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Quentin Harris interview and More..

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I GIVE A SHIT CAUSE QUENTIN IS AN AMZING PRODUCER. Sorry if its not your style of music but hes no joke. One of the best producers over the past 2-3 yrs or so.




You asked for it, and now you've got it. New York mixman QUENTIN HARRIS was kind enough to sit down and chat with us back when this website was ugly, untested and unheard of. We loved him for that. And by popular demand, we bring you our second annual visit with the prodigious producer of such recent club staples as "Joy" by Trina and "As I Am" by Deepa Soul.

Quentin spent the last year accomplishing a feat that would prove almost impossible for anyone in the dance industry: making waves in house music with little or no hype whatsoever. Quiet and reserved, this Chelsea guy has successfully navigated a choppy soundscape of bottom-heavy blowhards...we know who they are. But Quentin saves his steam for the dance floor. His recent party at CIELO with STEVE TRAVOLTA was such a hit, the devious duo is throwing another bash on September 25. But we'll let Quentin do most of the talking about his new projects...for a change.

How did you hook up with Steve Travolta?

I met Steve at some club where he was playing in his underpants. I thought he was nuts and I like to hang around nuts. We have some quirky and goofy times.

Where are you living these days?

Chelsea Heights. I used to live in Cobble Hill and Spanish Harlem, but this neighborhood is the best. It's close to everything, and I get to hear people acting nuts outside my window. That's how I like to work on my music...with people carrying on outside.

I lived on Avenue C in the late 1980s, and we would actually turn off the TV and watch the goings-on in the street.

That was the first reality television.

What are you working on at home?

OK, let's start with what's actually out. I have a single called "Let's Be Young," which got me a seven-page threat on some message board. Some people like it, and some people don't. I read that stuff but I just let it roll off my back. The record is very techy with some trumpets thrown in. It's the best of both worlds. It's been licensed to NRK and it's now Pete Tong's number one. I also did a remix for SOLU MUSIC called "It Ain't Love"...and "Clama" by BAHSAMBA, with remixes by myself and Louie Vega.

What might be in the can?

Well, the new SHAGGY album is coming out in September, but that's a horse of a different color. And I'm working on my own project. The first single will be called "Hate Won't Change Me" by BYRON STINGILY. And a song by MONIQUE BINGHAM called "Poor People." Also on the album will be ROBERT OWENS and JOI CARDWELL. I am also working on FEMI KUTI.

That too?

I like all music, and I hate not being able to hear it all in one space. So I'll just do it myself and put it out there. I don't wanna live in a box. There should be no boundaries on music. People are going to like what they like, but to me all music is related. It's about feeling and emotion, and if you can create that, it works.

If you could remix anyone living or dead...

Living? PRINCE. Dead...hmmm...BARRY WHITE.

You were just elected President. What is your first order of business?

Don't let the interns out in public. And hide the dress.

What is your favorite food...and from where?

I like anything with cheese...macaroni and cheese...Italian. For Italian food, I will say INTERMEZZO. They have this DJ who plays my music!

What is your favorite city outside New York?

San Francisco. Did you know THE END-UP is a national landmark? But I will be gallivanting in Amsterdam for my birthday next month.

Happy Birthday. Now, what would you like to say about dance music in a nutshell?

People take things too seriously. Lighten up!

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Give me a break this site sucks ass big time. What a super snooze!

How old is the editor of this site? Must be around 90+ years.

All they feature are old has-beens or copycats.

Quentin Harris...please, been there done that!

Wake up it's 2005! Where's all the real new talent?

Sounds more like "www.cluelessxtra.com" to me!

...but then again I just made a research and discovered this site is owned by Jerome Farley/Junior Vasquez. No surprise they only feature lame shit on there....makes Junior look much better, right?! :screwy:

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Give me a break this site sucks ass big time. What a super snooze!

How old is the editor of this site? Must be around 90+ years.

All they feature are old has-beens or copycats.

Quentin Harris...please, been there done that!

Wake up it's 2005! Where's all the real new talent?

Sounds more like "www.cluelessxtra.com" to me!

...but then again I just made a research and discovered this site is owned by Jerome Farley/Junior Vasquez. No surprise they only feature lame shit on there....makes Junior look much better, right?! :screwy:

Your such a farkin DRAMA Queen...further research...u would lame azz.who cares who owns the site,they showcase some awesome shit on there look through the archives azzhole and youll see it aint all about Junior.But ofcourse hes gonna plug his shit,hes paying for it.. :gang:

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Obviously ahead has personal issues with Junior Vasquez and anything JVM, I would pay him no mind. He's just a disgruntled fan still caught in the "drama of Junior Vasquez" and instead of raving about him like back in the day, he's now dissing him at any chance he has (anonymously on the internet no less). Why doesn't he take his little issues with Junior personally to his booth? Oh! That's right, he's not allowed there 'cause no one cares about him.

ahead, do yourself and everybody a favor: grow up and move on. There are better things to do with ones time than spitting hate on the internet the way you do.

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Trust, I moved on ages ago.

I don't give a rats ass about Junior anymore. Junior was on top of his game 15 years ago when he still was groundbreaking and original but that's history. When did this man do his last "original" production? All he does nowadays is remixing and rehashing cheesy pop songs.He doesn't even remix on his own. He got a whole team of remix slaves working for him.... As mentioned before there's so much more "real" talent out there and the whole world (beside of some jaded ignorant New York queens) is aware:

Did you EVER hear Steve Lawler, Pete Tong, Sasha & Digweed, Eric Morillo, Sander Kleinenberg, Nic Fianciulli, Roger Sanchez, David Morales, Chus & Cheballos, Superchumbo, Gabriel & Dresden, Deep Dish or any other internationally renowed top notch deejay play a Junior Vasquez remix?


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Trust, I moved on ages ago.

Good for you, maybe slowing down the rants on message boards about anything jv related is the next step.

Did you EVER hear Steve Lawler, Pete Tong, Sasha & Digweed, Eric Morillo, Sander Kleinenberg, Nic Fianciulli, Roger Sanchez, David Morales, Chus & Cheballos, Superchumbo, Gabriel & Dresden, Deep Dish or any other internationally renowed top notch deejay play a Junior Vasquez remix?
Oh! I am confident enough in my taste not to need the DJ du jour's (or anyone's) approval.

PS: and nobody bought Van Gogh's painting anyway.


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Dear Barebackqueen :moon:


Who crowned you "Miss Universe of great taste"?

No one, I just don't care if any other Djs plays Junior remixes, he gets me moving for hours and that's what matters. And it's not because they don't play this or that, that I'm gonna suddenly stop doing what I enjoy, that's all.


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