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POLL - Popularity Rating of Las Vegas Clubs


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Put these clubs in order from most popular to least popular. (1 is most popular and 9 is least popular):

Rain, Pure, Tangerine, OPM, Body English, Tao, Studio 54, Light, Ice.

Our ratings will be put up shortly after people get a chance to answer.

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Our ratings will be put up shortly after people get a chance to answer.

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It depends on who the target customer is...

For example, Rain and Pure may be the most popular among MTV viewers.

OPM is the most popular among African Americans.

Tao is most popular among the affluent crowd.

Studio is most popular among the 30 to 40 crowd.

Ice among electronic heads.

Body English among guys from LA with facial hair on their chin.

You get the idea.

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I would say all the clubs on the list do a great job packing it in both weekend nights and hold their own at least one weekday, which makes them all hot. And I would have to agree with Box that each club is hot for their target audience. Pure and Tao will probably be known as the "hottest spots" until Jet opens.

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You cant rank clubs on "popularity" - it doesnt mean anything. We've been ranking clubs since our first year. As others have said, whats popular to one person is not popular to another. More importantly, "popularity" is not a viable determinent for ranking because its an ambiguous term. Popularity is a not specific indicator you can measure like attendance, sales figures, repeat referrals, or media coverage.

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Popularity means everything in the club industry. Being as materialistic as it is for the most part, people want to go to the club that they hear about the most which are the ones that are most popular. This is why Rain became so popular, and keeps it's popularity, although not as much as before. Rain was splattered all over MTV which gave it prime-time advertisement. After that, their line became a 4-hour wait every night, because of popularity. The same goes for Pure, being in Caesar's Palace. People think, "it's in Caesar's, it must be good." As we stated in another one of our posts, we get requests for Pure all the time, not because people know about the club personally, they just know about it through heresay.

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I forgot to mention, box is definitely right. Although many clubs seem to cater to the same type of people, many of them do, in fact, have a niche which draws certain types of people in their direction. As we stated earlier, we will be posting a ranking of our own very soon.

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I forgot to mention, box is definitely right. Although many clubs seem to cater to the same type of people, many of them do, in fact, have a niche which draws certain types of people in their direction. As we stated earlier, we will be posting a ranking of our own very soon.

Again the term "popularity" .... the literal term "popularity" ... is not a determinant because the term is too ambiguous. No real intelligent study of the industry ever uses the term "popular" without at minimum qualifing how the pollster determines what is "popular".

The term "popularity" doesnt rank

a) attendance

B) sales figures

c) number of days reaching capacity

d) media coverage.

to name a few.

Statements like

People think, "it's in Caesar's, it must be good."


"not because people know about the club personally, they just know about it through heresay.

just show an uninformed clubgoer.

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The term "popularity" directly correlates to the ranking of a nightclub in comparison with other nightclubs. In case it wasn't observed before, this is not a scientific study of nightclub rankings. It is merely a general concensus of people's opinions on the ranking of nightclubs in Las Vegas based on their personal experiences.

Let's address the points that, supposedly, in no way have anything to do with "popularity" of a venue.

1.) ATTENDANCE: Attendance is the most important determinant as

to whether a nightclub is popular or not. If a venue can constantly bring

in thousands of patrons, week after week, it is most likely labeled a

popular venue. Let's look at the venues in Las Vegas that bring in the

most customers: Pure, Body English, Tao, Rain, OPM, etc. Maybe its just

a coincidence, but these venues also happen to be the most popular in

Las Vegas.

A.) SALES FIGURES: Obviously, the clubs who turn out the most

people will make th most money. In the eyes of the venue, foot-

traffic equals dollars made. Being that drinks are around $10 at

most venues, it would make the clubs most happy to see 3,000

people buying drinks than 2,000 people.

2.) NUMBER OF DAYS REACHING CAPACITY: This point is also another

spin-off of attendance. This point is also directly related to the

popularity of a venue. If a venue is "popular," such as Pure, more people

will want to attend, if for nother else, to see what the "hype" is about.

For whatever reason they may go, a 'more popular" nightclub will be

closer to, if not at capacity more often than a 'less popular" nightclub.

Since Pure is labeled as a popular nightclub, their attendance figures are

very relevant to this discussion. Here are a couple of figures from the

summer to solidify this correlation. On a bad Tuesday night, Pure would

attract on average, about 2,900 customers throughout the night. On a

general Friday or Saturday night, they would see betweend 3,500 and

4,500 people.

3.) MEDIA COVERAGE: Media coverage is a window to the public eye

that can make a nightclub's "popularity" and give them a steady flow of

patrons for years to come. Venues in Las Vegas who have benefitted

from media coverage are: Studio 54, Rain, Pure, Ice, and Body English,

just to name a few.

There are two reasons why Studio 54 is popular. Studio 54 was, still is,

and always will be "popular" to people around the world because of its

legend, not to mention the movie "54." The other reason is that it gets

promoted by all of the MGM/Mirage properties being that it is inside of the

MGM Grand.

Rain became popular because it was spattered all over MTV on the reality

television show "The Real World - Las Vegas." Shortly there after they

had a constant 4 hour line night after night, not to mention that it is

located inside of the Palms.

Ice had a reality television sho that aired on Spike TV that showed the

inside workings of the club. Not to say that this did in fact help with

their "popularity," but it sure didn't hurt.

Pure is a nightclub that also finds itself on MTV along with many travel

shows that have to do with nightlife.

Body English has also appeared on a number of travel shows which

definitely helps its business, along with the fact that it is inside of the

Hard Rock.

It is evident that when one speaks of a nightclub being "popular," many of the factors that were stated do in fact come into play. A club is deemed "popular" by not just one person, but many who in their minds see "popularity" as a way to describe a beautiful venue that has a lot of people, all having fun, which other people should have the pleasure of seeing.

It is true that most clubgoers are uninformed, but is it really necessary for them to do a scientific study on a nightclub to determine if it's popular, or merely listen to their friends and take their word for it.

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No real intelligent study of the industry ever uses the term "popular" without at minimum qualifing how the pollster determines what is "popular".

Your point was that "popularity" by itself isn't an intellegent enough way to rank nightclubs although this is how the general clubgoer would rank a venue, in their opinion.

You stated that "popularity" doesn't rank points such as attendance, sales figures of a venue, number of days reaching capacity, or media coverage, but many of the uninformed clubgoers that you speak of take these things into account when they tell a friend that a certain venue is the "popular" place to be.

As was stated in our last post, this poll was never meant to be taken to the level of of a scientific ranking which would be researched and perfected to the standards of a national nightclub ranking service. It was only a general concensus.

We're sorry that you read a bit too far into a general opinion poll of "popular" nightclubs.

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Here are our ratings of clubs in Las Vegas:

Pure - Body English - Tao - Rain - OPM - Tangerine - Ice - Studio 54 - Light

These ratings are based on the daily requests that we receive from people for VIP access to Las Vegas nightclubs.

Please post your opinions on ratings if they are different than the ratings that we have posted.

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As much as many of us locals hate to admit (or realize) it, Rain is still extremely popular (albeit among all tourists). Many out of town people associate Vegas with Rain when it comes to nightlife. Most of these people don't seem to be true clubbers. However bachelorette parties and young groups of frat boys just turned 21 seem to embrace it like no other.

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You hit the nail right on the head. Most people don't know what club is popular from their own perspectives. They will go to the spot that they hear is good. This is the reason that Rain is still popular. After being put on MTV week after week, tourists thought that Rain must be the spot to be. To this day, people still flock to Rain like it is the holy grail.

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I dont live in vegas but ive been there a ton of times and keep up with the new openings and club scene and i have to say that I can classify popularity into different groups as stated above, but what i saw at pure was fckin insanity. Never have i seen a lLOOOOONG line at a club at 8:30 PM on an off weekend ... I mean c'mon..............and it was all types of people at 8 fckin 30 I knew somebody and still took an hr to get in, like a big hudled mass outside the fckin vip ropes!!! I mean im from NYC so ive seen sick crowds and long lines but shit starting that early. I can clearly say Pure to me is the most popular right now, but i do hear tao is taking away some of thier crowd. I guess ill see during halloween

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You should've seen Pure on 4th of July weekend. It took people who had $5000 in bottles reserved at least an hour to get into the club. I didn't personally look, but I heard that the general admission line was out the doors and around the corner, outside of the actual hotel. Vegasguy25 had the best comment about Pure:

Well, #1 is obviously Pure. They get the equivalent of a medium sized town through their doors every night they're open.

This quote really makes me laugh, but it's the truth. Hopefully Tao can slow this fad down so that Pure becomes normal again instead of supernatural.

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Sprfly, if you need help getting into Tao on Halloween weekend, we can take care of you. Tao is one of the clubs that we deal with the most, so we can probably work out a good deal for you and your party. Let us know.

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That was one of the most funny write-ups that I've seen in a while. It's almost like it should've been a conversation out of a bad movie. There are so many funny parts, but these are the best:

Im 29 and Risque at Paris and Bikinis at RIO were bumping and full of attractive people.

Bikini's? Someone heard that Bikini's was good? And now for the other comedic quote:

I hear that the SYN CITY at the Riv is a great club as they have 1.OO drinks for women on Sundays and Wed AND GUYS DONT HAVE TO PAY 15.00 A DRINK. i GUESS IT IS TURNING INTO ONE OF THE MORE HAPPENING CLUBS. I would rather go there than wait in line for 2 hours to pay 15.00 a drink

Syn City? I was actually handed a "VIP pass" to get into Syn City when I was at the Riv. These are the type of people who should use a VIP service such as ours, but never would because they don't want to go to a nightclub where they have to pay more than $1.00 for a drink.

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