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yesterday me n dar went to his aunts and i realized i had a cold sore popping through my lip, it was still small, but at night was a lil bigger, THEN i wake up this morning and there is a damn golfball hanging off my lip, i cant even close my mouth or speak right, besides my bottom lip , my jaw is all sore in the glandular area, im hurtin so bad , i hate this i look like a freak and in so much pain, i called out of work today because i was afraid they were gonna think i am a patient trying to escape. I HATE COLDSORES!!!!!! :splat:

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no dont scare me. lol, its a cold sore, its all blistery, i use to get these like every year, then i was doin real well, and i got it again. i get one like every 2 years now, not bad, but i get them real huge, and this one is the worst one i have ever had, and the worst part is that i am in a wedding on sunday and i really hope that it is ok by then, i mean i wont care if its like a tiny scab, but i hope it looks decent by then, and not like a mutant walking down the isle

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i tear up just by putting on the cream, i wouldnt be able to handle alcohol, it hurts enough alone, but my grandmother does that, i dunno how she does it, but like a true polak she put actual alcohol on it, like some kind of vodka, i guess it numbs it too, lol isnt that nuts, if i didn that id be putting it on ever min cuz id be lickin the shit out of it, ewwwwwwww now thats nasty

lol the herp will get ya. keep dabbing alcohol on it to dry it up.
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it just looks rediculous cuz i have full lips to begin with and my sister says that if she looks at me from the side it looks like im sticking my tongue out, lol, no exageration

lol......have your doctor prescribe zovirax for you....it should go away by the next day....

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The same thing happened to this chick I work with and it turned out to be a spider bite and the spider laid there eggs in her lip.


I have heard of this too...i read a newspaper article about a woman who got spider eggs on her mouth from licking envelopes...apparently the glue on envelopes and stamps can contain alot of spider eggs


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i know im just worried about sunday, i am in a wedding, and if its not gone by then i will not wanna be in it. it would just be too embarassing

after the doc prescribes something for you, there's no reason why it shouldn't be gone before the end of the week.....

here's a link i found i thought might be helpful for preventative care....in the future.....http://www.otan.us/webfarm/emailproject/coldsore.htm

good luck.

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i went to dr derm and she gave me rx pills to take 5 times a day, she was like o my god that is swollen and i said yes meet harry, so she gave me an rx to get rid of harry because he is quite irritating. so we will see, hopefully i can take dar to the wedding w me and not harry X cross fingers X

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So have you found the guy that gave you herpies??? Once you have contracted the herpies virus it is extremely hard to supress, especially in times of stress. And yes that are extremely painful and make you feel like shit all over - that is due to your body trying to fight off the virus.

You will actually never git rid of the virus. It will go into remission and when your immune system is low it will once again pop back up.

The best was to keep them from popping up is practacing safe sex and never contracting the disease. But, before you get to mad at your boyfriend - it could have just as easily came from your mother when she kissed you good night or a multitude of other non sexual contacts.


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ive been getting them since b4 i knew what sex was, lol, it has nothing to do w sex, just another one of those awful things that get like horrible cramps, oh well

So have you found the guy that gave you herpies??? Once you have contracted the herpies virus it is extremely hard to supress, especially in times of stress. And yes that are extremely painful and make you feel like shit all over - that is due to your body trying to fight off the virus.

You will actually never git rid of the virus. It will go into remission and when your immune system is low it will once again pop back up.

The best was to keep them from popping up is practacing safe sex and never contracting the disease. But, before you get to mad at your boyfriend - it could have just as easily came from your mother when she kissed you good night or a multitude of other non sexual contacts.


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  • 5 weeks later...

The vast majority of people have oral herpes... it's the genital herpes you gotta watch out for. So when you have a cold sore, never give oral sex to your partner so they won't contract it. My friend got genital herpes when his gf gave him head while having a cold sore.

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yea but its not the same thing, that would be nasty to do oral sex on someone while having a cold sore, ugh!

The vast majority of people have oral herpes... it's the genital herpes you gotta watch out for. So when you have a cold sore, never give oral sex to your partner so they won't contract it. My friend got genital herpes when his gf gave him head while having a cold sore.
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