctly should be taken just as you're coming down. They do not really enhance.

takes a peak at www.dancesafe.org ... there should be some info there.

good luck

you at Twilo tonight my fellow slit seeker?

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Luigi, it's your brother Mario. A word on 5-HTP.

1. It will not enhance you know what.

2. It will help your body replenish the seretonin levels in your brain after taking you know what.

3. It's good to take it on a regular basis especially after you know what to avoid getting depressed by helping to replenish your seretonin levels quicker.

4. It does not in any way minimize any damage that you know what might cause.

I read a few good articles at www.DanceSafe.org. Go there and do a search on 5-HTP to read up more about it. MDMA only causes your brain to release seretonin, not make it. 5-HTP is the direct precursor to seretonin, and higher levels of 5-HTP make it easier to produce seretonin.




[This message has been edited by MarioNY (edited 12-08-2000).]

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When I go out on Friday and I know I'm going to do "you know what" then I always take two on Thursday and then another one on Friday after work. Then I take a nap cause that stuff always makes me tired.

Then when I do go out and do "you know what" it works great for me!!



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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