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too all the boys..i have a question..please enlighten me..

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Originally posted by grepanelli:

Applaud!!!! (Clap clap clap) Well said my friend!!!

Hey freakygirl, where you at?


hehe sorry but i was in class trying to learn something...

but i'm from south jersey.but i go to school up north..and hang out up north...

get me on IM's sometimes "Prodigy412"


how you doin?!?!?! hehehe


"Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

"Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

think about that one..


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glowgirl u RULE!!!

hehehe wait until we party next time..hehe crazy ass aries and all our friends...

hehe we'll be saying WHO"S UR MOMMY to all the boys hahahah


"Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

"Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

think about that one..


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Originally posted by tyco:

Okay....let me just swithc this around real fast......I know this post is for about guys but I don't think females should exclude themselves from the same thing......I see more guys in the B category than I do girls to be honest......in fact, I feel that many females fall straight into the C category with no problem.......a good example of this can be found in abundance at places like....ummm.....Exit......before anyone takes offense to that I don't mean EVERY female that has been to Exit or places like it but each time I am there, I see too many females struttin around in their skimpy ass outfits thinking they are gods gift to men........I love the outfits but the attitude that comes with them is just unacceptable........I'm sorry if I broke up the original post a bit here but I think this needed to be said.......lol


Good shit Mikey... So True.

As far as me???? I dunno I like to think I am the B type, that is just my personality though....I sometimes come off as C, but usually not A. I just go out to have a good time. Go where the night takes me.

If I hook up I hook up, if not I know I still had a great time with my friends and listened to bangin music(usually)



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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Most guys will say they are a (b, guys who are into the real scene, and go to clubs for the music and dancing, but honestly you girls can tell who is who in a club. Guys out on the floor dancing usually are out there because they enjoy dancing, and occasionaly hope to get some booty, if it just so happens to come along. Give us a break we're human, and most of us don't bite. cwm12.gif

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Andy, me too. i'm B to the point that i block people out and get annoyed if someone tries to interrupt my flow. when i'm resting, i probably look like C, but only because i don't want to start conversation with anyone when i'm about to continue dancing in a second.

i have to admit, i have been guilty of A behavior...



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Originally posted by tyco:

Okay....let me just swithc this around real fast......I know this post is for about guys but I don't think females should exclude themselves from the same thing......I see more guys in the B category than I do girls to be honest......in fact, I feel that many females fall straight into the C category with no problem.......a good example of this can be found in abundance at places like....ummm.....Exit......before anyone takes offense to that I don't mean EVERY female that has been to Exit or places like it but each time I am there, I see too many females struttin around in their skimpy ass outfits thinking they are gods gift to men........I love the outfits but the attitude that comes with them is just unacceptable........I'm sorry if I broke up the original post a bit here but I think this needed to be said.......lol


Amen to that! It works both ways...the ladies shouldn't be excluded from this! As for me - I'm a B cause I love to dance. But I ain't stupid!! If opportunity stares at my face (or crotch) then the transformation to A will happen. Hell, I'm a guy...it would be a disservice to my fellow men and my country if I didn't do anything (I gotta stop watching that election crap!) cwm12.gif

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Originally posted by tyco:

Okay....let me just swithc this around real fast......I know this post is for about guys but I don't think females should exclude themselves from the same thing......I see more guys in the B category than I do girls to be honest......in fact, I feel that many females fall straight into the C category with no problem.......a good example of this can be found in abundance at places like....ummm.....Exit......before anyone takes offense to that I don't mean EVERY female that has been to Exit or places like it but each time I am there, I see too many females struttin around in their skimpy ass outfits thinking they are gods gift to men........I love the outfits but the attitude that comes with them is just unacceptable........I'm sorry if I broke up the original post a bit here but I think this needed to be said.......lol


Come to think of it...very true...I'd say about 70% of females I see at clubs fall in that category. Sexy body and skimpy outfits are fine, but as soon as I see that sour, "I'm so hot, you want me so bad" expression, its such a huge turn-off that its almost funny!

Maybe thats also cuz I'm somewhat of an arrogant fuck smile.gif


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Most of the times, I'm a B. Never a C... How lame is that???

OK guys, let's all admit this: Although many of us here are B's, in the back of our mind somewhere we are hoping to hook up... The main difference between the B's and A's is that the B's let it happen (if it happens) in the course of just going out and having a good time with friends and just dancing, while the A's are testosteroned up and try to be Rico Suave, usually not in in a tasteful way...

It's a fine line between B and A though. If a B sees a really interesting or attractive girl, what should he do? Maybe she'll hint by dancing next to him and bam! The 2 are grooving cwm17.gif . Even B's need to make some effort.

I empathize with you ladies because the nice guys that you may not mind approaching you typically don't (whether they are too shy, laid back, spoken for, just there to have fun, etc.) while the sleezeballs grope and sweat all over you cwm10.gif

IMO, Twilo has more of B while Exit has more of A.




I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by tyco:

Okay....let me just swithc this around real fast......I know this post is for about guys but I don't think females should exclude themselves from the same thing......I see more guys in the B category than I do girls to be honest......in fact, I feel that many females fall straight into the C category with no problem.......a good example of this can be found in abundance at places like....ummm.....Exit......before anyone takes offense to that I don't mean EVERY female that has been to Exit or places like it but each time I am there, I see too many females struttin around in their skimpy ass outfits thinking they are gods gift to men........I love the outfits but the attitude that comes with them is just unacceptable........I'm sorry if I broke up the original post a bit here but I think this needed to be said.......lol


So TRUE!!! Too many of these. Maybe it's a little bit of too many A's, but there are so many female "snobs" out there too... makes me want to...





I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Come to think of it...very true...I'd say about 70% of females I see at clubs fall in that category. Sexy body and skimpy outfits are fine, but as soon as I see that sour, "I'm so hot, you want me so bad" expression, its such a huge turn-off that its almost funny!

Maybe thats also cuz I'm somewhat of an arrogant fuck smile.gif

Raver_mania, you're not the only one. Last time that happened to me, I did laugh in that girls face... Boy was she pissed off then... LOL




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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damn, i'm all about "B"yin baby. I have gotten with girlz who are amazingly hot before because i dance a little sumthin, but that is alwayz something that doesn't happen often. I luv talkin' to chix about the biggest bullshit 2 when i'm rollin. I don't eye girlz down, but i definitely check mad chix when i'm up in the club. I am not insecure about them thinking i'm not attractive, i don't talk to them usually because i have a fear of some juce monkey givin me problems or because i'm just not feeling like it whether i'm not rolling or i feel tired or some shit. alright yo i'm up atta here like vladimir, peace.

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Definitely a “B”. I love to Dance ,Glow, and chill with my friends. I have met some wonderful women; while out working the Dance Floor. I think a guy out on the dance floor, dancing uninhibited; conveys an image of confidence in themselves. Just my $0.02…




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