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Decaf coffee


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I only like sweet coffee's and vanilla latte's and stuff like that. oh yeah and they have to be iced.

Sometimes when its hot I crave them, I don't drink them all the time.

Trust me, you really don't wanna be around me after I have caffiene. I get all hyper and start losing my mind most of the time. Cant focus or do shit really. Its always been like that. I can't handle it. Pretty ghey actually but w/e. oyvey.gif

Caffiene to me is like TiNa to the guido's.

IDGI shrug.gif

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...decaf exists for senior citizens like my dad and stepmom who can not have caffeine but still need to "taste" coffee...

...and did you know a recent study showed that children are getting more cavities becuase they are drinking bottled water...more and more bottled water contains less and less flouride - they're actually better off drinking pepsi...lol...

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