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Ripped Fuel....anyone workout guru's have an opinion??

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i'm no workout guru.. i'm actually a lil chunk myself.. but i would say if your looking for energy then take them.. better yet take stacker 2's.. i wouldn't advise taking them if you have ANY health problems like high bloodpressure or if your alergic to ephedrine or caffene.... Also if your not use to taking these products, dont' take them on an empty tummy. you might expierence the shakes if ya do..


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not a guru, but i do workout 5-6 times a week and have body fat below 5%(genetics) although stackers are not the most healthy thing for you, they do work, you get the energy you need to work out and do burn the fat off, but even more your stomach shrinks up so you have no desire to eat, they work but be careful


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here's some 411 coming from a drug chemist who exercises 5x/week and parties on the weekend:

if you are doing enough exercise & still don't see the results you want in terms of muscle definition/bodyfat reduction, then these "metabolic enhancers" may help. the main ingredients in these products are ephedrine & caffeine, which if taken according to the directions (before a meal or workout), will safely raise the rate at which you burn calories and will increase energy during activity (sorta like the speedy feeling during a roll). you're likely to feel more endurance during a workout, and will sweat more--so increase H20 intake!

if you just want to increase definition but are at a comfortable weight, then ripped fuel is the way. if you want to lose significant poundage, then look at "diet fuel", which is a similar formula, with added ingredients to supress hunger between meals.

in either case, you need to start at a low dosage for the first couple of days, or you WILL get the shakes, until your system gets used to the newfound energy. i believe a cycle is reccommended at 12 weeks on/12 weeks off, because like any substance, your system will eventually develop a tolerance and effects will decrease. additionally, none of these products should be used by anyone who has any type of heart related conditions.

good luck~ cwm26.gif

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Ripped fuel is ok.

Try doing this to slim down. Wake up early in the morning, do 30 min cardio on empty stomach. Dont eat anything, its very important. After youre finished with cardio, take ripped fuel. It will make you feel hot, and jumpy. After about a week youll get used to the recomended dose and will have to take more to get the same effect. You should eat your first meal about an hour and 1/2 after you finish cardio.

Another very important thing is to make sure youre eating every 3 hours. This will keep your metabolism at a high rate.

If youre more serious about your weight, you can try the caffeine/ephedrine/aspirin combo. It works awesome if you want to cut up.

If you need more advice feel free to drop me a line


be safe!


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I really strongly do not recommed Stacker 2 for working out. If your goal is to get cut, then go with HYDROXYCUT. It seriously is the best. AST is good, but doesn't have all the attributes of a true Thermogenic pill.

Go to www.muscledawg.com for the lowest prices. They catagorize their best sellers in diet pill. Pick from any one of those and you'll be cool, but once again I recommend Hydroxycut.

Email me if you need any other health advise...


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Ripped fuel isn't too bad.. Helps your workouts when you need a little extra energy.. I prefer this drink called Ripped Force.. Check it out here..



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Originally posted by muthaload:

Hydroxycut or Xenadrine are both better then ripped fuel. Xenadrine might be better if your focusing on a cardio workout. If you plan to use weights , go with h-cut.

I agree w/ the Xenadrine for the cardio. If you take them and not work out you'll be wired for hours. I stopped with Xenadrine and now I'm taking something called Meta-Cuts, same effect w/out the wireness after the workout. Hope this helps


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Originally posted by muthaload:

Hydroxycut or Xenadrine are both better then ripped fuel. Xenadrine might be better if your focusing on a cardio workout. If you plan to use weights , go with h-cut.

That's bullshit...they're almost the same thing. Both are good for a cardio or weights. I find Xenadrine to be a bit stronger than Hydroxycut, that's why Xenadrine give you the shakes.





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Take the Hydroxycut by Muscletech. It is proven to be the best on the market. Just read all the articles on it. Follow it strictly and don't eat shitty foods after a night out of drinking or you will back to square one. Ripped force is a great pre-workout drink... try the grape or fruitpunch. Should you be " tankin " out this christmas with food.. you should then wait after the holidays to start the cycle.



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Originally posted by massad:

i've tried it befor bro, it made me feel like shit, i had heartaches and other shit. Other people i know woh used it had same effect. Don't recommend u use it

Sounds like you simply weren't accustomed to such a dose of ephedrine. It does work, no doubt, but it's up to you whether to put up with the initial side effects (which disappear after a week worth of use).

I can definitely tell a difference when I not use it for a week or two and then get back on - the initial response is "major wired"! After than it tapers off.

Personally I think that the extra ingredients in xenadrine or hydroxycut are not worth the money - they don't really do anything. I'd stick with the old-skool ripped fuel or else make up your own ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin stack from the separate ingredients.

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

That's bullshit...they're almost the same thing. Both are good for a cardio or weights. I find Xenadrine to be a bit stronger than Hydroxycut, that's why Xenadrine give you the shakes.

Ive tried both. They are pretty much identical. You grow a very quick tolerance from Xenadrine. However, on Xanis I lost fat but I also lost overall strength, while on H-cut I gained strength. Either one will work for what you want to do.

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